View Full Version : Eve my Valentine

02-13-2008, 11:58 AM
Tigris was at the computer all night. I had no idea what he was doing (was afraid he was into mouse killer games :eek: ) but it looks as if his intentions were by far better:

Killearn Kitties
02-13-2008, 12:04 PM
Eve is probably stepping on a plane to Munich right now! :D

02-13-2008, 01:47 PM
Eve is probably stepping on a plane to Munich right now! :D

And who would blame her? He's sooooo handsome!

Edwina's Secretary
02-13-2008, 02:44 PM
What a romantic you are Tigris....in your laundry basket! :D :rolleyes: :D

02-13-2008, 03:03 PM
Tigris, you can steal every kitty girl's heart, as handsome as you are! :) :p

Fister sends headbumpies and I send kisses.

02-13-2008, 06:55 PM
Oh Tigris, you wonderful boy :) You have Eve in an absolute frenzy ;)

First she had to wait for mommy to get home and send you a message :rolleyes:

Then she had to convince Lufthansa to hold her flight to ensure she would get to Munich in time for Valentine's Day :rolleyes:

And now she's flinging furry mice out of her toy basket looking for just the right fuzzy to present to her darling Tigris :rolleyes: (sure hope you like furry raccoons :p )

Please take care of my Princess - she's very excited and quite the little spitfire - hope you're up for an adventure!

Well little ones, I wish you both (and your mommy and daddy and Filou) a Happy Valentine's Day :)

Love from Eve's mommy.

02-14-2008, 04:07 AM
Oh what a cute love story! Have fun both of you, and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO EVERYONE!!!! :)

02-14-2008, 10:00 AM
What a surprise! Eve must have come over with one of these early "red-eyes" flights. This morning I could meet her when I saw that there was not just Tigris in the basket with the Beanie babies. I always knew what a pretty girl she is and I could not be any happier for my son.
Today they wanted to check some of the restaurants in the are. But then Eve will ahve to go back to her meowmie.
Thanks for letting her come- you made our day :D

Killearn Kitties
02-14-2008, 11:44 AM
Oh furrry love for Valentine's Day! sigh

02-14-2008, 03:35 PM
As Maurice Chevalier used to sing.Thank Heaven for Little Girls, and this means our Pets as well as us.
Toujours L 'Amour Toujours!!!
Me and My Newest Heart CAT.

02-14-2008, 06:33 PM
Sigh... what a beautiful, romantic story! Happy Valentine's Day, Tigris and Eve (and everyone else)!

02-14-2008, 07:26 PM
What a surprise! Eve must have come over with one of these early "red-eyes" flights. This morning I could meet her when I saw that there was not just Tigris in the basket with the Beanie babies. I always knew what a pretty girl she is and I could not be any happier for my son.
Today they wanted to check some of the restaurants in the are. But then Eve will ahve to go back to her meowmie.
Thanks for letting her come- you made our day :D

:D :D :D Thank you so much Barbara ... I love the thought of Tigris and Eve snuggled up in a basket with little beanie babies - how adorable is that :)

Pray tell ... did they find a little Catnip Cafe or Feline Fetish Bistro to wile the hours away ;) I certainly hope my little girl has been behaving - she can be a bit, shall we say, "high maintenance" :rolleyes:

I know she is in the best of hands (and paws :) ) but please tell her mommy and daddy miss her very much and look forward to having our baby home again :D

Please give Tigris and Filou gigantic hugs and kisses for me.

As well a very Happy Valentine's Day to all.

02-16-2008, 04:13 AM
Eve is gone and Tigris' tail hangs down as he paces the house and sniffs sadly at the places where they cuddled together.
After their excursion yesterday ( we had beautiful weather) it was so cute to see them both come back, tails all upright and interweaving in the spring air ( a pity I didn't have my camera ready).
I am sure there will be another PT party soon - e.g. in Canada - where they will meet again ;)

02-16-2008, 10:41 AM
My Dear Tigris,

Thank you for the bestest Valentine's Day ever :D I am home safe but it was very late and I am soooo tired so today I'm going to nap and dream about the fun we had together - romping in the grass and enjoying the sunshine :cool:

You mommy and daddy were so nice to me - please tell them I love them very much and hope to see them again soon. And please give Filou a cuddle for me - I know he's a little shy but I think he likes snuggles too.

Your mommy says maybe we can have a party in Canada - it would be so wonderful to have you come and visit me in Vancouver :D We could play in the woodlands in our backyard and swim in the creek and feed the Starlings and chase the squirrels and chipmunks - I can hardly wait for you to come and visit me. I have a big basket in the solarium ... we can have naps in there and snuggle in the sunshine :D

See you soon.

All my love, Eve :)