View Full Version : Your own "Bucket List"

02-21-2008, 12:28 PM
I went to see the movie Bucket List and was moved beyond belief. I encourage everyone to see it and bring a box of Kleenex.

Since seeing the movie, it got me to thinking of the things I wish to do before I leave this earth. That's why I started this thread.


Go kayaking
Go Ziplining
See my daughter married and happy- CHECK!!!!!
Visit New Zealand and Australia
Learn to play the bagpipes
Meet someone that I really "click" with
Learn to play the piano
Take a relaxing, warm vacation ALONE
Visit Albuquerque and meet a wonderful friend, Tony
Make amends to certain people
Meet Paul Newman (again):(:(
Be Happy-CHECK!!!!!

02-21-2008, 12:32 PM
I've not yet gone to see it, but I plan on it!

Great idea for a thread!

Here's mine:
*Take a trip to Alaska
*Rent an RV and drive out west.
*Go to Las Vegas with my girlfriends
*Find the happy, carefree, outgoing person that I once was.

Pawsitive Thinking
02-21-2008, 12:49 PM
Meet Paul Newman (again)

Details....details..... :D

02-21-2008, 12:52 PM
Not much off the top of my head but here goes nothing....

* Be on Jeopardy
* Visit India and Russia
* Become a Mum
* Own a Gypsy Vanner
* Get my MSN (Masters of Science Nursing)

02-21-2008, 02:28 PM
My friends and I made out a list a year ago and have since crossed out a couple things.
-See a Improv comedy show
-See Ryan Stiles Perform

For me, I have a lot of things but thease are just some.
-See Kenny Chesney in concert
-See Phil Vassar in concert
-Go on a date
-Get my drivers license
-Own a bi-black sheltie
-Become a dental assistant
-Get a MACH or 5 ;) (Agility)

02-21-2008, 02:47 PM
Sounds like a great movie Donna. I love Jack Nicholson.

Here is my list

Go back to the land of my birth Scotland (not likely though)
Become successful in at least one thing..love to run my own accommodation business.,or run a cattery.
Travel to australia,Tasmania,Norfolk Island and New Calendonia(again prob never happen).
Get a bigger new house.
Learn to drive.
do some volunteer work at the hospital.
Some of these things i can make happen, but lack the confidence and know how,some i know are not possible, but one can only but hope eh?
Donna NZ is a lovely little country to visit, i hope you make it down here oneday. :)

02-21-2008, 03:18 PM
Boy, if I'm not careful I'm going to have a really long list!

Places I hope to travel to:
Australia, New Zealand (I had an opportunity last year and I let it get away)
The Grand Canyon
The hot-air balloon festival in New Mexico
Northern California

To take a class about different foods and wines, just for the experience.

To marry.

To start playing the piano again. I quit in a huff in junior high school, which was extremely dumb.

This is a long, long shot but I would love to be on Wheel of Fortune. I doubt that will ever happen, but more likely I hope to attend a taping.

To get my nurse practitioner's certificate. SHould have done it when I was doing my MSN - another opportunity that got away from me.

To do meaningful work with the remainder of my career. Go on a medical service / mission trip, somewhere, somehow.

To see the various factions of my family reconcile before they get even farther apart. I don't want the next generation divided.

02-21-2008, 04:14 PM
Let's see, I have a lot:
-Travel to France, Spain, Italy(again), and Greece.
-Find my heart and soul doggy.
-Go on another cruise and travel to Hawaii.
-More travel, if you haven't realized I enjoy traveling and would enjoy going basically anywhere.
-Move out and own a house
-Get my driver's license.
-Have a job INVOLVING animals
-Get out of school.
-Possibly get married with many limits
-Win a photography contest. (I just entered one. we'll see how that goes)

and that's about it. I am sure there is much more though that I just can't think of.

Suki Wingy
02-21-2008, 05:28 PM
-go on a Peace Corps aid mission in Africa
-Visit and hike or ride on horseback through the following:
---Malibu State Park in CA (The set of MASH)
---South Africa
---Queensland Australia
and I'd like to visit the south pole in Antarctica.
-own a horse
-tame a mustang
-own and handle a show dog
-go to several sci fi conventions

Really, my only goal is to find happiness. These are just things that I know would make me very happy.

02-21-2008, 06:30 PM
- Travel to Ireland & Italy

- Visit Texas, California, Montana, Colorado, Oregon, Hawaii, and Alaska

- Meet Garth Brooks, but yet I have seen in concert, but I would LOVE to have the opportunity to meet him and hug him & thank him for his music

- Work for a Graphic Design/Media firm, be successful

- Visit International Wolf Center/Wolf Park

- Get married & be happy

- Graduate from the Ohio State University

02-21-2008, 11:58 PM
Go to an Olympic game, wherever it is
Go to Best Friends
Go on an African Safari
Redecorate the house

02-22-2008, 09:07 AM
Brody's Mum,

It was back in the 80's and I was on duty as an Auxiliary State Trooper. I was covering I-95 South. We got a call there was a "suspicious" black stretch limo parked behind the McDonalds on I-95 near West Haven.

I pulled up and didn't see a driver. I knocked on the back window (pitch black windows I might add). When it rolled down, my jaw dropped. There were those gorgeous blue eyes looking at me. He said that his driver had to make a pit stop (to tinkle) and he was waiting for him. I will never forget it!!!! My best friend said, "Why the HECK didn't you ask for his autograph???" I told her it wouldn't look very professional. But, those eyes!!! *sigh*

That's the scroop. I hope I age as well as he is. Joanne Woodward is one very lucky woman. Imagine waking up to him every morning.

02-22-2008, 03:27 PM
Sigh...I've got SO much I'd love to do lol but here are few that come to mind...

~DJ in every corner of the world
~go to a party in every corner of the world
~play with a BIG cat
~get involved with cat rescue
~rescue a pit bull

There is a ton more but my brain isn't all here lol. This is a great thread! I really do want to see the Bucket List too...maybe at the $1.50 theater :D

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-22-2008, 04:01 PM
* I would do a cruise in Northern Europe : Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Ruusia (St.Petersburg)
* I would visit some great old friends I haven't seen in 23 years (St.Louis, Missourri)
* I would hire a small plane and fly over the Great Canyon. I have only seen it from the South Ridge
* I would learn a 5th language (Spanish), and maybe a 6th one (Swedish or Rusian or Chinese)
* Make thousands of 3D-cards and open a craft shop

02-22-2008, 05:21 PM
It's interesting reading everyone's list. Anyone want to visit Colorado AND learn to play the piano? Come on out for a visit! :D

Here's my list in no particular order:

Do more traveling abroad
Live abroad
Taking riding lessons and own a horse
Own a house (hopefully this will be a reality in about 30 days!)
Finish my master's degree and get a Ph D or Ed D
Have or adopt 1 or 2 children
Learn something about carpentry (nothing too fancy, I would just like to be good at some projects I could do at home)
Learn to be more patient

Lori Jordan
02-23-2008, 09:03 AM
My husband downloaded the movie,He was even in tears,I have been meaning to watch it,but have had no time.

02-23-2008, 09:12 AM

BELIEVE me you will be in tears. Both Nicholson and Freeman deserve an award for their performances. Let me know what you think when you see it.

02-23-2008, 11:19 AM
I am not a big "movie person", but I have wanted to see The Bucket List ever since the first preview I watched. I'll probably wait until it comes out on dvd, though. :]

My "Bucket list":
-Move somewhere with real snow.
-Build my own house. I have already got the blueprints all made out. :]
-See Lynyrd Skynyrd in concert.
-Open up a small rescue, specializing in senior dogs.
-Learn how to play the accordion.
-Go bungee jumping.
-Visit Italy & Germany.
-Keep my 1996 Jeep up and running.
-Find a career that I would actually love to wake up to each morning.
-Be able to live life out the rest of my life without drinking alcohol, doing drugs, nor smoking in any way.

02-23-2008, 01:25 PM
Visit every NASCAR track!
Ride in a NASCAR car
(which will be a reality soon thanks to Amy H (cincy's mom)
Fly in a Thunderbird Jet
Go to Australia
Live a long happy, healthy life!

02-23-2008, 04:20 PM
Things I'd like to do are,

Parachute from a plane
Learn to play guitar
Visit Egypt
Live for awhile in the desert southwest

02-26-2008, 05:15 PM
Here's my "bucket List" (1) Make another trip to visit Moosmom. (2) Take a hot air balloon ride (I'm not afraid of heights). (3) Visit New Zealand and meet Carole. (4) Visit Alaska. (5) make another trip to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls (this time to stay longer and go on the Maid of the Mist) and see the rest of the attractions. I'll have to think of some more!

03-03-2011, 01:19 AM
To see the various factions of my family reconcile before they get even farther apart. I don't want the next generation divided.

God works in mysterious ways! I wrote this so long ago and finally it's starting to happen. I hope it continues on the same path.

I'm adding British Columbia to my list of dream travel destinations. I agree with Maya and Inka's Mommy about the cruise of northern Europe, too.

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-03-2011, 04:41 AM
Brody's Mum,

It was back in the 80's and I was on duty as an Auxiliary State Trooper. I was covering I-95 South. We got a call there was a "suspicious" black stretch limo parked behind the McDonalds on I-95 near West Haven.

I pulled up and didn't see a driver. I knocked on the back window (pitch black windows I might add). When it rolled down, my jaw dropped. There were those gorgeous blue eyes looking at me. He said that his drive had to make a pit stop (to tinkle) and he was waiting for him. I will never forget it!!!! My best friend said, "Why the HECK didn't you ask for his autograph???" I told her it wouldn't look very professional. But, those eyes!!! *sigh*

That's the scroop. I hope I age as well as he is. Joanne Woodward is one very lucky woman. Imagine waking up to him every morning.

WOW!!!!!!!!! I would also be nailed to the ground.............:eek:

03-03-2011, 09:59 AM
I bought a book last Fall, titled 500 Things To Do BEFORE You Kick the Bucket!

Some of them are out of my reach, like climbing Mt. Everest. :rolleyes:

Some are quite easy to do.

I was thrilled to discover I'd already done 157 of them! :cool:

The travel stuff is all on hold, what with my Dad and 15 pets, just not possible for now.

03-03-2011, 10:12 AM
I haven't done this thread yet, so :p.

- Visit France and see the Eiffel Tower.
- Go to Disney World
- Rescue a Pit Bull
- Have my own vet clinic and help those who cannot afford vet care.
- Fall in love, hopelessly and unconditionally.
- Meet Johnny Depp.
- Live well, laugh often, and love much :)

03-03-2011, 10:33 AM
I was looking through some pictures I had taken during my years in Europe and longed for a return to places that I had already been. I would love to return to the Interlaken & Grindelwald region of Switzerland and ride every railroad connecting that part of the world. It has got to be the most beautiful area I have ever been. I would like to go downunder and see a part of the world that I haven't seen. There is just so much that I will never have time or resources to see. George Bernard Shaw had it right when he said , "youth to wasted on the young".

03-03-2011, 07:57 PM
God works in mysterious ways! I wrote this so long ago and finally it's starting to happen. I hope it continues on the same path.

I'm adding British Columbia to my list of dream travel destinations. I agree with Maya and Inka's Mommy about the cruise of northern Europe, too.

You'd better let me know when you get here...... Merlin and I will be waiting. :):love:

03-03-2011, 08:50 PM
Let's see, I have a lot:
-Travel to France, Spain, Italy(again), and Greece.
-Find my heart and soul doggy.
-Go on another cruise and travel to Hawaii.
-More travel, if you haven't realized I enjoy traveling and would enjoy going basically anywhere.
-Move out and own a house
-Get my driver's license.
-Have a job INVOLVING animals
-Get out of school.
-Possibly get married with many limits
-Win a photography contest. (I just entered one. we'll see how that goes)

and that's about it. I am sure there is much more though that I just can't think of.

Wow, alot has changed in 3 years. :p I can cross off "Find my heart and soul doggy" and "get my license". I can't believe some of the stupid things I wanted. Well...things sure do change.

03-03-2011, 09:00 PM
I don't have a list. What is up with that? I have always been the type of person to be content with what I have.

I have always wanted to go to Hawaii though.

03-03-2011, 11:33 PM
Hmmm... I don't have much of a list either? I guess if I think about it they are more goals than anything.

I would love to:
-Raise a family with a great guy by my side :)
-Become a nurse working with children (currently in the process!)
-Go scuba diving in Australia
-Go to Ireland
-Do photography professionally, have my own studio

AAaaaaand I can't think of anything else specifically. lol

03-04-2011, 07:45 AM
I went to see the movie Bucket List and was moved beyond belief. I encourage everyone to see it and bring a box of Kleenex.

That was a great show, I seen it a few months ago and loved it.
My Mrs went out and bought the DVD.....I'll have to watch it again soon.

03-04-2011, 10:28 AM
Updated Bucket List:

Visit Ireland, Scotland, and Italy
Meet Michael J. Fox
Meet Garth Brooks
Visit Yellowstone National Park, Denali National Park (Alaska)
Visit International Wolf Center in Minnesota or Wolf Park in Indiana
Get married to the love of my life

03-04-2011, 11:18 AM
Updated Bucket List:

Visit International Wolf Center in Minnesota

You certainly should! I went when I was 10 years old. I LOVED it!

03-04-2011, 05:36 PM
I want the body of a 35 year old. Know anyone cute?

03-04-2011, 05:40 PM
Actually I have always wanted to go to England, I did that by myself almost three years ago.
Lived in Europe, traveled a bit.
Married twice, three healthy, happy sucessful, grown kids.
I would like to go and work with big cats that I would say is my dream.
Would like to travel some more with unlimited funds.
Build several houses in different lands.
And have enough money to spend it on saving wildlife such as Tigers and Lions.
Plus that 35 year old of course.

03-04-2011, 06:00 PM
The only thing that's on my bucket list at the moment is breakfast.

03-04-2011, 06:16 PM
The only thing that's on my bucket list at the moment is breakfast.

03-04-2011, 06:17 PM
I want the body of a 35 year old. Know anyone cute?

You can have my mate Nev.....he's exactly 35. ;)


03-04-2011, 08:10 PM
I don't have a list. What is up with that? I have always been the type of person to be content with what I have.

I have always wanted to go to Hawaii though.

I am with you. Checklist almost seem forced to me. Spending lots of time or energy on what I 'really want to do' instead of what I am actually doing in the here and now seems so misguided.

I love what I do, both professionally and personally. Rather than wish for an extended vacation (something probably not in the cards), I would rather focus on saving more animals, educate more people on the inhumane treatment of animals, and spend normal, boring day to day time with my son. I am a simple person at heart.

03-04-2011, 08:19 PM
My bucket's got a hole in it, so it would be a waste of time and energy, putting anything in it. :eek:

I'm with happylabs and Cataholic. Enjoy the here and now - make the most of it that you can - and quit wishing your life away on things that most likely will never come to be. :)

03-05-2011, 06:27 AM
My bucket's got a hole in it,

There's a hole in the bucket, dear Ellie, dear Ellie,
There's a hole in the bucket, dear Ellie,
There's a hole.

Then fix it dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
Then fix it dear Henry, dear Henry, fix it.

With what should I fix it, dear Ellie, dear Ellie,
With what should I fix it, dear Ellie, with what?

With a straw, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
With a straw, dear Henry, dear Henry, with a straw.

But the straw is too long, dear Ellie, dear Ellie,
The straw is too long, dear Ellie, too long.

Then cut it dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
Then cut it dear Henry, dear Henry, cut it!

With what shall I cut it, dear Ellie, dear Ellie,
With what shall I cut it, dear Ellie, with what?

With an ax, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
With an ax, dear Henry, an ax.

But the ax is too dull, dear Ellie, dear Ellie,
The ax is too dull, dear Ellie, too dull.

Then, sharpen it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
Then sharpen it dear Henry, dear Henry, sharpen it!

With what should I sharpen it, dear Ellie, dear Ellie,
With what should I sharpen, dear Ellie, with what?

With a stone, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
With a stone, dear Henry, dear Henry, a stone.

But the stone is too dry, dear Ellie, dear Ellie,
The stone is too dry, dear Ellie, too dry.

Then wet it, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
Then wet it dear Henry, dear Henry, wet it.

With what should I wet it, dear Ellie, dear Ellie,
With what should I wet it, dear Ellie, with what?

With water, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
With water, dear Henry, dear Henry, with water.

But how shall I get it?, dear Ellie dear Ellie,
But how shall I get it?, dear Ellie, with what?

In the bucket, dear Henry, dear Henry, dear Henry,
In the bucket, dear Henry, dear Henry, in the bucket!

But there's a hole in the bucket, dear Ellie, dear Ellie,
There's a hole in the bucket, dear Ellie, a hole.
There's a hole.


03-05-2011, 07:00 AM
Ah yes - it's a vicious circle - isn't it Wombellina??? :D Is that pic of the nearly toothless guy, you, before your makeup artist got to work on you?? :p If so, he really did work wonders with the purple fairy wings and all that good stuff!!!!!! :cool::D I do believe that you need a touch-up now tho.

03-05-2011, 07:47 AM
Ah yes - it's a vicious circle - isn't it Wombellina??? :D Is that pic of the nearly toothless guy, you, before your makeup artist got to work on you?? :p If so, he really did work wonders with the purple fairy wings and all that good stuff!!!!!! :cool::D I do believe that you need a touch-up now tho.

NO !!!! He'd better not touch my purple fairy wings.
They are mine.
They are ME.
They are what I am today :D:D

03-05-2011, 08:43 AM
Oh Wombat, you brought back a funny memory! I first heard that song on the Lawrence Welk Show, I was . . . I guess 8. Next day, Monday, I went to school, 3rd grade, and asked the teacher if I could sing a song for the class? "Yes," so I stood in front of the class and sang that! By the end, they were ALL singing with me. :D

03-05-2011, 12:42 PM
I have another one to add to my bucket list. I'd like to be able to snuggle a kitty again. I haven't been able to for over a year and a half. I miss it.

03-05-2011, 07:49 PM
I wish that for you as well.

I have another one to add to my bucket list. I'd like to be able to snuggle a kitty again. I haven't been able to for over a year and a half. I miss it.

05-03-2011, 01:24 PM
I saw "The Bucket List" on cable over the weekend and thought of this thread! :)

05-03-2011, 02:02 PM
It is a great movie! Love the whole idea.

Still chipping away at my B List, a few now, and few later, he heee. Such FUN!

05-03-2011, 02:11 PM
It is a great movie! Love the whole idea.

Still chipping away at my B List, a few now, and few later, he heee. Such FUN!

So....are you going to do a Morgan Freeman jump out of an airplane for us ??? :D:D

05-03-2011, 07:21 PM
Um, no, that event does not seem to be on my B List, he hee.

But I would LOVE to try hang gliding!

05-04-2011, 01:25 PM
CALIFORNIA! :) I will be seeing Los Angeles, Anaheim, Riverside, Palm Springs, Santa Monica, Venice, and Dana Point/San Diego..

And I'll be able to cross it off my 'list' in two weeks.

05-04-2011, 07:40 PM
I purchased this list on sale at Wal Mart a few weeks ago but have not watched it yet. My bucket list????

hot air balloon ride
visit the UK (;) :love:to Karen and Chris) - this one has been on my list for at least 5 years and if something doesn't happen soon, I'm afraid I'll never get there....
visit Randi ;):love:
visit Zippykat (planned for Nov/2011) :love:
African safari
adopt a rescue dog (can't happen until I retire)
take cooking classes
visit southern US - alabama, mississippi, new orleans....
take a train trip across Canada
stuff my face full of lobster in Maine and eastern Canada
most of all, get heathier which I'm working on
Wom, my Mom and Dad use to sing that song when I was growing up. :)

05-04-2011, 08:02 PM
I haven't done this thread yet, so :p.

- Visit France and see the Eiffel Tower.
- Go to Disney World
- Rescue a Pit Bull
- Have my own vet clinic and help those who cannot afford vet care.
- Fall in love, hopelessly and unconditionally.
- Meet Johnny Depp.
- Live well, laugh often, and love much :)
Let's add a few things!

- Go to Harry Potter World
- Travel to Texas and meet some of my favorite online friends.
- Visit Canada
- Visit all 50 states at least once.
- Puerto Rico!
- Graduate from college.
- Get accepted into vet school.
- Graduate from vet school.

05-04-2011, 10:06 PM
Let's see, I have a lot:
-Travel to France, Spain, Italy(again), and Greece.
-Find my heart and soul doggy.
-Go on another cruise and travel to Hawaii.
-More travel, if you haven't realized I enjoy traveling and would enjoy going basically anywhere.
-Move out and own a house
-Get my driver's license.
-Have a job INVOLVING animals
-Get out of school.
-Possibly get married with many limits
-Win a photography contest. (I just entered one. we'll see how that goes)

and that's about it. I am sure there is much more though that I just can't think of.

Find heart and soul doggy, check. Go on another cruise, this will be happening in January. More travel, check. Get my driver's license, check. Get out of school, I'm graduating high school next month ;)

I guess I'll add some more:
-Go parasailing.
-Learn how to fix cars.
-Enjoy the rest of senior year.
-Do well in College.

05-05-2011, 02:14 AM
[QUOTE=slick;2352487Wom, my Mom and Dad use to sing that song when I was growing up. :)[/QUOTE]

Hee hee....I used to sing that to my kids when they were growing up.
That and "Hallelujah I'm a Bum" (They really loved that one) :p

05-05-2011, 04:16 AM
Hmm.. my bucket list is:

- purchase my own home
- get my motorcycle license
- do at least a month long bicycle tour
- get into med school and become a psychiatrist
- skydiving (hoping this year for my birthday!)
- have/adopt a child
- go to Toronto and San Francisco Pride
- Times Square for New Years Eve
- place on the podium at AAC (Agility) nationals
- drive through Canada (or maybe even cycle! I know someone who just did this.. sounded amazing!)
- visit Fiji (mom's birth place)

05-05-2011, 09:49 AM
I don't have a list. What is up with that? I have always been the type of person to be content with what I have.

Oh, I'm definitely content. But there are things that I'd like to try. I'm sure there are many that I'll never live to try. But I can wish, can't I??????

05-05-2011, 03:10 PM
Hee hee....I used to sing that to my kids when they were growing up.
That and "Hallelujah I'm a Bum" (They really loved that one) :p

ROFL! What are the words to Hallelujah I'm a Bum"?

05-06-2011, 02:17 AM
ROFL! What are the words to Hallelujah I'm a Bum"?

"Hallelujah, I'm a Bum" (Roud 7992) is an American folk song that responds with humorous sarcasm to unhelpful moralizing about the circumstance of being a hobo.

The song's authorship is uncertain, but according to hobo poetry researcher Bud L. McKillips the words were written by an IWW member. Some verses, though, may have been written by a Kansas City hobo known only as "One-Finger Ellis," who scribbled it on the wall of his prison cell in 1897.[1] There is also a questionable theory that Harry McClintock could have written it in 1897 when he was only fifteen.

Sung to the tune of "Revive Us Again", the song was printed by the Industrial Workers of the World in 1908, and adopted by its Spokane, Washington branch as their anthem later that year. The success of their Free speech fights of 1909 led to its widespread popularity.

The version published in 1908 goes:

Why don't you work like other folks do?
How the hell can I work when there's no work to do?

Hallelujah, I'm a bum,
Hallelujah, bum again,
Hallelujah, give us a handout
To revive us again.

Oh, why don't you save all the money you earn?
If I didn't eat, I'd have money to burn.

Whenever I get all the money I earn,
The boss will be broke, and to work he must turn.

Oh, I like my boss, he's a good friend of mine,
That's why I am starving out on the bread line.

When springtime it comes, oh, won't we have fun;
We'll throw off our jobs, and go on the bum.

These couple of verses were added later.......

I went to a house and I knocked on the door;
The lady comes out and says, "You've been here before"

I went to a shop and I asked for some bread,
"Your too late you Bum, the baker is dead."

07-05-2011, 01:10 PM
Boy, if I'm not careful I'm going to have a really long list!

To drive a convertible again, just for one day. I have friends who had one. We went to a festival together when they lived in Milwaukee and I was the designated driver, so I got to drive us from downtown Milwaukee back to their apartment in Waukesha after the concert. Come to think of it, that was also the last time I drove a car with a manual transmission. I'd never driven a convertible before-- it was a beautiful night and everyone except me was happily drunk, so I "missed" the exit off of 94 and just kept going toward Madison! Whoops, sorry ;)

smokey the elder
07-06-2011, 09:55 AM
Let's see...

1. See the Green Bay Packers...in Lambeau Field
2. Learn to scuba dive
3. Visit Ireland and research my ancestors
4. Visit "The Roof of the World" (Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, etc.)
5. Visit both poles

07-06-2011, 02:31 PM
I went hang-gliding. I dated a guy who was an instructor back in my younger days. What a RUSH!!!!!