View Full Version : The Minds of Children

4 Dog Mother
02-07-2008, 04:17 PM
Today I am home for work because of the flooding in Findlay so I have spent more time with my grandchildren. Tucker lost his first tooth last night after Jasmine was in bed. This morning Christy found another one in the family room and teasingly asked if he would get any money from the tooth fairy if he put them under his pillow. Well, this is the first time Jasmine has heard about the tooth fairy. At first she seemed a little concerned about her teeth falling out but then when her mother assured her that both she and Tucker would get a second set she felt better. But then you could see her testing her teeth with her tongue and she thought there might be an empty space meaning the had lost one. Christy told her no - that was just extra space for her adult teeth to fill. So then she asked if the tooth fairy would bring her money if she put Tucker's teeth under her pillow. We laughed and said no, we didn't think so! I am rather surprised she put that all together so quickly!)

Later I was fixing tuna fish salad for my lunch. I made the comment that I should have poured it over some food for Snoopy to see if he would eat it better. Christy said she used to pour it over hers when she made tuna helper. Jasmine ( who is eating macroni and cheese for lunch) says, yeah and I didn't like it. We both burst out laughing because obviously Christy meant she poured it over the dogs food and Jasmine thought her food.

I think that is part of the joy of having them around all the time. You never know what they will say or do.

Last night they were both in the kitchen. Dominic started backing across the kitchen and we are all yelling at him to stop. He just grins at us and then plop, his little behind lands perfectly in the dog's water bowl. We couldn't help but laugh but of course, he started to cry because it was such a shock to find yourself soaked from the outside in (he is still in diapers)!

Hope you enjoyed our little antidotes!

Guess I might as well add a few pictures

A boy and his dog (okay my dog but he doesn't care they are all his and Jasmine's)
Jasmine "reading" to Dominic

One sleepy boy

Oh, look, he can read too

4 Dog Mother
02-07-2008, 04:25 PM
Domimic wants a lazy boy chair - oh he has one

I am pushing the truck - oh, you mean now while I am sitting on it

Jasmine has the same best friend (and they say small dogs don't do well with kids)
Jasmine and her Mickey Mouse toodle ears

Dominic eating his own oatmeal for the first time


02-07-2008, 04:28 PM
How funny Diana! I'm so glad he's able to lighten things up in the house after all you're all going through with Snoopy!
It feels great to laugh when things have gotten you down doesn't it? :D

My favorite "Kids say the darndest things" came from my niece Julia.
She had thrown up on the school buss on the way home from kindergarden and her little bus buddy got off the buss first and quickly told my sister: "Julia puked on the bus" Julia heard what was said, but had never the word Puke, so she asked my sister "Is Puke spanish for throw up"


4 Dog Mother
02-07-2008, 04:33 PM
Angie - tooo funny!

Cinder & Smoke
02-07-2008, 04:41 PM
The "Cheer Up Committee" is hard at work! :D

Hope some of those snappies manage to make it over to Sgt Brian ...
they ought to bring a :) to his face, too.

02-07-2008, 04:59 PM
I am laughing at your little stories. :D Being a grandmom of little ones around the same age I can relate to the wonderful way they brighten up our lives. That is the blessing that comes with *old age* - grandchildren! The pictures are precious. Tell Dominic to keep eating that oatmeal - it is good for him :) - I eat it every day! :D Jasmine's smile could brighten up the gloomiest day. Thank you for sharing. :)

02-07-2008, 05:30 PM
Seems you had a very GOOD day. :D Thanks for sharing these moments
with us. Your grand babies are at the cutest ages. :)

02-07-2008, 06:31 PM
My, how far Pippi has come, from the little dog that would growl at Jasmine!

Cute stories! They are such good kids!!

02-08-2008, 11:02 AM
What precious stories and pictures! Grandbabies are the best! :D

02-08-2008, 12:19 PM
great stories and great pics! :)
dominic eats his oatmeal better than I do! :D