View Full Version : Today's "yoof"

Pawsitive Thinking
02-23-2008, 03:36 PM
Teenagers today are getting a lot of bad press and being tarred with the same brush but they ain't all bad......

I decided to walk the dogs round the estate this evening at 9pm and encountered 3 teenage boys on 3 separate occasions - each one wearing a hoodie and looking menacing and each one......stepped aside to let me pass and said "Alright?" Well done boys!

02-23-2008, 09:57 PM
I always think we hear more bad stuff than good. The perception of men in hoodies here is.."Uh-Oh!" On the other hand..when I walk Mz K-lo..people always make room or cross the street! :eek:

02-23-2008, 10:36 PM
That is great.

I always love when a young person holds the door for us when we go out...especially if we have Hannah. I make it a point to say "Thank you VERY much" and make sure they hear it. It also warms my heart when I hold the door for a group of young people and they all say thank you. I ALWAYS say "you're welcome"

I want them to know that the simple act of holding open a door or even just saying thank you when I hold the door open is VERY much appreciated by me.

Ginger's Mom
02-24-2008, 05:57 AM
It's also important to remember that even the "bad" ones aren't all bad. Sometimes young people make bad decisions, but can still be polite and productive members of the community.

02-24-2008, 06:42 AM
I have to say I have seen so many more wonderful young people out there than bad. :) It's just seems all we hear about are the bad ones.

02-24-2008, 08:35 AM

Not all kids are bad or disrespectful, hoodie or no hoodie. I try to be as polite to people as I expect them to be with me.

If I hold a door for someone and don't hear a "thank you" (simple courtesy) I'll say, "You're welcome".

02-24-2008, 12:42 PM

Not all kids are bad or disrespectful, hoodie or no hoodie. I try to be as polite to people as I expect them to be with me.

If I hold a door for someone and don't hear a "thank you" (simple courtesy) I'll say, "You're welcome".

My thoughts exactly. I will also say your welcome quite loudly if they dont say thank you. I find its mostly people dress in posh clothing that seem too busy to say thank you to the scruffy dog groomer :o . I think its disgusting that someone cant wait to hold a door open for a buggy too.

I think its more of an image thing with teens. If you caught them alone they probably would say thank you but they cant be seem a polite civil humans around their mates :rolleyes:

I cant look that scary because I always get old people at the bus stop telling me about their day lol :D

02-24-2008, 02:32 PM
I was ashamed of myself a few days ago when we went out for breakfast. Outside of the front door was a group of 6 teenage boys in hoodies. Their skin was covered in tatoos and piercings (which gross me out beyond rational reason). I was gripping Bobcat's arm as we got closer and closer because they were blocking the door. As we got close, they parted and said excuse me so we could pass. I smiled and said thank you. I was so ashamed that I had judged them on their appearance.

02-25-2008, 07:51 AM
It's always refreshing to hear stories like those that are posted here in this thread... it give hope that the youth and those to come are not doomed as most people think they are.

02-25-2008, 08:44 AM
Not all kids today are bad, disrespectful or mean. Looks ARE deceiving. They may wear Goth, have many piercings, tattoos, purple hair, etc., and look scary as hell. It's what is on the INSIDE that counts.

BTW, my favorite top is a college hoodie (Michigan, go figure). ;)