View Full Version : David Beckham, The Edster and Me!

02-22-2008, 12:43 PM
Or "Why Posh Spice should smile more often!"

If you should have any preconcieved notions about human anatomy stop here.


Coming back from a job one day I happened to look up at a rather large billboard on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood.

In case you haven't seen the ad, It shows David Beckham, football (soccer) superstar modeling underwear.

When the ad campaign first started women news readers were swooning and small children were crying in the streets......Anyway, I had to chuckle when I saw it.

It's rather anatomically overstated.......to the point where you want to ask, "Is that a soccerball in your undies or did you just score the winning goal?"

I mean, If that is the reason that Senor Beckham is a superstar player-I didn't realize that English Football allowed mutants to participate. ;)

Let me make one thing clear. I am comfortable being me and have no fixations on males or anything of that nature.

It did make me think about why Posh spice always has a frown on her face and how the heck Becks can stand up without toppling over.


That said, i went about my business, went home, had dinner and went to bed after some BBC and tea.

(Yes, I am turning into an Anglophile.....I love my BBC, I know who Earl Grey is and would have loved to have met Maggie.)

I hardly ever slept on my back until recently......And I know I shouldn't....until the dark image of a 40-50 foot David Beckham, in his undies, lording over the Hollywood area leaves my mind.

I awoke the next day in a semi-panic. I was pinned on my back and was trying to get up and out of bed. I had this extreme weight in the area between my bellybutton and knees-I started to struggle because I was trapped...and then one thought came to mind....


Somehow I was subconsciously influenced by that photo, the unusually large undies he had on and the previous thought of him toppling over, or the camera angle that may have made him anatomically disproportionate in the ad.

Trust me, Having heard Beckhan speak I really doubt there wasn't a little stuffing or Photoshopping that went on.... :D

Anyway....I managed to get my elbows under me and prop mysellf up and realize that I wasn't David Beckham, I'm not in his league-Football League- But I have no concerns over my masculinity....I did realize that I had a David Beckham sized cat laying on my "area" that made me panic and brought the realization that being David Beckham probably isn't the greatest thing in the world.....If you know what I mean!

I managed to get the Edster off of me, I also managed to get back to sleep, I didn't dream about anything else for the rest of the evening....Which is kinda nice.......Margaret Thatcher in her undies would have put me over the edge! :D

Cinder & Smoke
02-22-2008, 12:54 PM

It's a wonder you're able to sleep at all!


02-22-2008, 01:13 PM
.... and would have loved to have met Maggie)
I seriously doubt that! And if you had, you would not have been able to go back to sleep, but be haunted by nightmares. :eek:

Killearn Kitties
02-22-2008, 01:16 PM
:D There really just isn't anything I can say to that.

02-22-2008, 01:48 PM
For the record....


Like, Dude!

What is going on there? Don't that hurt? :D

Now that I think about it......Every notice how John Wayne walked?

Armani undies! :eek: ;)


Glad that I didn't see a Dolly Parton bra ad?
You betcha! :confused: :rolleyes:

02-22-2008, 04:05 PM
Thats Scary When Your Cats Decides To Lie Somewhere When You Prefer That Theyy Wouldnt.
Like On Your Arms When The Telephone Rings, Or Starting A Chase Across Your Back Legs, Using Them As A Launch Pad.
Mr Srappy Just Had To Sit On My Chest, Until I Just Had To Move Him Off He Was Like A Small Ton Of Lead Especially In The Summer!!!

02-22-2008, 04:15 PM
OMG! HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....:D

I'm sorry, but reading this right now at my desk just got me into a serious fit of giggles. You are so Spot ON!

Ok, gonna go and wipe the tears of laughter out of my eyes now....

02-22-2008, 04:41 PM
They both are so use to posing..they don't know anything else.
I doubt that middle area is for real.I'm sure it has some sort of cup on it.
Noone that good looking has anything worth while ;)
We are all only allowed one good quality a person :p :D

02-22-2008, 07:08 PM
We are all only allowed one good quality a person :p :D

I guess I'm doomed as an underwear model, football player and millionaire? :eek: :D

02-22-2008, 11:47 PM
Oh my gosh.. I never saw that photo before. I guess we're not cosmopolitan in Allentown to have Armani underwear ads up on billboards.

That photo does make you wonder... maybe it's the shadowing??? :p

02-22-2008, 11:59 PM
That photo does make you wonder... maybe it's the shadowing??? :p

Maybe it's the cat in his lap?

Oh, that is one of the more mild photos. There was another ad that completely took me by surprise a few blocks up from the DB sign...I'll try to remember what they were selling!

02-23-2008, 12:29 PM
that beckham pic is my wallpaper. and i might print one out for my wallet :D

great story as usual!


02-23-2008, 02:05 PM
LOL Richard :D Thank god it was just the Edster! ;)

02-23-2008, 02:32 PM
I don't think it has anything to do with him being THAT well endowed. IMO the underwear are extremely tight to give that illusion. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if the damned 'panties' were altered on his body to give that 'heavy duty endowment effect. :rolleyes:

You can tell from this photo alone he isn't so 'lucky'

02-24-2008, 01:06 AM
I wouldn't be surprised in the least if the damned 'panties' were altered on his body to give that 'heavy duty endowment effect. :rolleyes:

You can tell from this photo alone he isn't so 'lucky'

No wondering he's got that frown on his face!!! They're probably cutting off circulation!

Not a big fan of the other pic either. The guy has like, no body hair. Ick.

02-24-2008, 10:15 AM
LOL Richard :D Thank god it was just the Edster! ;)

Are you kidding me? If I want to impress the girls I'll have to stuff him down my shorts. :eek: :confused:

02-24-2008, 10:17 PM
OMG RICHARD!!! Your post had me in stitchies.

I just want to say that if and that's a big "IF" DB is that well endowed, you'd think that Posh would be walking around with a smile on her face instead of a frown all the time. I think they had DB wearing a pair of undies and had another pair stuffed down there.

02-24-2008, 11:06 PM
Richard, you crack me up! Even made me LOL at work. Edster is quite the heavy one, eh? Frankly, I don't care for either one of them. Especially Victoria. She's a real b**** from what I've seen of her. I think England should take her back.

02-25-2008, 06:16 AM
Richard, you crack me up! Even made me LOL at work. Edster is quite the heavy one, eh? Frankly, I don't care for either one of them. Especially Victoria. She's a real b**** from what I've seen of her. I think England should take her back.

Totally agree with you here!!! Posh should be named "Snotty Spice". I can't stand her. And what has she done to Katie Holmes?! She used to be so nice, and sweet, girl next door?! Damn the Beckham's and Mr. Cruise!

02-26-2008, 12:06 PM
Totally agree with you here!!! Posh should be named "Snotty Spice". I can't stand her. And what has she done to Katie Holmes?! She used to be so nice, and sweet, girl next door?! Damn the Beckham's and Mr. Cruise!

You and DDM.....


02-26-2008, 05:51 PM
You and DDM.....


EWWWW.. they're your neighbors?! Yuck. There goes the resale value on your house, and the neighborhood! :p ;)

02-26-2008, 07:47 PM
Hmmm, the photo does look like "they" are super glued together into one rather large one.

Perhaps we should start a movement to free the Beckham's body parts! :p Have you ever noticed how Mrs. Beckham tortures her mammary glands? I've always wondered if that's the reason she never smiles. She has got her "girls" lifted/jacked up out of their normal position. They are always spilling out of some ugly dress or top. Now, that's gotta hurt! :eek:

Exhibit A: http://www.starpulse.com/Music/Beckham,_Victoria/gallery/SPX-009553/

Exhibit B: http://images.starpulse.com/pictures/2007/06/18/previews/Victoria%20Beckham-SPX-008731.jpg

02-27-2008, 11:21 AM
The guy has like, no body hair. Ick.

Ahh... come on Jen, that's what I find so appealing!!! :D

I do have to say that I opened the link to the billboard at the wrong time ... at work... with a group of guys standing behind me. They all got quite the laugh! Ya see... I work in the office of a body shop... so most of the times it's ME catching the guys looking at hot chicks!

Have you ever noticed how Mrs. Beckham tortures her mammary glands? I've always wondered if that's the reason she never smiles. She has got her "girls" lifted/jacked up out of their normal position. They are always spilling out of some ugly dress or top. Now, that's gotta hurt! :eek:

I remember seeing another picture of her and "the girls" hoisted up almost to her chin! I'll have to find it and add it to this thread!

02-27-2008, 11:37 AM
I found the one I was thinking about but you posted one of her in this top as well.. this is just another (painfull) angle


02-27-2008, 12:21 PM
Are you kidding me? If I want to impress the girls I'll have to stuff him down my shorts. :eek: :confused:

itīs gonna be weird when he meows.....talking body parts.......LOL... donīt wanna think if he has teh urge to trim his nails.......OUCH!!... ;) :p

02-27-2008, 08:48 PM
I found the one I was thinking about but you posted one of her in this top as well.. this is just another (painfull) angle

http://www.starpulse.com/Music/Beckham,_Victoria/gallery/SPX-009554/Can't find it now, but I remember seeing a photo of the 2 of them (The 2 being Mr. and Mrs. -- not her "girls") :p at the Tom Cruise wedding. She had on a strapless, black (again) dress. Huge black hat. Her enhanced "girls" looked extremely uncomfortable.