View Full Version : Asking for prayers and good thoughts for my niece's husband UPDATE not good...

02-18-2008, 02:21 PM
My niece's husband Nick was admitted to hospital last night, he has been having some problems, they found he had a reflux problem going back to his kidneys,and he was supposed to have an operation for that, however he then developed a kidney infection, but the antibiotics don't seem to be working, he has some swelling in his legs now and it is causing him pain, however i might mention he does have psoriatic arthritis, so not sure if it is that or not, also he has some bleeding somewhere, they don't know where but it has shown up in his blood tests, the doctor admitted him yesterday and today he is undergoing a kidney biopsy,please pray that they will find out what is wrong and that it can be fixed and is not too serious, i am very worried.

Thanks for listening.

We finally have a diagnosis, it is not good i am afraid, Nick is suffering from a rare disease called Goodpastures disease,the prognosis is not good at all, i really cannot write much more, as i just don't feel up to it,please continue to pray hard for this young man, he needs all the help he can get. thank you. i just have to add this can be due to a viral infection or inhaling paint and solvents, Nick works as a panelbeater, he fixes your car when it is in an accident and spray paints them,Need i say anymore. :(

02-18-2008, 02:38 PM
:( I am so sorry to hear that your niece's husband is Ill.. Wishing he to get well soon.. Sending Lots of Huggss & Prayers.. Keep us posted please..

Pawsitive Thinking
02-18-2008, 04:48 PM
Prayers and good thoughts heading Nick's way (and to you too)

02-18-2008, 05:19 PM
Carole, I'm very sorry to hear about the health problems your niece's husband is going through. I'm sending giant Pittsburgh thoughts and prayers to him that he gets well and to you and your family to come through this crisis.

02-18-2008, 05:41 PM
carole, i will pray for him.

02-18-2008, 07:12 PM
Thank you all, i have nothing to report yet, he is still waiting for the biopsy,but i do think it is something to worry about,i just have to think positive and hope for the best, that it is fixable and he will be ok, he is only 25,too young to have these worries,please keep praying for him, much appreciated by us all.

Felicia's Mom
02-18-2008, 10:20 PM
I am sorry that your niece's husband is ill. He will be in my prayers.

Lilith Cherry
02-19-2008, 04:10 AM
Carole, here's wishing good thoughts to Nick and adding to the prayers for him. I really hope that everything turns out okay.

02-19-2008, 09:29 AM
Get well prayers have been sent to him.

02-19-2008, 02:15 PM
Thanks everyone , your support and prayers and well wishes mean a lot to me and my family, nick is due to have his biopsy on thursday at nine am, that is your wednesday,so we will know more then hopefully, his tube is blocked so he will probably require surgery for that, i believe they can replace them, so i am told,but yes he is a pretty sick young man,this was so sudden, we are wondering now if he was mis-diagnosed with psoriatic (sp) arthritis,as all the symptons for that also are the same for kidney problems, the more we think about it the more we are convinced that doctor has made a rather serious mistake, i guess we will find out, this is so sudden, gone from having being told he has reflux, to a kidney infection to this and being hospitalised,very worrying time for us all especially my niece and sister, will keep ya all posted as soon as i know anything, thanks again.