View Full Version : Charlie is so Self-Conscious

02-19-2008, 12:11 PM
He gets embarrassed easily, and I think he has low self-confidence, hehe. He can *easily* jump up on the bed, but this is a regular ritual for us:

As a warning though the movie is around 3 minutes long (and this "dance" went on much longer than that, lol).

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v375/p5hng/video/th_2008-02-19023.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v375/p5hng/video/?action=view&current=2008-02-19023.flv)

Does anyone else's dogs do anything like this?? Charlie is always reluctant when it comes to stuff like this. Even if it involves food.

But see, PT?? I finally made it up with some coaxing from mom.
http://lh3.google.com/xoxo.jessika/R7sZ9mu97eI/AAAAAAAAAuc/VeQrrk6glGA/s400/2008-02-19%20017.jpg (http://picasaweb.google.com/xoxo.jessika/TheKids/photo#5168753543498034658)

EDIT: You can also tell he's been scratching again, eh?? Darn Missouri weather never gives the poor guy a break :(

02-19-2008, 03:05 PM
Awww, Charlie, you are too cute. You were just saying, Hey mom, give me some help!
I knew he'd bark eventually. He has such a cute little bark. LOL
Zoee will lay on the couch with her hind end/back legs on the floor. Or she'll wait for permission before jumping on the bed. But she's never had an issue with getting up there.
Silly Charlie!! :D

02-19-2008, 04:10 PM
Hey there, Charlie -

Marlin here. You have my sympathies. Seems you got one of the 'slower' human slaves, she just doesn't get it. Keep trying, you will get her trained eventually, and then she will get up out of that nice warm soft bed and lift you up just like a Royal Prince, which is what you are, after all!

My human slave bought me stairs to get up and down the bed. As if THAT was going to get her out of lifting me! I do come down myself, as I have to make sure I get whatever she is giving to the other pups in this home. But going up alone? No way. I bark and whine, whimper and run back and forth until she gets up and comes in to help me. First I made her lift me up the stairs; then after a few days, she had to put my 2 front paws on the bottom step to get me started going up. Now she has to do a cheerleader call for me to go up.

These human slaves can be quite difficult to train, but hang in there, I KNOW you can do it!

Your pal,

02-19-2008, 05:56 PM
Darn it, I can't watch photobucket videos for some reason. :confused: When Layla was little and couldn't get on the bed, I would say "say your prayers" and she would put her front feet on the bed and I would lift her hind end up. Well, she kept doing this long after she was plenty tall enough to get up by herself. She would hear something outside and jump up by herself, but at bedtime, would act helpless so I had to help her. :rolleyes: Eventually she started jumping up by herself. :D

02-19-2008, 06:26 PM
My dogs occasionally will be on and off the bed during the night, particularly if it is warm weather. Well one night when Bella jumped up on the bed in the dark, Ripley (who sleeps way under the covers) must have growled at her because maybe she jumped on him. :rolleyes: Maybe through fear of landing on him again, (though I doubt it :p ) she is reluctant to jump up on the bed if it is dark. Instead she will stay by the bed and do a very low GRRR. This is not a fun thing for me to hear at 3:00 AM because it means that I have to find out where in the bed Ripley is and then get out of bed and lift her rear end like chocolatepuppy used to do with Layla. (I like the idea of telling her to say her prayers....cute!...although at 3:00 AM I usually don't feel cute)! :p

02-19-2008, 06:43 PM
Hey didnt know you were from the STL area... Much less Lake St Louis... Shoot. Im in St. Charles. You ever do to the dog park by 370? We should meet up there some time with the dogs. :D

02-20-2008, 01:38 AM
Hey didnt know you were from the STL area... Much less Lake St Louis... Shoot. Im in St. Charles. You ever do to the dog park by 370? We should meet up there some time with the dogs. :D
The Wentzville one?? I've gone there a few times in the past; haven't lately because of the rain, snow, cold, warm... then Jamie went in heat (thank God it's her last one before her spay!). But yeah my sis and I looked up a bunch last weekend... we should definitely plan a play date! :)

But yeah we recently moved back to the area from Branson; most of my childhood was spend in St. Chuck and St. Peters :)

02-20-2008, 07:54 AM
Charlie, how could your mom let you go on like that for so long?

Oh the abuse we PTer's put our pets through just to post it on PT! ;) :p

02-20-2008, 11:04 PM
I just wanted to let you know that Charlie and I had a little talk.

Now when he does his dance, I either a) look away (he's self conscious and is afraid I'll laugh if he trips or falls) or b) grab his collar and lead him up

He's made it very clear what my job is and wanted to let you know he's straightened me out!