View Full Version : Out on the trail....pics

02-04-2008, 03:57 PM
It warmed up to -25C today. I can dress for that and the dogs needed a run before there was bloodshed! A tired husky is a good husky. A bored husky is nothing but trouble! So I bundled up and threw my "survive the night" bag into the sled. I just took a little team since I wasn't planning on going that far.
This part went very well. There hadn't been anyone out for days, but the trail was hardpacked. The dogs are Sundin-Anvik, Hobo, Franklin-Ozzy.
This part didn't go so well! There was no sign of a trail across the lake and Sundin did not inherit his Momma's gift of trail sense. He got quite confused and wandered alot! Mac and Daisy had a great time rolling around in the snow though! I let Mac run loose on days I don't expect to see anyone out walking their little dogs.
Frosty happy Franklin. He does love to run!
Calm, cool, collected Sundin. He's such a different dog when he's in his harness!

I am in deep trouble with Paxil. She is some kind of ticked at me for leaving her behind. She started eating again yesterday, but that's one day out of the last six! I wasn't letting her run today, despite her very loud protests that she is fine now! There is no explaining "it's for your own good" to a sled dog who wants to lead her team!

02-04-2008, 04:43 PM
I am in deep trouble with Paxil. She is some kind of ticked at me for leaving her behind. She started eating again yesterday, but that's one day out of the last six! I wasn't letting her run today, despite her very loud protests that she is fine now! There is no explaining "it's for your own good" to a sled dog who wants to lead her team!
Awww, Paxil! Please eat what your mum sets out for you, so you can run again soon. I am laughing because you took a small team out and ended up with Daisy and Mac along too! Sleep well, everyone.

02-04-2008, 06:34 PM

02-04-2008, 06:47 PM
Brrr, that's cold! Looks like the dogs love it though! I love all of your snow pictures. :)

Cinder & Smoke
02-04-2008, 06:54 PM
It warmed up to -25C today.

I can dress for that ...


You certainly throw a different >slant> on what makes a 'warming trend' than some of us!

But we all do ENJOY riding along with you on the sled - even if we have to
wear an extra sweater or jacket to ward off the chill from the monitor.

Mush ON ~ GO Huskies!!

02-04-2008, 07:16 PM
LOL I must concur with Phred - my monitor is getting a little frosty :eek: You and those gorgeous pups sure are brave souls to be out in those temperatures. Great photos as always :D

02-04-2008, 09:00 PM
Awww, Paxil! Please eat what your mum sets out for you, so you can run again soon.

Well, she ate again tonight so maybe next time we go out she can come. She's been barking and wooing at me all day to voice her displeasure at my decision to leave her behind. I keep explaining to her that most 12 year olds want to retire, but she's having none of that!

02-04-2008, 11:31 PM
Great pics... GOSH winter time always makes me miss my cold, frosty, snowy Northern home.

02-05-2008, 12:00 AM
Great pictures! I have a feeling Paxil sounded a lot like that dog in the video I posted. ;) :D Poor girl. Hope she heals up fast.

02-05-2008, 08:09 AM
Gorgeous photos as always Tamara :D. LOL i spotted Daisy and Mac tagging along, it looks like they had a great time.

Thanks for sharing.

Ginger's Mom
02-05-2008, 09:08 AM
Looks like a good time for the pups. That picture of Sundin is very cute. He looks very contented.

4 Dog Mother
02-05-2008, 09:30 AM
I didn't post to this thread before because I got frostbite of the fingers just reading about the temperatures. You definitely make some of us feel like wimps when we complain about going out our cold.

I always love the pictures of the teams sledding. The way you take the pictures makes me feel like I am along for the ride. Can't even imagine what that would be like. I love each and one of your dogs - they are all so magnificient each in their own ways. I don't think I would do well with your lifestyle (way too much of a wimp) but I sure am glad I get to peek into yours. Definitely a different perspective of life!

02-05-2008, 03:04 PM

You certainly throw a different >slant> on what makes a 'warming trend' than some of us!

It was a brief reprieve. It's -44C again today!

02-05-2008, 03:38 PM
I always have liked looking at your pictures. where you live reminds me a lot of here :D an your dogs are such a joy to look at

02-05-2008, 03:44 PM
Warmed up!!! Brrrrr...I got shivers just thinking of those temperatures and seeing all that snow. Glad some of the dogs got to go out for a short run. Hope Paxil is doing better.

Cinder & Smoke
02-05-2008, 04:19 PM
It was a brief reprieve.

It's -44C again today!


Take a number for your spot around the ole wood burner!
Who's going out to fetch more logs?

02-06-2008, 12:08 AM
How nice to take the furkids out on such a warm ( :eek:) day. Got a chuckle from poor Paxil giving you a piece of her mind - sounds like you had it coming, Tamara... its not easy watching everybody leaving without you! She's not used to seeing the "tails end" of the team!

02-06-2008, 06:16 AM
Gorgeous photos as always! I also feel like I came along for the ride. It looks like so much fun! :D