View Full Version : How does your dog deal with closed doors??

02-15-2008, 11:08 PM
LMAO, this is too funny, no matter what door is shut, for what ever reason, my dogs start to act like a little 2 year olds with paws under the door :rolleyes: and my fav whining at the door to be let in. Example: we go to the bathroom to take a bath or whatnot, and HAVE to come in and investigate LOL, it is too darn funny, when we are in the bedroom and my hubby and i are trying to **clears throat** they HAVE to get in between us... :eek: :rolleyes: ...

so, whose other wet nosed pets does this??? i know i am not the only one.. :D

02-15-2008, 11:35 PM
Gracie has separation anxiety so she always has to be with me. No door can ever be closed. The day after I got her I locked her in my bathroom while I went to the fair. :eek: She ripped the floor up around the door and tore big chunks out of the door frame. Usually now though she will just yelp and bark if she is locked in a room/wants in a room.

02-16-2008, 03:12 PM
My dog usually lays by the door if he wants in. Sometimes he barks.

02-16-2008, 05:42 PM
You probably would have gotten more replies to this if you had posted it in Dog General! ;)

My dogs -- all 4 -- line outside a closed door if I am on the other side of it, and howl, yelp and make a horrendous scene. It is easier to take them all with me. Thus we all 5 troup into the bathroom several times per day. :rolleyes:

If I am with them, they really don't care who or what is behind the closed door.

02-16-2008, 06:02 PM
Zoee will whine for a while and then when she realizes she's not getting in she will just lay by the door until you come out. Sometimes we will not close the bathroom door all the way and she will just push it open and come right in. Come to think of it, Taz does the same thing. LOL

02-16-2008, 07:01 PM
it depends on the room lol.

Happy and Misty follow me everywhere, they cannot be locked out of a room withing whining and trying to open the door.

Electra only follows me when it suits her, I lock her out of rooms all the time, and sometimes she doesnt care, but if she WANTS to follow me, then we have a problem! she will try to break down the barrier, she will whine and scream and carry on.

Rusty follows me everywhere so long as he isnt sleepy, if he wants to be with me then he gets upset about a closed doo and scratches at the door.

Perky has athing about follwing me into the bathroom, its weird, Perky is not even my dog(she's my moms) and she doesnt much like me, but if I go into th bathroom she MUST follow me or she scratches the the door till she drives me nits and I let her in lol.

Ripley doesnt follow me(unless I have food lol) so he really could not care less if I lock him out of a room. my mom on the otherhand...he will get VERY upset and scetch and whine like no tommorow if my mom shuts him out of a room!