View Full Version : August 17, is National Homeless Animals Day

Sara luvs her Tinky
08-16-2002, 07:00 PM
I found this on another board and wanted to share it cause if you click on the link you can light a candle and type a message for all the helpless homeless animals out in the cold , mean world. http://www.theanimalspirit.com/vigil.html

08-16-2002, 07:20 PM
thanks for the link. it IS a cold, mean world out there for these poor animals, my Charlie was found alone in a wash, at only 3-4 weeks old!! have no idea how long he was there. he trusts me now, and you should see the way he looks at me when I pet him, he often gets on the couch next to me and meows for me to pet him, and he looks at me like he is so happy to have a home, or like he's never been taken care of before! it is so sad, I don't know what happend to his mother.

08-17-2002, 10:00 PM
Sara, thanks for the link. I know that there are too many homeless pets out there. I was lucky to adopt 3 of them and now they are the loves of my life. :)