View Full Version : Dogs and salt

Aspen and Misty
08-18-2002, 11:13 PM
Is it bad for dogs to have to much salt? Chewy's fav. treat is pretzels but I don't want to make him sick or anything. Thanx


08-19-2002, 03:22 PM
I am not a dog nutrition expert, but very generally, nutriton information about humans, also applies to dogs. I am sure that there are exceptions to this rule, and of course amounts are different for, sa a 15 lb dog, vs a 200 pound man, but that is a general rule.

Also, to verify my "lay opinion", always check with your vet for professional advice. If you visit your vet regularly, I see no reason why a simple phone call to your vet could answer that question.

Salt is a necessary electrolyte for both humans and dogs. without any salt (including salt already in foods) humans and dogs would die.

However, too much salt is not good for humans or dogs! You are right to be concerned.

If you are giving your dog a few tiny pretzels a day, I would say that is fine. Pretzels are baked, not fried, are low or have no fat, and are made of wheat, so, as far as snacks go, they are pretty healthy.

HOWEVER, If you are giving handfuls at a time, that may be a problem, on two accounts. One, the sodium, which you are right to be concerned about, but two, you are substuting empty calories, for the dog's meal, and that is not good.

They do make low sodium (not salt free, just low salt) pretzels. I bet your dog would like them as much as regular pretzles.

A few as a snack should be ok, but a lot to substutite for food, is bad.

Have fun with your dog!

Aspen and Misty
08-19-2002, 03:28 PM
We only give Chewy like 2 or 3 pretzles a day. It depends though. We are takeing Hope (my rat) to the vet today so I do planon asking him! Thank you though!


08-19-2002, 05:11 PM
Who knows...... Maybe you can buy salt free pretzels????? but then again that takes all the fun out of pretzels!