View Full Version : Healthy lunch ideas.

02-04-2008, 11:05 AM
I need to stop eating fast food, I eat it usually every day.
I'm very picky so I would like some ideas on easy healthy lunch meals.
I like fruit and vegetables but they don't fill me up so I don't eat them very much.

02-04-2008, 11:13 AM
I learned to pick the right fast food ;) I've lost 20 pounds, most of it while eating fast food. I do a lot of chinese takeout (shrimp w/ snow peas is my personal favorite), a lot of McDonalds salads, and Subway wraps have become a staple. No chips, no fries. Wawa has a great selection of fruit cups and they also have some great sandwich choices. Its all about choosing the right things and saying "no" to the deep fried stuff. I've honestly lost all the weight from fast food. I think I'll write a book on the fast food diet ;) :p Those frozen entrees from Lean Cuisine and such don't do a thing for me and I don't cook (as I've said many times over) I also pack a lot of fresh fruit to supplement the fast food as snacks and such during the day. I think I'm gonna turn into an orange or mini carrot soon.... but they're such yummy snacks during the day!

02-04-2008, 11:28 AM
Ya there are some good stuff at fast food places but I dont like it:p
I wish I liked chilli cause it smells so good but eww it taste soo bad.
I like swiss chalet and it's good for you but oh so expensive.
They need to make cheap healthy fast food places, every place I see that has a nice looking sandwhich is expensive.
I tried one from starbucks and it was $10:eek: And I didn't even like it.

02-04-2008, 12:54 PM
Why don't you pack your lunch? :p

I pack my lunch almost everyday.
I may eat out once a week and splurge with a burger.

I usually pack a sandwich, a fruit or nuts and a packet of raisins or a granola bar.

Sometimes, I just cook a little extra dinner and take the leftovers with me the day after. It's so much cheaper than eating out and I know what's in the food!

When I have no time to make a lunch in the morning I go to Publix or Winn Dixie and purchase a roll and a little less than 1/4 lb of ham or turkey. The huge sandwich comes out to less than 3 bucks most of the time!

02-04-2008, 01:04 PM
For lunch I like a salad of field greens, with a hard boiled egg or a little chicken and some cheese. I usually eat a banana too.

02-04-2008, 01:41 PM
I learned to pick the right fast food ;) I've lost 20 pounds, most of it while eating fast food. I do a lot of chinese takeout (shrimp w/ snow peas is my personal favorite), a lot of McDonalds salads, and Subway wraps have become a staple. No chips, no fries. Wawa has a great selection of fruit cups and they also have some great sandwich choices. Its all about choosing the right things and saying "no" to the deep fried stuff. I've honestly lost all the weight from fast food. I think I'll write a book on the fast food diet ;) :p Those frozen entrees from Lean Cuisine and such don't do a thing for me and I don't cook (as I've said many times over) I also pack a lot of fresh fruit to supplement the fast food as snacks and such during the day. I think I'm gonna turn into an orange or mini carrot soon.... but they're such yummy snacks during the day!
what the heck is
WAWA???? :D :confused:

02-04-2008, 03:53 PM
Why don't you pack your lunch? :p

I pack my lunch almost everyday.
I may eat out once a week and splurge with a burger.

I usually pack a sandwich, a fruit or nuts and a packet of raisins or a granola bar.

Sometimes, I just cook a little extra dinner and take the leftovers with me the day after. It's so much cheaper than eating out and I know what's in the food!

When I have no time to make a lunch in the morning I go to Publix or Winn Dixie and purchase a roll and a little less than 1/4 lb of ham or turkey. The huge sandwich comes out to less than 3 bucks most of the time! lol I was at home today. I don't eat lunch at work anyways because I usually get done in time to have lunch at home.
My problem is dinner time for fast food.
My bf usually gets home around that time and so I go out then and need something to eat, its so much easier to just grab a burger or pizza and it taste soo good.

02-04-2008, 04:25 PM
I love eating baby carrots dipped in ranch dressing. I also love yogurt. How about something like that???

02-04-2008, 04:49 PM
I like them but they aren't filling enough.

02-04-2008, 05:01 PM
I would think you would need some kind of protein to get that full feeling, I have bad eating habits so I am no help :D

02-04-2008, 05:12 PM
Some cold cut meats, cheese, lettuce, tomato, and a nice loaf of bread should make a few easy meals that are healthier than fast food.

02-04-2008, 05:23 PM
How about a salad with grated cheese, pieces of chicken, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, walnuts, onions etc. If you give it time to settle you'll notice just how filling it really is. You could replace the chicken with hard boiled egg for a quick change. You could have a fruit salad for dessert. Bring some dried apricots, dates, raisins on the side. Lots of variations from these and they are very filling.

02-05-2008, 10:39 AM
Just remember you don't need to feel full, you just need to feel not hungry.

I often grab a handful of shelled walnuts for an afternoon snack, often that's enough. If it's not I grab a piece of fruit.

Another lunch/dinner idea is a tuna fish (or canned salmon) sandwich. I prefer salmon with no mayonnaise on Arnolds 12 grain bread (http://arnold.gwbakeries.com/product.cfm/upc/7341000026).

Water will also help you feel more full. Drinking a 16 ounce bottle with your meal will fill you right up.