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View Full Version : Worried....

02-13-2008, 10:33 AM
I've been having some "female" problems lately and went for an ultrasound this morning. She took FOREVER on one section (which turned out to be my right ovary) and took a hundred different views, and even did a funky thing with bright color surrounding the ovary. I'm no medical specialist by any means, but I knew this couldn't be good.

Then she got to the left ovary and said "I must say you have a beautiful left ovary" to which I responded "I guess that means I don't have a pretty right ovary?" And she said "not by any means. Its a pretty rough looking ovary" and she wouldn't say any more. I know they can't say anything and she probably said too much.

Now I'm worried :(

Pawsitive Thinking
02-13-2008, 10:36 AM
:rolleyes: Never ceases to amaze me how some medical professionals can be so tactless.........

Could just be fibroids.....

02-13-2008, 11:28 AM
Could just be fibroids.....
My thought as well.

{{hugs}} to you.

02-13-2008, 11:29 AM
I had female trouble and went in for an ultrasound, I had horrible bleeding. She the ultra sound tech said "you have an IUD" I said yes she said "hmmmm' so 4 days later my doctor calls to say it is misplaced, now why the heck wouldn't she tell me, I could have gotten pregnant.

I wouldn't be too worried Kim at least they can remove the ovary if there is a problem.

02-13-2008, 11:33 AM
My thoughts are with you

Yeah I think the Techs need some lessons in how to keep a poker face. if they can't tell us anything then they shouldn't show any reactions to make us worry either.

When I had my last ultrasound when i was overdue with Hannah the tech was chit chat the whole time... and then suddenly she said "Do you have an appt with your Dr after this" I said "No, should I" and she didn't say another word to me the WHOLE rest of the time. thanks for the subtle hint that something isn't right :rolleyes: so we were sitting there thinking the worst like a heart problem or kidney problem or some kind of developement problem... whatever we could think of. And all it was was low fluid and the Dr decided to induce me. PFFT... she didn't need to make us worry like that for nothing.

HOpefully it's nothing serious

02-13-2008, 12:21 PM
I thought you could only get fibroids in your uterus -- not your ovaries. :confused:

Maybe it's just cysts growing on your ovaries. My girlfriend gets those every few years and they just laser them off.

Try not to worry too much (I know, that's easy to say. Hard to do). Because you'll hear from the doctor soon once they take a closer look.

Girl ~ You just can't catch a break lately, can you? I'm so, so sorry about all the crap you're having to go through right now. I'm just so thankful that you have a supportive husband and a job you love. Many prayers, that things get better in "Kim World" very, very soon!

02-13-2008, 01:14 PM
Try not to worry too much until you have heard from the doctor, i am sure if it is anything it maybe as lisa said a cyst which is very common and removable, it may not even be that,our tech's here tell us everything you need to know, which is good as you don't have to keep worrying needlessly, take care and i hope all is well with you.

regards Carole.

02-13-2008, 02:06 PM
Try to stay calm. The way I stay calm is to think "Worry won't change the outcome." So sit tight, try not to imagine a hundred things that could be wrong and wait for a diagnosis. In the mean time, prayers for you. You'll be fine and we're all here to support you. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

02-13-2008, 02:10 PM
Lisa, you got it.... I have cysts on my ovaries. I guess the right one is just a lot more scarred than the left. I was talking about my PCOS so I guess she thought it was ok to mention how bad my right ovary was/is. I guess the right one has the PCOS and the left one doesn't? :confused:

Well, the doctor called. I have to go in for a biopsy of the uterus and pre-up meeting on the 29th. Two weeks until the pre-op appointment, where I'll meet a different dr. who will perform the surgery and then wait probably another month til the surgery. Geee, thats all I need now, two weeks of freaking out til I meet this new dr. and then another month of freaking out about the surgery.

This is a new doctor because I have new insurance and so far I'm impressed with how efficiently they handle me. So maybe it won't be that long til the operation and til I hear the results of that. I was amazed at the blood tests... I came in and didn't even have time to find a good magazine in the pile before they called my name and I had the tests done. I was called within hours to know all my tests came back within normal range (which is awesome because last year I had high and insulin levels)

And just so you all know, I'm not the only one in this family with "issues" this way. Ashley had a bad pap result and we're trying to get hold of her so she can get back to her doctor for more tests. That isn't easy considering she's still not talking to us. The only way we get info to her is by having our youngest daughter text her on the phone and wait for a response. I have NO IDEA what she thinks she's prooving but this is serious!

God would certainly have some sense of humor if we both were to have cancer together. But I'm not going to think about it. I'm going to wait and be positive that mine is merely endometriosis and hers is merely an infection of some kind.

02-13-2008, 02:13 PM
I have had the biopsy a few times...it is no fun but it is over pretty quick.

02-13-2008, 02:40 PM
That wasn't very professional of her to make these remarks and don't say anything specific.

Okay, they called a while later, but now you have to wait for the biopsy and the results. I know how I felt before I had my ovary surgery last August, it was no fun at all.

I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry too much!
