View Full Version : State of Connecticut income tax boo-boo

02-03-2008, 05:59 PM
I thought I did SOOO well, doing my own taxes. I filed online this year. Unfortunately, I read the summary of taxes withheld wrong while doing my State income taxes. And while I would LOOOOOOOOOVE to keep the money they direct deposited $511, I know it would catch up with me eventually. What I don't understand is why THEY didn't catch the mistake. Anyway, instead of putting $.59 withheld, I mistakently put the amount of social security taxes withheld ($511). :rolleyes: :eek:

So now I have to file and amended return and send back the money. Don't worry, when I realized what I had done, I called the State and told them. I also transferred the money into my savings so I wouldn't spend it. It was an honest mistake. I tried to rectify it by filing an amended 1040X online but it wouldn't take the $.59. Technically, I didn't even have to file a state return.

*sigh* :rolleyes:

02-04-2008, 07:42 AM
They only take whole dollar amounts. So $0.59 needs to be entered as $1.00.

smokey the elder
02-04-2008, 08:04 AM
You're well before the filing deadline, you can just file the amended return and invalidate the old return. Your honesty will save you a lot of grief in the long run; they seem to like to go after people who can't defend themselves easily ($).

02-04-2008, 09:07 AM
Smokey the Elder,

I filed the amended return this morning. They asked me if I wanted to pay the $510 NOW or send in a check separately before April 15th. Since I still have outstanding bills that need paying, I've decided to take $250 and leave the rest in the savings. I'll have my IRS check before the deadline so I'll wait till the last minute to send them their money, just like they do with us. :D