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View Full Version : a scare with my Ash, re cat food...any ideas?

02-11-2008, 03:05 PM
I got a real fright last night, i had given ash a treat , as he was being a bit fussy with regards to his food lately, i bought a small tin of dine tuna and whitebait, he devoured it in no time, and seemed to enjoy it, however he ran outside in a hurry, i thought here we go again, he will vomit it straight up, he has had a problem for while, and yes been checked by the vet,but no he did not,instead his mouth was quivering and he was sticking his tongue out, not exactly like that, but best way i can describe it to you, he was obviously not a happy boy, i was really scared and panicking, he did this for while and then seemed to be ok.

However he came in later and was going to have a bit of grated cheese, his favourite and put it in his mouth then ran outside again,later on the evening he seemed ok and ate as normal, i checked his mouth and could not see anything.

I have been thinking maybe there was a small bone stuck that was in the cat food, which should not be of course there in the first place, so i put some cat lax on his paw, as i thought it has oils in it that might help dislodge it, if that were the case,he seem's ok now and i am very puzzled, do you think he was allergic to the food,? any idea's anyone?

02-11-2008, 03:07 PM
Get him to the vet and let the vet have a look.

A bone is very possible. It can be tiny and still create trouble for Ash.

Please call and see if the vet can "squeeze you in".

Keep us posted, k?

02-11-2008, 03:10 PM

First thing I thought was a reaction but not 100% and then again a bone maybe possible too. Maybe even just a small sliver of a bone. I agree with Candace. Call your vet and get him checked out just in case. Better safe than sorry.

And do keep us updated.


02-11-2008, 03:11 PM
Yes i have been tossing whether or not to do just that, i think to be on the safe side i will take him to the vet,will keep ya posted.

02-11-2008, 03:18 PM
That sounds so much like Dixie and her hairballs. She has the hardest time getting them up and goes through this tongue out, gasping, coughing sound.

I sure hope there isn't a bone lodged but I'm glad to hear you'll be having him checked out.

Well wishes to him!
I used to have an Ash, too. He's been gone for almost 14 years now, it was a little jolting to see the name again.

02-11-2008, 03:21 PM
I honestly don't think it was a hairball, he actually did not even try to vomit anything up, i have never seen his mouth quivering like that, it was more like something stuck alright or an allergic reaction and it was straight after eating the cat food, immediately in fact.

Ash is my old grey boy, he was named by my then young daughter after Ash on pokemon, and of course he just happens to be that colour too lol. :)

02-11-2008, 05:55 PM
It Could Have Been A Bad Batch Of Food As I Will Open A Can Of Food Open That Smells A Bit Off And I Will Turf It Right Away.
Its A Lot Hadere To Read The Expiry Dates On Canned Food Than It Is The Dry!!!
We Hope Ash Is All Right!!!

02-11-2008, 06:17 PM
I'm not thinking bad food or tainted food would have that fast of a reaction, would it?
I hope Ash is okay.

02-11-2008, 06:38 PM
No the food was fine, i have a nose like a drug dog for bad smells, believe me lol, i would know, besides Ellie had some to and she was just fine. :)