View Full Version : My boys and the "rump roast"

02-20-2008, 12:03 PM
Here they are...Ari (short for Aristotle) and MooShoo

Sharing a snack of spinach and avacado hummus. Yum!!


Then there's the "Rump Roast MooShoo"

And my favorite...

Me and Mollie Rose


02-20-2008, 12:22 PM
;) Awee MooShoo is meowmom talking bad about you again?? Calling you RumpRoast.. Well you tell her that is MrMr. RumpRoast to her.. Your adorable.. All the babies are so Adorable.. great pics thanks..

02-20-2008, 02:15 PM
Gasp, it's the lovely Mollie Rose!!! Donna, you don't show off your kitties NEARLY enough!!

Moo and Ari look so wonderful in the first pic, isn't it nice when the 'kids' get along?

Moo, sorry to read that mom is teasing you again. Remind her who delivers the spinach and avocado dip snacks! ;)

02-20-2008, 02:16 PM
Thats so hard to tell just whos the happier Molly Rose or her Meeeowmie.
And I think Rump Roast can be a term of endearment, its all how you say it and we know that you are saying it with LOVE in your heart.

02-20-2008, 02:31 PM
Adorable! The rump roast pic is priceless.

02-20-2008, 05:06 PM
WOW! That really IS a rump roast! I was ROTFLMAO...couldn't help it! Love all your kitties. Ali and MooShoo are adorable and Mollie Rose is beautiful!

02-20-2008, 06:19 PM
Ari and Moo, what a sophisticated snack you are eating! Spinach and avocado! And the rump roast kitty ... well ... move over, meat loaf kitties. I love the picture of Mollie Rose and meowmom! Mollie Rose, I think your meowmom loves you just a little. :D

02-20-2008, 07:02 PM
Naah...it's a ROUND roast! :p

Ari looks wonderful! Did I miss something in the earlier posts? I don't remember Ari having a bad eye. Or did he blink funny for the camera?

I am glad Moo has a buddy. :)

02-20-2008, 07:04 PM
Donna, love the picture of you with Mollie Rose. I think it's the first picture I've seen since you decided to go platinum - and it looks great! Brings out your eyes, for some reason! :)

02-20-2008, 07:54 PM
Your cats are too precious Donna.I love the pictures.You look great too. :)

02-21-2008, 12:00 PM

You're right, I don't post enough pictures. I'll try to post more.


Yeah, I'm kinda getting used to the Platinum look. My daughter tried to tell me I used to have brown hair when she was little. I swore I didn't color my hair brown at ANY time. She said that it wasn't colored, but WAS the color of my hair when she was growing up. Think of all the money I'll save not buying hair coloring. Hmmmmm.

Mollie Rose is my heart cat. She'll turn 16 this Mother's Day. I treasure everyday I have with her.

I'm not sure about Ari's eye. He's got a vet appt. next week for a re-check. I've been putting eye ointment in it once a day and cleaning out the icking junk that comes out of it. Hopefully, I'll find out exactly what IS wrong with his eye and if something else can be done. Poor guy was in the New Haven pound for 3 1/2 months after the house he was sharing with 49 other cats got raided. He's truly a great cat. It's amazing how he and Moo have this unspoken "bond" amond sphynxes. That's why I love the breed so much. They just fit right in.

02-21-2008, 09:19 PM
Loved the pictures of Ari and Moo and especially the one of you and Mollie Rose. :)

02-23-2008, 02:33 PM
That sure is a beautiful kitty crew you've got there, Donna! Ari and Moo seem to have developed a strong bond that comes shining through. The "rump roast" picture is hysterical!