View Full Version : Meatball & Noodles

Pawsitive Thinking
02-19-2008, 04:31 AM
What a gorgeous introduction to a new animal you two are! congratulations on being our POTD and now I'm off to do a google search.....

02-19-2008, 09:22 AM
What a precious twosome you are! I, too, must Google Degu. Upon seeing your picture before reading I thought I might be looking at two sweet rats . . . maybe you are related to the rat? If not, you certainly have their renowned intelligence!

I wish you darlings a wonderful POTD! :)

02-19-2008, 01:19 PM
Meatball & Noodles you are adorable!!!

I've never seen a Degu before either and was very impressed with you two.

I hope you have a wonderfully fun day today!!!

Congratulations, sweeties, on being our special Pets of the Day!!! :D

02-19-2008, 03:32 PM
Greetings and happy Pet of the Day to you, adorable Meatball and Noodles!:D What a pair of cuties you are! You've stolen my heart guys, and taught me a thing or two as well; I read "Degu" and straight to Google I went, hehe! Wow, what cool critters you are, and clearly, much loved by your proud family!:) Your family is so lucky to have two such fun, sweet, lovable furkids like you to love! Hope you're enjoying a fun day of celebration with your peeps, kids! Make sure they give you each a cuddle and yummy treat for me! Congratulations to our darling duo Pets of the Day, Meatball and Noodle!:)
P.S...Love your farm!:D