View Full Version : Fister’s new favourite

02-13-2008, 01:47 PM
This morning, I was eating my cereal as usual, but since I can’t get hold of any of the two kinds I prefer, I try to spiff it up a bit. So I cut a few walnuts and dried abricots and tossed them in.

As I was sitting there enjoying my breakfast and reading the paper, Fister sat nicely by his scratching tower, waiting for me to finish and to come brush him - same procedure every day. :)

When he thought I took my time, he got impatient and came up to me, I fished a few pieces of abricots out of the milk - and he was crazy about them! Just as if they had been shrimps. I hope they’re not dangerous to him, but so far, he’s been fine and even been playing this evening. :D

Some cats like strange food, don't they!

Killearn Kitties
02-13-2008, 02:08 PM
Hmm, perhaps I should offer the girls a fruity muesli in the morning and see what they think. Don't think they have had that before!

02-13-2008, 02:18 PM
Apricots are for dangerous don't worry. But being that they are dried their sugar content increases making them not an overly good treat due to the amount of sugar. It is fine for him to have a couple of small pieces though.

Seems like Mr. Fister has a sweet tooth. :D He may like all kinds of fruit you never know right. If you want to give him fruit as a treat now and then I would avoid berries, grapes, & all citrus. Frest fruit is always better as a treat if you choose to give him fruit while sweet the sugar content is much much less than dried fruit. :)

02-13-2008, 02:25 PM
When I read the heading I was not sure whether you talk about a cat girl ;)
I am sure the abricots won't do any harm. Nobody here (not even crazy Filou) ever went that far;)

02-13-2008, 03:04 PM
I've heard of many cats who find cantaloupe to be a tasty delicacy!

02-14-2008, 11:03 AM
Peppito tends to like everything that is sweet (though we avoid giving him, or just a little piece ;) ). Among the dried fruits he never tried apricot, but he ate dried banana, coconut and grape :rolleyes: He also likes fresh fruits but it's another story.

As I was sitting there enjoying my breakfast and reading the paper, Fister sat nicely by his scratching tower, waiting for me to finish and to come brush him - same procedure every day. :)

Wow, Fister, could you come here and explain Peppito that brushing him can be something nice? My boy seems to believe that we are attempting to kill him each time we touch his fur for brushing!!!

Edwina's Secretary
02-14-2008, 11:21 AM
Wow, Fister, could you come here and explain Peppito that brushing him can be something nice? My boy seems to believe that we are attempting to kill him each time we touch his fur for brushing!!!

I think Fister should give classes in this! Edwina endures it but growls and looks evil the whole time....Eddie...is Peppito style about it...we are taking away his manhood or something if we try and brush him.

So Fister....what time will class start??? :D :D

02-14-2008, 12:11 PM
When it comes down to it, cats will probably eat lots of different things, but we tend to give them "catfood" of course - or what the vet recommends. ;)

Concerning the brushing... I can assure you it took years before he realised how nice it was to be brushed! It's very important you don't force anything on him, but let him slowly find out how good it feels. Patience is the key word! ;)

A pity his brush is worn out, the handle will come off one of these days, and I can't seem to find a similar one. It's an oval rubber brush (I think there are pictures in an old thread).

02-14-2008, 03:31 PM
The Found Cats certainly dont mind a little bit of tomato with thier meals, and Scrappy 2, Michael and Princess are Cheese Lovers.
No other fruits though, maybe a bit of lettuce if they like the salad dressing!!!!