View Full Version : TWO new RATTIES!

02-10-2008, 10:01 AM
I gotses two more ratsies! *Ahem* I mean I got two more rats! =D

Okay I was at PJ Pets and of course I looked at the rats and heck even my Mom fell in love. But I figured no...if I get anymore I want to rescue them but wouldn't you know one little girl comes running to the front of the tank and follows me as I walk by. I left and she ran back to her sisters and when I came back she was at the front of the glass. I had heard too many stories of people finding their heart rat this way. So after staring at them and a little reassuring I had convinced my mom to let me get her. So the employee grabs this tiny sad little cardboard box that was 4" by 4" by 6" to sue as a carry case. Then when I was at the front counter my Mom figured I should get another one so I went back and the employee got me a much bigger box and I picked out this other little cutie. The first girl is a PEW double rex dumbo and the other girl is a black hooded standerd hair top ear. Dumbo and top ear are ear types btw. They are soooo tiny to!! They must only be about 3-4 weeks old. Which means as long as intros go well (after Quarantine time) then I will have to put the mesh back on the cage. >.< Ok I babbled on long enough... pics!

http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s176/Bobbyo2/bobbyo2new/DSCF2081.jpg (that is a 6.5" silent spinner)


02-10-2008, 12:29 PM
Wow, it sounds like you have one of the greatest mums. Ha, my mum never even gave me the "ok" before I got most of my rats. The only ones she agreed to were my original two hairless.

Maggie & Nattie are just too cute. :D I hope the intro goes well after quarantine, its so cute when you walk in and have a big rattie pile curled up asleep.


02-10-2008, 02:38 PM
Thanks! =D My mom has told me that she never wnats me to have hairless rats as they are 'gross'. But seeing as Maggie is a double rex she will loose most of her fur, lol.

02-10-2008, 03:57 PM
Oh how cute!! Congrats on the two new additions. :D

02-10-2008, 05:12 PM

02-10-2008, 07:37 PM
They are so cute!!!
I miss my ratties..

Blue Dragonfly
02-10-2008, 08:02 PM
Awww they are cuties!

02-10-2008, 08:59 PM
They are adorable. Congrats! You must take pictures as the double rex molts and gets a new look every so often.

02-11-2008, 03:19 PM
I love her fur and I will miss it but I do lurve nekkie even partially nekkie ratties! So I will def. take pics!! C=


02-20-2008, 03:32 PM
I really hope you are doing your quarantine for your new rats in a seperate home. Most rats diseases are spread through formites in the air, meaning that even if the new rats are in a seperate room they can still transmit disease. All new rats should always be kept in a seperate home, away from other rodents for at least two weeks, 6 weeks to be safe. Rat disease spreads fairly easy, and even if kept in a seperate home care must be taken to change clothes/wash hands/shower before touching or coming in contact with other rats. Particles of disease can also be carried in your nose, and all it takes is one little sneeze to spread disease. This is why people always wonder how their rats get sick if they are the only rat in the home...but they take the rat into petstores with them. :rolleyes:

Also, for clarifications sake, there are many different types of rex genes out there. Double rex (mating two rexes together which causes the guard hairs to be very brittle, causing them to fall out) and patchwork rexes are two very different genes. Most double rexes are not patchworks. :) Many people cannot even tell a bad hairless from a double rex. The way to know? Double rexes hair long curly whiskers, whereas a true hairless has almost no whiskers at all, or they are very close to the muzzle, and very tightly curled.

I almost forgot!!! :eek: I just wanted to say that they are both awfully cute. :D Especially the hooded one.