View Full Version : Help! My friend's dog is a killer!

02-07-2008, 02:30 PM
This happened just today.

My fiancee's brother's dog got out of their backyard and killed their neighbor's dog, one that I've seen just last week, and it was a little grey puppy, my guess was a Weimaraner. Of course, I'm not sure if they have another dog, I wasn't told what the dead dog looked like, but that's the only one that I know of.

His dog is a large, red Siberian Husky. He's always been goofy, not too smart, and he likes using his muscles. I'm not sure of his age, I think he's between 1 and 2 years old.

He's never shown any serious aggression; he rough-houses a lot with my fiancee's dog, a grey-and-white (spayed) female husky. She's quiet and shy usually, but was very dominant with him (she's older) until she spent a week in the pound after running away. Then she was brought home and it took her a while to regain her status. That whole thing happened about two months ago.

He likes to jump on people, he's hyper, and he'll mouth (lightly holding your hand in his mouth, but not biting), but being how old he is, it's hard to train him out of it.

He was neutered when they got him a few months ago, but my question is why he would kill a puppy. I realize that dogs don't have as many morals as most humans (as in, "hey look, a smaller creature, I don't want to hurt it"), but what would the puppy have done that would make the husky want to kill him, or just why would he do that at all?

He was walked frequently, and got excited when he saw other dogs, but he never acted like he wanted to attack them. I was thinking maybe he feels oppressed by the female's dominance over him, but I don't know how that could be it.

I'm asking because I'm worried that the neighbors'll sue, and my fiancee's family is either gonna lose their house, or they'll have to put the husky down. I want to know why he would do that so that maybe both can be prevented, even though it looks bleak.

Please reply soon

02-07-2008, 11:45 PM
Some dogs, some breeds in particular, have a very high prey drive. They cannot be left unsupervised with any other small animal, ever. Huskies are known for having a high prey drive, and for being expert escape artists. They may have to work out some deal with the neighbors, it is hard to know what will happen, knowing so little about the situation. Is either yard fenced? How did the husky get out? Was the pup out alone? Is it's yard fenced or was he on a run?

02-08-2008, 12:02 AM
He's not aggressive. It has nothing to do with dominance, his past, being neutered ect. He's a husky. Prey drive is expected in the breed--small dogs, cats, squirrels, birds...they all look the same to a husky! If it's smaller than them, it's prey and they will hunt it! Prey drive can be controlled. It can't be eliminated.

This is the owner's fault...not the dog's. They are in the wrong--the dog was off their property, unrestrained and killed a dog in his own yard. That husky should have never been off his owner's property unsupervised. The neighbor has grounds to cause all sorts of trouble---legal, with animal control ect. Your friend needs to apologize in a HUGE way to the neighbor. Pay for a new puppy when they are ready. Do whatever it takes to prevent a lawsuit.

Then they need to ensure this never happens again! They need to make their yard escape proof. If he was chained, that needs to stop immediately. He needs a fence--a minimum of a six foot high fence secured at the bottom to prevent digging, one that can't be climbed. Nothing near it, no weak spots. It will need to be checked daily! It takes a split second for a husky to find an escape route.

02-08-2008, 07:53 AM
I am so sorry. If it comes to having the husky pts, they 'may' be able to work an agreement to have the dog rehomed with an experienced husky owner. This is how my neighbor got his Akita last year She also has a 'police record.' My neighbor is familiar with the breed, and works with her constantly to keep her exercised, tired, and fenced in safely.

You may want to contact a husky rescue to see if they have any ideas / suggestions. Most rescues will NOT accept a dog with such a history. But they may be able to provide some guidance.

Just more options to keep in mind as this develops.

02-08-2008, 11:49 AM
IYou may want to contact a husky rescue to see if they have any ideas / suggestions. Most rescues will NOT accept a dog with such a history. But they may be able to provide some guidance.

Husky specific rescues will likely look at this differently than an all breed or a shelter. Just about every husky on the planet will go hunting if he's given the opportunity. A husky specific rescue may well consider a dog with this history. They would put a no small animals, experienced owner only clause in his adoption, but many would take him. If he had a bite history on a human, no good rescue of any breed would touch him, but prey drive is normal, expected behavior for a husky.

03-07-2008, 09:50 PM
I have to agree with the posts you already have.

Husky will see smaller animal running and instinct will take over, the dog is not making a choice, it simply has to.

We forget, at our peril, that we have wolves as pets.

Any breed of dog is capable of this and not all Huskies have the same drive BUT we HAVE to be aware that certain breeds, certain individuals are more likely to have certain traits.

03-09-2008, 12:10 AM
Having been through a similar situation, where 2 of the neighbor's dogs dug under HIS fence to get into my yard, attacked a puppy I was sitting and nearly severed my wrist. We have a "one bite" dog law in Pa, so he has his dogs back under major regulations, as he was found guilty in criminal court. Sorry to frighten you, but I have a huge law suit in litigation and I don't care if the idiot loses his house. He never ever checked his fence. I blame the owner, not the dogs, I'm sure the pup was prey to them. My life is ruined in a lot of ways. Since no human was injured, I don't know what your state's laws are, but I'd hunker down the hatches.

03-09-2008, 12:43 PM
RIGHT ON K9Karen!!!!!