View Full Version : Any American Idol Fans? My Friend Made It!

02-17-2008, 08:42 PM
I was just watching TV and was very excited to see my friend made it on!!

He isn't technically a close friend, but we worked together (he was a vocalist at the show we worked at) and he's AMAZING.

So if any of you are avid AI watchers, please keep your eyes open and ears tuned for Jason Yeager (http://www.americanidol.com/contestants/season7/jason_yeager/)! I promise you won't be disappointed!

Plus he's just a really down-to-earth guy. He wasn't superficial like some entertainers (especially some vocalists) were at the theater, he hung out with us techies and treated us really well. So not only can he sing, he's a good person too :)

02-18-2008, 01:24 AM
I watch AI. I remember seeing Jason Yeager last week. I will cheer him on! :D
It's neat to "know" someone that knows someone on TV. LOL

02-18-2008, 08:12 PM
I remember him. He seems like a super nice guy with a great voice. I'll be cheering him on!

02-18-2008, 09:11 PM
I watch AI. I remember seeing Jason Yeager last week. I will cheer him on! :D
It's neat to "know" someone that knows someone on TV. LOL

Me too!

02-19-2008, 10:39 AM
Oh, trust me -- he isn't "fake" at all. He is a genuinely nice person, plus his voice is amazing!!

02-19-2008, 06:34 PM
Just a reminder to watch American Idol tonight at 7pm CST (roughly 30 minutes for me) and vote for Jason Yeager! :)

02-20-2008, 02:18 AM
I made a group on facebook for anyone who may be fans (or who want to pretend to be anyway lol)


I don't care what Simon said about the song being "old fashioned", um, hello, the theme WAS the 60's was it not?? :rolleyes:

But I honestly think Simon is harshest on the ones he thinks has the most potential. Because think about it - you aren't helping someone by praising them all the time.

02-20-2008, 11:17 AM
I was not impressed at ALL by any of the guys. (I admit to turning the station during a few performances because they were too painfull to listen to anymore. :o )
I hope the guys got all the jitters out and can do better next week!

I also hope someone sends the guys a hair stylist before next week... OMG, most of them had SUPER corny hair do's and colors. Esp. Garrett, OMG please someone CUT HIS HAIR PLEASE!!!!!

Yes, a few of them were good, but none blew me away at all!
Little David was a cutie pie and had me laughing right along with him after he sang when Ryan kept making him laugh! :D Jason Castro has a great voice, I look forward to hearing him sing again, the same goes for the Aussie.

I hope the girls rock the house tonight!

Jessika- What song did Jason sing last night, I can't remember.

Daisy and Delilah
02-20-2008, 12:39 PM
I think he sang Moon river. I thought he was terrific. I said the exact same thing about what Simon said. HELLO!! We are doing songs of the 60's, right?? He seems like a super nice guy.

I could see a couple of haircuts happening too :rolleyes: I thought that the judges were criticizing some guys for what I thought sounded fairly good but mostly, they were pretty close to how I felt.

Can Paula stop running on and on and on and get on with it? She was really on my last nerve last night. I get irritated to hear her try to come up with the right words for everybody. She always appears to be on something.

I can't wait to see the girls tonight. I love that little rocker girl with the two toned hair(sorry, I don't know what the correct name is for it). I hope she sings Janis Joplin :D

I definitely think we have better talent this year than in the past.

02-20-2008, 02:52 PM
David Archuleta! and the Aussie - Michael? - got my votes over and over again. I agree with the hair - yikes! Some of them need do-overs BAD. The young blonde guy who looks like Ellen Degeneres - please get rid of the attitude, dude! You're cute and sing good, but your attitude is going to kill you.

02-20-2008, 11:06 PM
Yes, Jason sang "Moon River". Which I thought was funny for two reasons: 1) in Branson (where he lives now, he's from TX but currently works at and lives in Branson) we have a Moon River theatre and 2) Simon's cruise ship comment because the type of theatre he worked at was basically a cruise ship show except we had more talent, the show was two hours long, and we weren't on a cruise ship, hehe.

02-20-2008, 11:23 PM
I just walked back from my mom's house and she had it on.

That gal Amy just finished singing. She was really good and stunningly good looking-Teri Hatcher?

What was the matter with her performance? Everything, according to the Three Stooges.


I have had BMs with more character than Simon and Randy combined.

I really can't stand all of the Brits that are judges on American TV who THINK
they are the final word.

Jackson is a pompous arse and what's her name is a moron.


I think it really sucks that they lead these kids on and then make them feel like they have no talent.

Anytime you can sing in front of more than 20 people you must have talent.

02-21-2008, 01:10 PM
Who do you think will go home tonight?
Amy Davis (the girl with the swirl hair do) should go home and Kristy Lee Cook should as well.
The guys... hum.. only 2 can go home? ;)
Colton Berry and David Cook should be packing their bags.

Daisy and Delilah
02-21-2008, 02:54 PM
Was anybody else bored silly last night with the girls? I thought the show stunk. This year, I think the guys have some good potential but the girls don't have much going for them.

It's time that Simon complained to his bosses that Paula needs to shut up and let him give his opinion before she interrupts him. Isn't he entitled to his opinion? I really think he's the most realistic of all of them(most of the time). He might be brutal but he's usually as correct as it gets.

As far as who will go home tonight......too difficult for me to call. There are just too many possibilities :confused:

02-21-2008, 03:07 PM
I hear ya about Paula talking over Simon when he's trying to talk. Wow... is it just me, or is she getting worse year after year? I used to love her, but now I want to reach into the TV and beaouch slap her!

Daisy and Delilah
02-21-2008, 05:28 PM
No, it's not just you. Paula gets more annoying every year. I also used to love her but she is just irritating now! I also notice that she conspires with Randy against Simon. He's a judge too and just because he doesn't say what they said, they can't handle it. It makes me think the show is about half made up and theatrical for ratings(I know that makes me sound like an idiot but I want to believe it's 100% legit :) ).

02-21-2008, 05:59 PM
I loved Josiah! The kid who lived in his car...He didn't make it, but i think he had a strange (but good!) voice.. I was hoping that he'd at least make the top 24.

As for now, i'm rooting for Jason C. He's the one with the dreadlocks and the most amazing voice!

02-22-2008, 02:38 AM
I loved Josiah! The kid who lived in his car...He didn't make it, but i think he had a strange (but good!) voice.. I was hoping that he'd at least make the top 24.

As for now, i'm rooting for Jason C. He's the one with the dreadlocks and the most amazing voice!
Aw no you're supposed to vote for Jason Yeager since that's why I made the thread :P

Oh well I don't even care if Jason wins, he made it to national television, and he's getting more exposure now than singing at the restaurant he's working at in Branson; I'm just proud of him that he didn't give up and has made it this far! His performance Tuesday wasn't his best; he can do so much better. But he certainly didn't do bad. Plus he has more vocal training than 9/10 of the finalists (check their profiles at AI.com, he's one of FEW that has professional training, if not the only one) PLUS he's used to performing on stage since he's worked at the Shoji Tabuchi show as well as other shows in the area, so he has stage presence. He has that going for him. You could tell he was nervous, but not nearly as nervous as some of the other guys who had probably never performed in front of a live audience much less on national television.

But there are some REALLY great male vocalists I heard, though, females... ehh... some of the girls are just really pitchy and nasally so none really impressed me, but the guys... it's gonna be tough.

02-22-2008, 10:02 PM
Jason Yeager is from Grand Prairie which is about 45 miles from me and Jason Castro is from Rockwall which is literally 10 miles away. Go TX boys! :D

I really did like Jason Castro's style and his voice. LOVE Michael Johns and I think Robbie Carrico is pretty hot (though you'd never know by that awful pic at americanidol.com.)

As far as the girls, I really like Alaina Whitaker. :)

02-26-2008, 07:58 PM
Jason Yeager is performing right now. I love his voice, it's so different from the other contestants..Definitely think he should have picked a better song choice, BUT i think he made it work....I'll stop now before i spoil anything for anyone who isn't watching it now. :p

Good luck to your friend, I hope he makes it far!

02-26-2008, 08:05 PM
Jason Yeager is performing right now. I love his voice, it's so different from the other contestants..Definitely think he should have picked a better song choice, BUT i think he made it work....I'll stop now before i spoil anything for anyone who isn't watching it now. :p

Good luck to your friend, I hope he makes it far!
I missed the first 30 minutes of the show because I was having dinner with my parents, but who got eliminated? I'm assuming everyone who performed tonight made it past the first round?

I do agree it was another poor choice in songs, but I KNOW he's gonna blow us away one week, he's just gonna, and Simon's comment on how he looked like he was "drunk at a party", what??? At least he was out there dancing and doing more than hiding behind the microphone like so many of the other male performers do. And I'm not saying that because I'm biased, I'm saying that because it's my honest observation. Plus I KNOW he has stage presence since all he has done the last few years with his life is performing, lol.

(But, regardless, I really liked the song he picked :) hehe)

EDIT: I will add though it seems the audience already has their mind set on who they want to be the next idol out of the guys... either Danny or David it seems, but that's ok, the fact that these guys made it to national television in the first place is great :)

02-26-2008, 10:40 PM
Personally there was only one or two performances I liked tonight.

The guys seem so boring and have no charisma.

so far this season is the pits... guys and girls.

Daisy and Delilah
02-26-2008, 11:35 PM
Me and the judges did not agree on much tonight. Either they were hearing things I didn't hear or vice versa.

I thought Jason Y. was awesome!! I can't imagine why they said he wasn't good. It seems to me that every year they pick someone they just don't like, no matter what. Unfortunately, it might be him. He has a whole lot more going for him than alot of the other guys. This kind of thing makes me think this thing might be slightly fixed.

I think the guys were better tonight than last week. I did originally say we had some better people this year but I may have to take that back. :(

02-27-2008, 08:49 AM
David Hernandez and David Archuleta Rocked last night!! WOW!

02-27-2008, 02:01 PM
David Hernandez and David Archuleta Rocked last night!! WOW!
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agree'd! they are my favs, and the only reason I am bothering to tune in lol

02-27-2008, 05:48 PM
omg seriously??

hahahaha my parents always make fun of jason yeager...not bad, but they never remember him from the previous show so they're always like WHY IS HE HERE? they like him when they hear him sing though.

I personally like Jason Yeager, but dreadlocks and david a. are my favorites. jason yeager is right up there with them though.

I really don't like any of the girls...i think that a guy should win this year.

Daisy and Delilah
02-27-2008, 08:59 PM
Mixed feelings about tonights show :confused: The girls I expected to do well didn't and the girls I expected to do average did "okay"(Randy's favorite word). This wasn't the case across the board but pretty close.

I have yet to see a great performance. I thought the first girl did Heart pretty well but Heart is a hard act to follow for anybody so it was also "okay" ;) I am one of the biggest Heart fans on the planet.

I see the Britney Spears girl going home tomorrow. I'm not sure about anybody else. As Simon says, I can't remember many of the performances because they were so not memorable :(

02-27-2008, 11:06 PM
I sat down and watched the girls tonight which I'd had no interest in (since I'm not a fan of AI in the first place and the only reason I'm tuning in is because of my friend) and can honestly say... wow. The girls weren't bad, but none were "OMG AMAZING", except MAYBE the first girl tonight, Carly S. She was SO GOOD with her cover, I forget what song it even was but... just... holy crap it was the best. The other girls, they aren't bad but they just sound like average vocalists, you know? None of the performances were spectacular except Carly, IMO.

I thought Jason Y. was awesome!! I can't imagine why they said he wasn't good. It seems to me that every year they pick someone they just don't like, no matter what. Unfortunately, it might be him. He has a whole lot more going for him than alot of the other guys. This kind of thing makes me think this thing might be slightly fixed.
Well fortunately it isn't the judges he has to win over, but the audience :)

And another thin that is irritating about the entire thing is, Jason HAS experience. He is one of VERY FEW of the contestants this year that has private and formal vocal lessons. He's already recorded a CD. He's performed on stage, so he has stage experience and presence, contrary to Simon's opinion.

I think Jason just had a really rough start, but I KNOW he'll find that one song that just blows everyone away. Just you wait!

I don't think he's going to win and be the next idol since it's clear the audience already has made their decision (that David guy, the 17 year old I think), but the fact that any of these people made it to national television to begin with is a major accomplishment and exposure and they should be proud of themselves :)

02-28-2008, 09:28 AM
4 are going to be voted off tonight....I think that Robbie, Luke, Christy Lee Cook and Alaina could be on the chopping block.

Carly was my favorite performance last night Rameile has a great voice but she needs to pick better songs.

02-28-2008, 11:34 AM
I love Ramiele and Syesha. Carly bugs me because of all the tattooes - I think she even has tats on her tongue - UGLY with a CAPITAL UGH!

I think Amanda is going home, as for the boys, I hope Danny goes - can't stand his attitude and the guy with the dreds - he reminds me of Tiny Tim and not in a good way.

Daisy and Delilah
02-28-2008, 01:32 PM
I agree!!!! Buh bye Danny Boy!!! He makes me sick :( Unfortunately, I think he has a huge fan base. :(

02-28-2008, 02:00 PM
I don't understand the hype over the guy with the dreads... like none of the people suck, IMO, but none are really spectacular... and his performance Tuesday was just... boring, IMO. He needs to sing with more "gut" I think.

I just hope that Jason makes it further and doesn't get voted off this early in the game.

Apparently there's another girl from Joplin Missouri, Asia'h, and Joplin is almost the midway point between St. Louis and Branson, we had to drive through there frequently between StL and Branson, so that's another AI who is close to home! Plus, theres ANOTHER guy from Missouri! Three people so far from live in or are from Missouri (though technically Jason's hometown is in Texas, he is currently living and working in Branson :))

02-28-2008, 03:31 PM
David Hernandez and David Archuleta Rocked last night!! WOW!

I'm 100% with ya on this statement ;)

Daisy and Delilah
02-28-2008, 08:34 PM
Sorry to see Jason go so quick. I thought his "last song" tonight was better than last night. He will see big things in his future.

Too bad Danny Boy is still there :(

03-05-2008, 11:42 AM
Well, it was easy to see that Luke hasn't gotten any better! Ugh... I can't stand to hear him sing anymore. I hope he gets the boot tonight.
Jason (dread locks) sounded good, but I think he should have picked a song that everyone knows!

03-06-2008, 08:43 AM
Hello.... Pet Talk American Idol fans.... where are you????

I thought most of the girls were pretty good last night.
I was glad to see a few of them finally finding their groove.
Amanda sounded great! Brooke was great too!

I think Kady and Kristy Lee will be going home tonight.

03-06-2008, 04:20 PM
TBH I stopped watching after Jason was voted off since that was the only reason I started watching in the first place :(