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View Full Version : **Thursday #252 Happy Valentine's Day**

02-14-2008, 11:35 AM
Ok lets open the Bar for some Irish Mocha with cream froth & chocolate.. Mario go find cupid & see if you can find a SweetHeart & match up other couples..


02-14-2008, 01:31 PM
I'm SO ready for one of those Irish mocha chocolate drinks! It's COLD here in Pittsburgh and I have a wonderful chest cold. So I'll get Orc to get wood for the fire and I'll relax in front of it. I see Mario is playing Cupid in his heart-shaped diaper. One thing, Mario. DON'T SHOOT THOSE ARROWS!!

02-14-2008, 02:01 PM
I'm gonna go make some heart-shaped cookies, and I'll share, okay? They are cookie-press cookies, so there will be various sizes, none quite exactly the same.

And me, of course, I've got my sweetheart! Even if Paul doesn't post much, he's still around!

02-14-2008, 02:30 PM

02-14-2008, 03:08 PM
I'm SO ready for one of those Irish mocha chocolate drinks! It's COLD here in Pittsburgh and I have a wonderful chest cold. So I'll get Orc to get wood for the fire and I'll relax in front of it. I see Mario is playing Cupid in his heart-shaped diaper. One thing, Mario. DON'T SHOOT THOSE ARROWS!!

:p Some Hot Irish Mocha with Cream Froth & Chocolate coming up.. Lets see if Karen's Cookies are ready yet.. Mario Mario Mario where are you?? We need you to be Cupid & deliver the drinks & cookies.. :eek: OMy for Pete's Sake Mario is that you flying around up there.. :D


02-14-2008, 04:11 PM
Karen, I also have my sweetheart! I think everyone knows her, Moosmom! She is one special lady.

02-14-2008, 06:23 PM
hack hack hack...

Almost back to being human..... DO NOT GET THE FLU.

Today I haven't felt badly at all.... :rolleyes: Now just to keep the oo-koos from getting every one sick here in the bar...one more day of non-bartending? please?

02-14-2008, 09:36 PM
hack hack hack...

Almost back to being human..... DO NOT GET THE FLU.

Today I haven't felt badly at all.... :rolleyes: Now just to keep the oo-koos from getting every one sick here in the bar...one more day of non-bartending? please?
RICHARD, the way I feel, I can't even help with the bar! This flu comes from being outside for two days snow shoveling!

02-14-2008, 11:20 PM
What's all that hacking and coughing? Here, I made a vat of my vampire soup - chicken soup with LOTS of garlic and sage in it; it cures what ails ya! I've also got some echinacea tea with honey and ginger cooked up. Come on Mario - help me serve the sickies :)

02-15-2008, 12:50 AM
I'll take some soup please! I just got over the hack hack sneezers. This place is NOT supposed to get snow!
Tea sounds good too.
Happy thursdays everyone!

Here is a joke for you guys...since I haven't been here in a while

After experiencing difficulties with his computer, a poor, incognizant user called the system maker's technical support line for assistance...

Technician: Hello. How can I help you today?

Customer: There's smoke coming from the power supply on my computer...

Technician: Looks like you need a new power supply...

Customer: No, I don't! I just need to change the startup files...

Technician: Sir, what you described is a faulty power supply. You need to replace it...

Customer: No way! Someone told me that I just had to change the system startup files to fix the problem! All I need is for you to tell me the right command...

For the next ten minutes, in spite of the technician's efforts to explain the problem and its solution, the customer adamantly insisted that he was right. So, in frustration, the technician responded...

Technician: I'm sorry. We don't normally tell our customers this, but there's an undocumented DOS command that will fix the problem...

Customer: I knew it!

Technician: Just add the line 'LOAD NOSMOKE.EXE' at the end of the CONFIG.SYS file and everything should work fine. Let me know how it goes...

About ten minutes later, the technician received a call back from the customer...

Customer: It didn't work. The power supply is still smoking...

Technician: Well, what version of DOS are you using?

Customer: MS-DOS 6.22...

Technician: Well, that's your problem. That version of DOS doesn't include NOSMOKE. You'll need to contact Microsoft and ask them for a patch. Let me know how it all works out...

When nearly an hour had passed, the phone rang again...

Customer: I need a new power supply...

Technician: How did you come to that conclusion?

Customer: Well, I called Microsoft and told the technician what you said, and he started asking me questions about the make of the power supply...

Technician: What did he tell you?

Customer: He said my power supply isn't compatible with NOSMOKE...

02-15-2008, 04:24 AM
What's all that hacking and coughing? Here, I made a vat of my vampire soup - chicken soup with LOTS of garlic and sage in it; it cures what ails ya! I've also got some echinacea tea with honey and ginger cooked up. Come on Mario - help me serve the sickies :)
RedHedd, that soup sounds like it would keep away anything including germs and vampires! Thank you Mario for the tea with honey and ginger. I don't like winter!

02-15-2008, 10:52 AM
RedHedd, that soup sounds like it would keep away anything including germs and vampires! Thank you Mario for the tea with honey and ginger. I don't like winter!

;) Well David you know you can always come to Tx.. Hey we had again :rolleyes: yesterday 74% weather & today 34-44% with cold rain weather..

02-15-2008, 11:57 AM
;) Well David you know you can always come to Tx.. Hey we had again :rolleyes: yesterday 74% weather & today 34-44% with cold rain weather..
Now that's a good idea! Your weather beats frigid and snow anytime! I'm getting too old to shovel snow.

02-15-2008, 12:45 PM
Now that's a good idea! Your weather beats frigid and snow anytime! I'm getting too old to shovel snow.

:p Shovel Snow = Whats That = Nope Never Done That.. Its never Snowed here enough to do that.. Hope your feeling better now..

02-15-2008, 01:09 PM
Vampire soup on Valentine's Day??? You guys must REALLY be sick.

(although the soup does sound good).

02-15-2008, 01:46 PM
Vampire soup on Valentine's Day??? You guys must REALLY be sick.

(although the soup does sound good).
Gini, if it can help relieve my congestion and sinuses, I'm all for it!

02-16-2008, 04:27 PM
Gini, if it can help relieve my congestion and sinuses, I'm all for it!
I'll put a little extra red pepper in it for you. That usually blows the top of my head off, in a good way ;)

Where's Laurie? I have to tell her the Teddy Bear convention is back in town :eek: no, not the cute, cuddly critters .... they're hairy men! I know, I know .... ony in San Francisco :rolleyes: :cool: :p

02-17-2008, 10:54 AM
I'll put a little extra red pepper in it for you. That usually blows the top of my head off, in a good way ;)

Where's Laurie? I have to tell her the Teddy Bear convention is back in town :eek: no, not the cute, cuddly critters .... they're hairy men! I know, I know .... ony in San Francisco :rolleyes: :cool: :p

Indeed! Can I watch? ;)

02-17-2008, 12:27 PM
Me, too! However I'd be the recipient of the treatment. Maybe it'll be powerful enough to give me my voice back. Right now I sound like Lou Rawls on a bad day!!

02-17-2008, 04:49 PM
Me, too! However I'd be the recipient of the treatment. Maybe it'll be powerful enough to give me my voice back. Right now I sound like Lou Rawls on a bad day!!
Awee poor David so so sorry you feel so bad.. Yup Mario heading over with some of ReddHedd's red pepper added to Vampire Soup.. Hey I happen to like Lou Rawls's voice on a bad day.. His voice is so fine.. No No Mario I did Not say for you to Sing the Soup over to David.. And is that roller skates on you Mario.. Well :rolleyes: just dont spill the soup.. :D

02-18-2008, 09:59 PM
Why do they call it walking pneumonia when it leaves you bedridden?

LOL, been awhile since I have been bedridden.....aw forget it!


I was talking in tongues, St. Vitus Dancing and whirling my dervish there for a while.


OH OH OH.....I saw a part of a movie that made me laugh.


Has anyone seen Night in a Museum?
I don't care for the star-whashisname- Stiller?

He did make me laugh- THere is a scene in the movie where he is talking to a monkey and about to close the cage on him....The monkey pulls out a set of plastic keys and shows them to Ben Stiller- BS replies that those are keys for a baby and proceeds to close to door to the cage with his keys.

I laughed.....and looked for my keys.... ;)

Anyway. I am glad to be here and feeling better for the most part....Please take care of yourselves and do not get ill..

Vampire soup and a bloody mary?


02-19-2008, 01:13 PM
Richard, I have the dvd of Night at the Museum. I like it a lot. Want to borrow it? :)


I saw the first sure sign of spring today: The PEEPS are out in the Walmart store!!! :D :D

02-19-2008, 02:49 PM
;) Did You Say Peepss?? Oh Dear here goes Mario off to Walmart.. :p Now lets see how long it takes Mario before he starts {Splat on the head} throwing them!! :rolleyes: Oh Mario what are we going to do with you.. :D

02-19-2008, 03:03 PM
Mario, I hope you saved some Peeps for Gini!!! I wouldn't want to be in your diaper if you didn't!!! ;) :D

02-19-2008, 03:34 PM
Mario, I hope you saved some Peeps for Gini!!! I wouldn't want to be in your diaper if you didn't!!! ;) :D
:p Diaper & who has one of them?!? I am going to wear my speedo & blame my friend "The Pup" on getting all of the peeppss..


02-19-2008, 04:43 PM
:p Diaper & who has one of them?!? I am going to wear my speedo & blame my friend "The Pup" on getting all of the peeppss..

LOL! Well, I've heard of passing the buck but never of a monk passing a pup! :D

02-19-2008, 04:54 PM
LOL! Well, I've heard of passing the buck but never of a monk passing a pup! :D
:p Well you know what happens when we have Spring, Peeps & Mario all involved together.. "Splatt" there you go again throwing the peeppss Mario.. Yes you the monk & not the pup.. Silly goof.. :D

02-19-2008, 08:54 PM
I just saw more of Night at the Museum.....

THat monkey is way too cool!


I have a theme for the next Thursday get together! :D

02-20-2008, 12:40 AM
Mario - come over here and sit down..........right in front of me! Don't look sideways.........you KNOW you ate all of the PEEPS and even threw a few around.

Now is that how you treat people? We are always catering to your every want......all of the cherries you could eat..........and you TOOK MY PEEPS???

Oh Lordy - come over here and I will change your diaper.............YUCK!!

No - the little orange kitty didn't cause this ....YOU DID!

02-20-2008, 04:53 AM
Why do they call it walking pneumonia when it leaves you bedridden?

LOL, been awhile since I have been bedridden.....aw forget it!

Richard, you are bad! :)