View Full Version : Random facts about yourself.

02-02-2008, 06:48 PM
Saw this on a different forum

-I have terrible gammar and can't spell but I hate when I see other people do it.
-I'm very afraid of sharp things like knives and scissors.
-I can read things that are upside down and backwards the same way I can read forwards
-I have a terrible short term memory and can't remember important things, but I always remember every detail of stupid things that happened. I still remember every detail about some things when I was very young (4+).
-I laugh when people get mad even when I don't think it's funny, unless I'm getting yelled at.
-I have asthma
-I was highly allergic to cats when I was younger and now have 5.
-I'm allergic to the cold.
-I love to argue (surprise surprise)
-I have a really good photographic memory
-I'm paranoid about alot of thing
-I have a terrible temper (again no surprise here)
-I have a 25 degree curve in my back and have scoliosis
-I'm allergic to rum,whiskey and vodka.
-I'm very afraid of the dark
-I can't sleep unless my tv is on
-I have slept with the same teddy since I was 7 and the only place I can sleep without it is my bf's.
-The doctors thought I was going to be a midget or mentally handicaped
-I'm very shy until I get to know people but have no problem speaking my mind to strangers if I don't agree with them
-I'm very lazy but a very hard worker
-I have a mix of a english and texan accent of which I have no clue where I picked it up from. (My parents are english but I dont know anyone who is from Texas)
-I hate chocolate,cake,doughnuts or anything associated with those things
-I LOVE hairless animals but hate bald men.

02-02-2008, 06:56 PM
I can't fall asleep without the tv either.

You made me laugh when you said you are very lazy but a hard worker, I feel like that sometimes :D

02-02-2008, 07:28 PM
lol, you sound very similer to me! lets see:

-I have terrible gammar and can't spell but I hate when I see other people do it.
-I can read things that are upside down and backwards the same way I can read forwards
-I have a terrible short term memory and can't remember important things, but I always remember every detail of stupid things that happened. I still remember every detail about some things when I was very young (4+).
-I laugh when people get mad even when I don't think it's funny, unless I'm getting yelled at.
-I have asthma
-I love to argue (surprise surprise)
-I'm paranoid about alot of thing
-I have a terrible temper (again no surprise here)
-I can't sleep unless my tv is on
-I'm very shy until I get to know people but have no problem speaking my mind to strangers if I don't agree with them
-I'm very lazy but a very hard worker

all of these apply to me as well lol. added to that for me is:

-I am 20 years old and cant drive, nor do I have any desire whatsoever to learn
-I am afraid of fire, anything that involves an open flame I wont go near. I even get really nervous when my mom lights the fireplace.
-I Suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder, as does both my mom and my brother.
-I HATE the phone. if I dont recignize the name on the ID, I will NOT pick it up, and I will exshaust all other options before I am willing to phone anyone. een things that legaly require ME to phone, I have often had friends call for me pretending to be me.
-I have Rosasea, and combined with that I have incredably pale skin with a pink undertone, PLUS my social anxiety, it all adds up to mean that I turn bright red extremly easily, and often for no appearent reason because one of my triggers is anxiety...I have an anxiety disorder...you do the math lol.
-I am nice almost to a fault, I am able to forgive pretty much anything, and while I often get angry, its really doesnt last, and the anger is never deep.
-I am very strong willed and opinionated, but I am also a total goof off, upon first meeting me everyone always assumes I am a geek, that did nothing but sit at home studying or something. in reality my binders were almost entirly doodles, and I only ever did enugh to pass.
-I am 100% devoted to my animals, I am seriously obbessed, I make extremly little money, but I refuse to settle for anything less then the best for my animals, they are all I talk about, I have virtually no other interests lol

02-02-2008, 07:53 PM
-I have a photographic memory and an EXTREMELY good memory all around.
-If you do something to really get me mad, and keep it up after I tell you to stop, you will not like to be around me after I give you sevral chances and you don't stop.
-I'm dyslexic and have ADHD
-I know almost everyone
-I want to be a zoo educator or work with apes or elephants

02-02-2008, 08:21 PM
*I love to make people laugh, but I don’t like to be laughed at.
*I have a great memory when it comes to numbers, dates and names, but I can’t remember the details of a conversation to save my life. (good thing I work in accounting)
*I do not like spicy/hot foods, seafood or onions, and peppers.
*I can do weird tricks with my eyes.
*I hate to be startled or scared (that’s why I hate horror movies).
*I love to watch surgeries on TV. (Bruce hates it, lol)
*My desk at work is completely clean while my desk at home is a MESS!
*I might have a touch of OCD. I get irritated if things are not put back in the same place each time. (obviously not the case with my desk)
*I am extremely physically flexible (even though I’m a little overweight).
*I talk and laugh a lot (and sometimes loudly!).
*When I have no expression on my face it looks like I’m pissed off when I’m not. My brother is the same way.
*I HATE grasshoppers and crickets.
*I was extremely shy as a child....not so much anymore. :p

02-02-2008, 08:43 PM
Here' goes:
- I seriously cringe when people pronounce soil like "sull"... at times the southern accent is like a completely different language.
- People around here are surprised that my accent isn't like theirs despite the fact that I'm southern-fried.
- Since Johnny Cash died(2003) I haven't listened to country music.
-When I am driving alone, I talk as if there is someone in the passenger seat. Lets just say it helps me concentrate, eventhough I am a self-proclaimed terrible driver.
- Everytime I try to spell "new", I always find myself wanting to spell it like: "gnu"... like an antelope.
- My philosophy in life is that "I'll learn it the hard way."
- When I was daycare-age everyone thought I was Asian.
- I type normal, but I handwrite from right to left.
- I'm terrible at explaining things.
- Rabbit teeth scare me.
- The earliest memories I have are of my dad singing Queen songs to me. :]
- Cats, especially strays, have an odd fondness of me. I don't quite understand this...
- I am 100% against drinking alcoholic beverages.
- My memory is the worst.
- I am one of the pickiest eaters you will ever know.
- The one word that I admit to overusing is "rad".
- I love (love love love!) adrenaline rushes.
- Road-rash should have been my middle name. If only you knew the kinds of longboarding accidents I have been in..

- I'm against the breeding of any kind of mutt or animals with mutations of their natural color. This bothers me most when it comes to birds. Thats why the two that I have purchased from breeders both sport feathers of their ancestor's natural color.

02-02-2008, 09:47 PM
- I'm the only one of my siblings with blue eyes
- I have such weird food allergies that people have a hard time trying to feed me - and they have all developed in the last ten years - before that I had NONE!
- My second toe is longer than my "big" toe.
- Misuse of apostrophes - especially in printed signage - drives me crazy!
- I love winter even though I do not ski
- I am half deaf - my right ear is only good for holding up my glasses
- That's because I had brain surgery - an acoustic neuroma removed, and because of that ...
- I have seen my brain in slices! (MRI results - wicked cool)

02-02-2008, 09:49 PM
-I can read things that are upside down and backwards the same way I can read forwards
-I am allergic to cats and now have 8 plus 2 foster kittens.
-I have a really good photographic memory
-I have a terrible temper (again no surprise here)
-I'm allergic to beer; but can drink and enjoy Guinness.
-I have slept with a small stuffed gray elephant with red corduroy ears until well into my twenties. I still have it; name is Ellie Phant.
- I am afraid of fire, and almost had the gas range in this house replaced with an electric one when I bought the house. Learned to cope, but very nervous with it even now, after 6 years.
- I LOVE to cook; hate to clean up; manage to make the kitchen look like a tornado went through it almost every meal. But the food is DELICIOUS! :D
- you can explain something to me a thousand times; maybe I will get it maybe not.Show me how to do it and I get first time through.
- I have the well known short fuse Sicilian temper.
- I am afraid of spiders.
- I cannot watch scary movies, I have nightmares for weeks afterwards. Haven't watched one since I was about 6!
- I can't walk into a hospital without fainting. So if you are ever in hospital and I come visit, you will know the funeral director is right behind me. 9makes taking Dad to the ER a major challenge and often a nurse has to help me.)
- I can't deal with blood or discussions of blood, surgeries, that type thing. When Dad had some periodontal work done 2 years back, the dentist called me in to explain what Dad needed to do with applying some gel and a gauze pad and I passed out. (Dr. said it was the first time in over 30 years he ever had to treat a patient's caregiver.) I've passed out listening to someone at work explaining their surgery -- to someone ELSE.
- I am stubborn; but since I am always right, it is OK. :D
- I am known for my honesty, among friends, and at work; and I can't tolerate a liar.
- I took ballet from ages 3 to 6 and was never able to do a split. I am NOT a limber person.

02-02-2008, 11:11 PM
* For my height, my legs are comparatively long and my arms comparatively short, so I've never been able to touch my toes without bending my knees a little.
* Like Karen, my second toe is longer than my big toe. I didn't like this until I learned Anna Pavlova (famous Russian ballerina) had the same "problem".
* I hate rings, can't stand having them on my fingers, so I didn't have a wedding ring when I married.
* I forget people's names within 1 second of hearing them but can remember the details of conversations for weeks.
* I have a green thumb and a natural talent for garden design, though I don't use either now that I'm so intensely involved in fostering cats.
* I've never known what I wanted to do as a career, and I'm close to retirement age so it's no use figuring it out now.
* I learned to read easily and have been a reader since age 5. I'll read anything - care repair manuals, phone directories, cereal packets, etc. rather than read nothing.
* I am somewhat afraid of electricity and it's the only type of home repair I won't try to do myself.
* I find most social situations fairly easy to deal with but I'm inclined to find most people boring very quickly (and I accept that I must bore most people).
* While I have adjusted to most American grammar rules, I cannot bring myself to put the period inside the quotation marks or brackets/parentheses.
* I have a very quirky sense of humor and enjoy word play.
* When I was 20, I spent an entire year reading no other literature except plays.
* I once had 5 boyfriends at the same time, just to see if I could do it. Now I'd rather spend the evening with my cats than go out on a date.
* My favorite fruits are raspberries, Bosc pears, figs and ataulfo mango. My favorite vegetables are parsnips and leeks.

02-02-2008, 11:21 PM
* I once had 5 boyfriends at the same time, just to see if I could do it. Now I'd rather spend the evening with my cats than go out on a date.
:eek: Now that is a weird random fact!

02-02-2008, 11:22 PM
-I hate to cook so I use the microwave for almost everything.
-I'm shy at first until I get to know the person but I can talk about my cats to any one.
-I usually screen all of my phone calls because I hate to be bothered by people that I don't know.
-I'm a fairly good speller and it drives me crazy to see words misspelled.
-I don't like driving long distances.
-I don't like driving at night because I have poor night vision.
-I spend more money on my cats than I do on myself. They come first.
-I'm still in debt and will probably be my whole life.
-I make very little money for someone living in California.
-I hate my job but I like my boss and co-workers.
-I'm a very light sleeper and I never sleep through the night.
-I'm not a morning person.
-I've never been married and I don't have any children.
-I don't have my tonsils or appendix anymore.
-I'm afraid of heights.
-I don't drink alcohol any more.
-I love most desserts.
-I hate all bugs.
-I've been told that I'm a good listener and that I have a very good memory.

02-02-2008, 11:38 PM
:eek: Now that is a weird random fact!

I thought it would be fun but it was exhausting since I had to go out every single evening. And it was confusing because I couldn't remember what I'd talked about to each one so I'd get myself in a muddle.

Nobas Mom
02-02-2008, 11:53 PM
Okay, here goes....
~I've been in the Navy for 10 years, tired of it, and am joining the Army
~I've been married twice, this time it's for life, first time was for being young and dumb
~Grew up with three basset hounds (parents dogs), swore I would never own a dog so stubborn, and now I am in love with mine... :rolleyes:
~I love all vegetables (bring on the brussel sprouts), but won't go near cauliflower
~I am addicted to pizza rolls... yummy
~I have a ridiculous fear of snakes and worms, but I am studying to be a veterinarian.
~I truly believe in human euthanasia as a way to end suffering in humans that are terminal, and only if that's what they truly believe it's what they want
~I would rather spend money on other people, or my pets, than myself
~I can't leave the house without a hairbrush, but barely ever wear make-up
~I want to lose weight, but lack the motivation to start... ugh, lifelong battle
~I've always secretly wanted to be a fighter pilot!!

02-03-2008, 07:15 AM
* I forget people's names within 1 second of hearing them but can remember the details of conversations for weeks.

* I've never known what I wanted to do as a career, and I'm close to retirement age so it's no use figuring it out now.

I am enjoy this thread so much! These two things that Lizzie mentioned are soooo me.

1. My favorite subjects in school were English-related topics - spelling, grammar, reading books.
2. I love to travel although have never gotten to do very much of it and that is a regret.
3. I can't understand manuals or written directions. I need someone to show me how to do something.
4. I love working in the yard, planting, etc. Must have not gotten enough time in as a kid making mud pies. :p
5. I am orderly and organized almost to a fault. My closets have like things together and are grouped by color.
6. I have always loved animals, most especially dogs since I was very young.
7. One of my first words was Vacum. I was trying to pronounce vacuum cleaner. My parents named our dog Vacum so that I would be able to call him. :)
8. I like most foods but hate the taste and smell of liver. Hubby likes it and I have only cooked it for him once after decades of marriage. :p

02-03-2008, 09:51 AM
Wow, this is a great thread.

Okay, let's see now...

I get bored easily
I adore the many friends I have made here on PT
I love to help other people, albeit elderly, little kids, anyone who looks like they can use my help.
I enjoy talking to the customers at work (aside from that last a-hole a few nights ago)
I love watching tv (part of being bored)
I suffer from manic depression. I hate that I have absolutely no control over it (chemical imbalance in the brain)
I have short term memory loss (must've been all those years of my youth, if you know what I mean). It's gotten worse these days and is VERY frustrating (like looking all over the place for your cellphone while you're actually talking on it...DUH!
I adore my cats. They are my lifeline.
When I'm depressed (which is alot lately, it seems), I love going to church for the peace and serenity, and to get things off my chest.
I love playing Scrabble (keeps my mind or what little mind I have left active)
I love crew meets (my brother is a crew (rowing) coach
I love Pet Talk. It's saved my life.
I love sailing.
I adore my brother and wish he lived closed (he's out in North Carolina)
I love writing.
I'm afraid of snakes
I'm afraid of drowning
I'm scared of dying
I speak my mind and tell it like it is
I love driving to Bolton Lake and sitting there for hours, either reading, or listening to my iPod. It's been my favorite place since I was a child.
I love taking the train to NYC and walking around.
I'm disorganized.
I'm a slob (hey, I live alone, okay???)
I love to cook
I hate it when I'm feeling sad (that's my depression again) and someone idiot will say, "Oh, come on, get over it. Pull yourself up and move on). If ONLY it were that easy. Or they ask me what's bothering me. I don't KNOW what's bothering me, and that's why I'm on medication.
Stupid people piss me off.
I am impatient.
I'm very greatful that God saw something in me to make me want to live.

02-03-2008, 10:40 AM
-I am PETRIFIED of insects!
-I have a fear of falling down a flight of stairs, and know that is how I am going to die.
-I will spend money on my pets, my friends, strangers, ANYONE, but buying something for myself is almost impossible.
-I was an honor student my entire school career and my first, only and lowest grade was a C+ in political science in my first year of college. (and I was devestated!)
-My first car was a '68 blue Pontiac LeMans, and I hand painted it BRIGHT YELLOW!
-I suffer from depression and take Zoloft. (and I wish I had been diagnosed a WHOLE lot sooner)
-I have ridden an elephant and a camel.
-There were only 10 individuals in my high school graduating class, and we were considered a LARGE class!
-I have never drunk an entire alchoholic beverage. (I have tasted wine/beer/champagne, but never had more than 1 sip. Now I don't even bother to have that sip.)
-I have NEVER smoked a cigarette.
-I HATE calling friends on the phone because I always feel I will be disturbing them at a bad time.
-A cat's purr is my favorite sound.
-I've never had children, and I am not sorry.
-My wedding was outside and I sewed my own dress and put together my bouquet.

-I am sure there are other things WANT to say, but can't think right now. :p

02-03-2008, 11:39 AM
> Both my thumbs can band right back as if there broken.
> I don't like pie, yogurt, bananas, and cake.
> Crows seem so follow me as if their watching me so sometimes I call back at them and they'll fly right over to me making more noise lol.
> I came in first place for the 1500 race in grade 8.
> I always seem to rip up paper in my hands because I forget that I'm holding it and I have ripped up bus tickets, money and a whole bunch of other things so when I go out I tell my friends to hold my tickets.
> Sometimes I'll just go out alone in storms sit on a bench and listen to the wind.
> In the summer I go on top of my garage roof and sometimes I'll sleep up there.
> I'm very, very shy and hate talking to people I don't know unless it's online lol.
> I do 40 to 50 sit ups a night before I go to bed.
> I hate people who wear fur and countries that eat dogs, cats, horses ect....
> I'm half Yugoslavian and Ojibway... altho my native shows more.
> My favorite color is green and my number 11.
> I've feed wild baby racoons and had them crawl on my back playing with me.
> I never want children and think more people should adopt because there's too many humans as it is.
> I tend to swear and talk too loud at the wrong moments... even in front of little kids lol.
> I plan on being a photographer for my life and rescuing wild birds.
> I laugh way too much and I can be very immature but I don't care.
> I don't have any pericings and never will.
> I don't wear make up because I don't need it.
> I'm very impatient & hate waiting for things I want.
> All my pants are skinny jeans.
> I've never drank any alcohol in my life.

02-03-2008, 12:03 PM
- I am hearing impaired
- I am 4'10"
- I have a boyfriend, his name is Mike.
- I don't have kids, but I would love to someday.
- I love Siberian Huskies and Wolves.
- I am very shy, but I am not shy when it comes to getting to know me. I am quite the chatterbox.
- I have failed one class in college and that was Algebra.
- I am very artistic, and art is my major.
- My favorite beer is Rolling Rock.
- My favorite food is anything Italian.
- I love chocolate chip cookies, especially my mom's homemade cookies.
- My favorite fast food restaurant is Chipotle. (haha)
- I have the world's worst temper, yet I do not show it in front of my friends, but my family and sometime in front of Mike, it often slips.
- I am terrified of the thought of never finding the life I am meant to live. So I live every day to the last.
- My favorite actor is Matthew McCoughaney.
- I am very conscious of my right eye, which is a lazy eye. I feel it is what "makes" me as an individual.
- I have NEVER smoked a cigarette, and I have no desire to.
- I love country music, especially GARTH BROOKS!

02-03-2008, 01:19 PM
Some more I thought of after reading some of other people's...

-On this work sheet we have to do where you can't use "dead" verbs or if i'm looking for a more "interesting" word I tend to write ((or almost)) write it in spanish, though none of my family is spanish and i've only taken 2 years of it.

02-03-2008, 02:10 PM
- Famous country artists I have met: Kenny Chesney, Montgomery Gentry, Phil Vassar, Dierks Bentley, Rascal Flatts, Trent Willmon, Chris Cagle (4x), Big & Rich, Lonestar (4x), Trick Pony, Aaron Lines, Billy Currington, Jamie O'Neal, one of the guys from Cross Canadian Ragweed, Jimmy Wayne (2x), LoCash Cowboys (2x), Jamey Johnson, and Rhett Akins.

- States I have been to: Tennessee, Kentucky, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, West Virginia, Virginia, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Pennsylvania, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Missouri, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona.

- My favorite number is 7.

- I love inspirational/meaningful/artistic/love/relationship quotes.

- My #1 dream in life has been accomplished, and that is seeing Garth Brooks in concert in Kansas City, Missouri on Nov. 6, 2007.

- Countries I would love to visit/explore: Ireland, Italy, Australia, France, and Scotland.

- I LOVE coffee. I always have to have a cup every day. I can't stand regular, but I like it flavored, such as hazelnut or mocha.

- I strongly dislike: mushrooms, onions, and cabbage. I can't stand the smell of these food or even the sight of them as they are cooked.

- I have a weird thing with pens, I like to collect gel colored pens and I have a bag full of them, and I rarely use them only when I feel like I want to use one when I am writing a letter or taking notes about something. I love sharpies, too as well.

- I love digital cameras and photographs. I always take pictures everywhere I go; and I carry my digital camera in my bag all the time.

- Mike and I met 3 months after we saw each other as we walked past each other on the Oval on campus at Ohio State. He smiled at me and I smiled back at him; just being friendly and did not think of anything out of it. He found out I was friends with his friend's girlfriend who I grew up with since 4th grade. Ever since, we both are happy and I am so blessed and lucky to have someone like him in my life at this time, and hopefully later in life too as well. We have been together for a year and almost a month. Let's just say, I have a gut feeling. :)

Cinder & Smoke
02-03-2008, 02:12 PM
... but hate the taste and smell of liver.
Hubby likes it and I have only cooked it for him once after decades of marriage.

OLD Liver Tail >>>

I was a lil kid ...5-8, somewhere around there ... toddled in from school ...
Ewwwww ... What STINKS in here?

Mom was not impressed ... "That's what were having for dinner, Dear; it's LIVER.
It has a unique smell before it's cooked. You'll LIKE it."

YUCCCK! I won't like it - it smells BAD! I wanna Hamburger.
I'm only cooking ONE meal!
I headed for my room.

Dad appeared on the scene ... "Gosh, what STINKS in here?"

Mom was REALLY not impressed ... "YOU asked for it, Skipper!"

The smell became overpowering, even upstairs behind my closed door ...
KIDS ~ Dinner's ready!

Five "Dinner's ready - COME!" calls later, I was seated at the dining room table.

I *s*l*o*w*l*y* ate everything in sight - except IT.
IT lay menacingly on my plate - a huge glob of UCK!

"Eat you LIVER, Dear."
I don't WANT it - gimmie a Hamburg or a Pean-Butter & Jelly Sammich.

I'll get SICK if I eat that junk!
"EAT it if you want any desert."

I'll get sick if I do ...
"Eat it Dear. You'll probably like it; you ate it all the time when you were little."
SHE (my lil Sister) didn't eat all hers!"
"She ate most of it and didn't complain a bit!"
She can hardly talk ...
EAT IT and stop complaining!

I took a tiny bite ...
And Yuppers - Did I get **SICK**!
*Barfed* all over the plate, table cloth, my lap ... a real 1st class job!

I remember getting *cleaned* then *paddled* and sent to my room - hungry.
I NEVER remember having LIVER again - EVER!


02-03-2008, 02:37 PM
OLD Liver Tail >>>

I was a lil kid ...5-8, somewhere around there ... toddled in from school ...
Ewwwww ... What STINKS in here?

When my sis and I were kids, we always knew when Mom and Dad were fighting. They went to great lengths to hide those types of things from us--we never overheard or saw any tension between them. But when Mom was ticked at him, we got spaghetti for dinner. Pasta is a side dish, not a meal to my Dad. When they had made up, we got liver and onions--Dad's favorite meal! I required half a pound of bacon to eat a tiny slice of liver!

02-03-2008, 03:04 PM
Ok...let me think...

*I'm 18 and do not have my license yet. I'm totally terrified of driving.
*I'm scared of horses,ferrets, and gerbils.
*I'm really shy, even around children I don't know
*I have to be forced to buy myself things.
*I get real sick when it gets hot and I love the cold.
*I'm obsessed with bracelets
*I really want a little niece (I have 2 nephews and a third on the way)
*I'm going blind
*I'm a picky eater.
*I hate talking on the phone and won't answer it if it rings.
*I don't wear make-up
*I love to watch the news.
*I worry about everything.

02-03-2008, 03:09 PM
Offal was a regular part of our diet when I was growing up since it was cheaper than regular meat, and I actually loved liver and onions, and kidneys, before I became vegetarian. Like Phred, I grew up in an era when you got a clip round the ear, at least, if you didn't eat the majority of what was on your plate. However, after several heave-ups at the table whenever my step-mother used pearl barley (another cheap but nutritious food), she stopped trying. I feel my gorge rising just writing the name of that food down, can't even look at it in the grocery store. I loathed swede (rutabaga) and marrow (a stringy and watery very large squash) also but they didn't make me sick.

Suki Wingy
02-03-2008, 03:14 PM
-I'm incredibly indecisive
-I get very annoyed and even confused at poor or impropper grammar, but I have terrible spelling
-I absolutley DESPISE math
-I can't kill insects and spiders that come into my house.
-I'm not afraid of anything that I can think of, and that thought kind of bothers me.
-When I was young, I was afraid of internal organs and I couldn't go anywhere near the giant heart at the Museum of Science and Industry.
-My earliest memory involves walking through tall grass looking for turtles.
-I know I should be nice to them, but people with very low self esteem really anger me.
-I have very little self control and time managment skills so I'm late with everything I do and almost everywhere I go, despite trying. I've very often spent hours on my computer without even realizing it.
-I really want to take a gap year to travel or live out on the fringes somewhere in Africa, but can't afford it.
-I want to join the Peace Corps but they want a degree first.
-I've often had sudden urges to up and join the army even though I'm usually against war.
-I find myself wanting to do something just because it is a tradition even if it doesn't seem logical. (cropping dogs' ears, joining the army, etc.)
-I'm allergic to all of my animals
-I didn't know people could breathe through their noses until I was about 5, because I couldn't!
-There is a very good chance I have had sinus infections off and on for the last three years, none of which have been diagnosed.

02-03-2008, 04:05 PM
oh after reading these I thought of a few more lol:

-I wear virtually no makeup, only Diluted foundation and only to cover the redness from my Rosacea.
-cats love me, I clearly remeber several times walking to school with random cats purring and rubbing themselves against my legs, there is even 2 that despite all my dogs, hang out in my front yard. when I met my moms boyfrineds cat I was told that chances are I would not see him because he is really shy, my mom was going over there for months before the cat would come out of hiding. I walked in the door and the cat ran right up to me purring lol.
-I HATE to buy things for myself, but I LOVE to shop for my pets and for other people. the question I hate the most is "what do you want for x-mas/your birthday?" because there is nothing "I" want, other then stuff for others, which apperntly isnt an acceptable answer.
-I dont submit to peer pressure, I dont drink or smoke, and never have. that doesnt mean nobody has tried to make me, my own parents have been trying to get me to drink for years, but the most I am willing to drink is a breezer. I have been pressured to chain smoke at school events, but I always passed.
-I am a crazy picky eater, I love a lot of things, but ONLY if they are made a certain way. for example, I love pie...so long as its pumpkin. I love Pizza..so long as there is no veggies at all, and the crust has to be thick, stuffed crust is gross, the sauce cannot contain onions, Cheese must be either Mozza, or Chedder, or marble etc... I love Burgers, so long as they contain no pickles, onions, or any type of sauce, and they MUST have cheese. I dont eat any seafood at all, I love the smell, but I hate the taste lol.
-I cant throw up. not naturally, I can only thow up if I induce it. do you know how annoying that is? its doesnt seem like something you would miss, until you cant do it.

02-03-2008, 04:50 PM
-I'm 15 years old and I've never had a boyfriend. I really don't care either ;)
-I'm 15 and most of my favorite shows are all cartoons including Scooby-doo and SpongeBob.
-I have an obsession with Drake Bell and the show "Drake & Josh" on Nickelodeon.
-I was born with a heart condition and had Open Heart Surgery at the age of 5 years old.
-I HATE make-up and the only time I've worn it was when people did make-overs on me at sleep overs.
-I really, REALLY want another dog.
-I absolutely HATE math and I'm terrible at it. It's like an alien language to me.
-I am obsessed with photography. I have 2 cameras and am getting a new one possibly this summer.
-People say I have a really great, and interesting eye for pictures.
-I hate scary movies yet I'm an extremist who lives life to the fullest.
-I have a piece of a Roller Coaster called "Batman and Robin: the Chiller" that was located at Six Flags great adventure, but was knocked down. I won't tell you HOW I got it. ;)
-I am really immature most of the time and I don't give a crap what people think of me.
-I try really hart in school.
-I dream of living in a loft apartment in Manhattan right near central park..
-I was born in Staten Island, NY and lived there for two years before I moved to Jersey. I wish I lived in Manhattan.
-I LOVE to travel. I've been to Florida, Italy, the bahamas, and I hope to go to many more places in the course of my life.
-I love roller coasters.
-I'm in the FFA animal and batonical sciences program at school.
-I sing in the shower.
-I have straight hair in virtually all the pictures I take of myself but my hair is naturally a frizzy curly mess.

Okay sorry I know that was alot. :o I'll probably post more later though.

02-03-2008, 05:00 PM
I'm really enjoying reading other people's responses to this thread and I've thought of few more about me.:)

-I have to have peace and quiet in order to sleep so I've been using ear plugs for years now.
-I've never smoked cigarretes and I've never wanted to.
-I hate liver,mushrooms,olives,raw onions,and avacodos.
-I hate the smell and taste of coffee.
-I think I'm addicted to diet coke. I stopped drinking it for a while but now I find myself having to drink it at least 1 time a day. It helps me get through the day.
-During the week even though I hate getting up early, I get up several hours before I have to be at work because I hate being rushed.
-Growing up I never gave in to peer pressure.
-I've never lived alone but I'd love to some day.
-I'd rather hang out with my cats than with people.
-I'm addicted to PT.
-I do most things alone.
-I hate having long finger nails or toe nails.
-I've never had a manicure or a pedicure and I probably never will.
-I don't like nail polish. I like the natural look.
-I do wear make up to try to hide my imperfections but if I had beautiful skin then I wouldn't bother.
-I've had acne problems most of my life and I'm now in my forties and I still have problems. I've been to many doctors and tried almost everything and nothing works for me.
-I have extemely oily skin and I hate it.
-I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was in middle school but it wasn't bad enough for anything to be done. Now I'm having a lot of back problems and it's probably due to this.:( One of my shoulder blades also sticks out too much.
-I'm the oldest and the only girl in my family.
-I'm the only one who never married and who doesn't have children in my family and this also includes my cousins too.
-I feel like the black sheep of the family.
-I can't believe that I'm telling you all of this.;)

02-03-2008, 05:37 PM
Great idea for a thread! I enjoy reading about people. :)

I suffer from ADHD and depression
I'm very stubborn and like things my way
I'm an only child but not all that close to my parents
I've been with my boyfriend and best friend Will for almost 19 years
I'm to the point of being obsessed and totally in love with Sash- so much that I put him before everyone else in my life anymore.
I hate to cook but love to eat
I have a terrible weakness for sweets
I get bored extremely easy
I'm very moody and have mood swings quite often, especially the older I get :(
I'm very serious and have trouble finding joy in the simple things in life, I always need to be doing something to be content.
I have trouble watching movies, so I rarely do since it's hard for me to pay attention to them and sustain interest.
I bite my nails like crazy
I have trouble opening up and getting close to people, I do not trust people easily.
I feel more for animals than people
I've never wanted children
I love being by myself and going shopping and out to lunch by myself, I'm very much a loner.
I worry so much about Sash and I'm terrified of losing him
I love the color red
I'm not materialistic at all and don't like expensive things

I'm sure there are plenty more I'll think of later! :D

Ginger's Mom
02-03-2008, 05:46 PM
-I am always late. It doesn't matter where I am going, why I am going or how much I really want to do it; I am always 10-20 minutes late.
-I stopped smoking about 20 months ago and now I cannot stop gaining weight. :(
-I am terrified of dying and this fear effects many other aspects of my life.
-I often use sarcasm to make a point.
-One of the best moments of my life was having front row tickets to see Eric Clapton then hanging around after the show to talk to the guy (Lee) who handles his guitars (long but funny story :) )
-I prefer dogs to people, and am only comfortable relating to people through animals.
-I have incredible friends, and although we may not talk to each other as often as some people, I have been fortunate enough to have some of the most amazing people in my life.

02-03-2008, 06:04 PM
-Im really picky about food
-I overuse the word "wow"
-I have a obsession with clothes
-Everything has to be perfect or I'll go crazy
-My favorite number is 16
-I LOVE the beach, I want to own a shorehouse someday
-I'd be nowhere without my friends
-I get bored very easily
-Sometimes I can't sit still
-I talk really fast and loud
-I perfer talking online, rather than on the phone
-I'm extremely shy to people who I don't know too well, but crazy around friends
-I want to be a photography when I'm older
-I get jealous easily, I sometimes have really late reactions
-I had my tosils removed when I was a little kid
-I don't have any piercing.
-Im scared of small insects, they creep me out!
-I want 2 or 3 kids someday

02-03-2008, 10:31 PM
* I'm 17 years old, and haven't had a boyfriend yet, and still don't have my driver's license
* I suffer from depression, and anger problems
* I have loved dogs since the day I was brought home from the hospital, and met my dad's old yellow Lab, Teal (died in Oct. 2000)
* I have a sister, and we are 13 months apart
* I am studing and taking classes to become a veterinary technician
* I have always wanted to own, and handle my own show dog
* I have had a dog every single day of my life, and have only had 3 dogs
* I wear glasses, and have terrible vision
* My mother and I do not get along most of the time (wish we did, though)
* I love to go duck hunting with my dad, and Rita
* My mother is 1 of 8 children
* My dad's sister (my aunt Lori) has 8 children, ages from 20-something - to 6 years old
* I LOVE to shop- for myself, and my babies! :)
* when I was 12 years old, I had surgery to get my ears pinned back (I look at pictures of myself back then, and I am SO glad I did it!)
* I love the beach, but hate the ocean
* I am a very friendly, outgoing person
* I have been told I have a wonderful personality

02-03-2008, 11:44 PM
-I didn't get my driver's license until I was 18, but I owned a car before that.
-I was out of the closet until I was in 6th grade, then in, then out again in college
-I suffer from social phobia and social anxiety disorder, but I'm an extrovert and I love karaoke
-I have borderline personality disorder, with all of the symptoms
-I sometimes disassociate from myself for hours on end
-I have rage syndrome, 99% of the time I'm extremely placid, the other 1% is more dangerous than you could imagine
-I've had every sleep disorder known at least once
-Without my glasses I'm almost blind
-I have frostbite on over 15% of my body
-I have a really bad heart and probably will need surgery on it before I'm 30
-I hate sugary foods, I don't eat much of anything at all, yet I'm still overweight
-I'm the only one of my siblings that really looks native american
-I'm an only child, but I have 5 half-siblings
-I am one of the only people I know that hates baby animals, but I love adult animals
-I'm allergic to dogs, expecially short, coarse hair, but I have dogs
-I have no real phobias
-I used to dream that evil flamingos were attacking the city
-I have a numerical memory, I can remember dozens of digits
-I can't remember names that well
-I can't tell white people apart, most people would say I am white
-I hate modern country music, but I'll listen and sing along to anything else that's playing, even gospel music if it was on
-I was raised christopagan
-I took 7 years of Spanish class and still can't have a basic conversation in Spanish

02-04-2008, 12:10 AM

-I like to flip through magazines backwards.
-Very often, I eat dessert before dinner and sometimes order something like chocolate cake or cheesecake at a restaurant before my meal.
-I had really bad ear aches as a child and had to have my tonsils removed when I was 5. I can still hear my pulse throbbing in my ears when I lie down like I did when I was 5. Doesn't hurt anymore though.
-If I'm walking by the tv and Animal Cops is on, I end up stopping whatever I'm doing and get completely lost in the show even if I have something important to do. Every single time. I need to see how it ends!!
-I travelled to West Africa quite a few years ago and had an argument with my boyfriend at the time. I jumped out of the landrover we were in and stomped off down a dusty road. Then I heard rustling in the bushes next to me and something started making deep growling sounds. Ran very fast back to the truck and the boyfriend. Never knew what it was.
-I was adopted.
-I have a weird phobia of getting poked in the eye with a sharp object.
-If I'm eating something and I find anything that is remotely strange, like crunching down on something when the food I'm eating isn't supposed to really be all that crunchy, or if I see anything that looks weird, like a black fleck I can't eat another bite and instantly lose my appetite.
-I'm an official 'bug wrangler' and always escort bugs outside if I find them inside. I just can't bring myself to squish them unless of course they're mosquitos!
-I remove the weird white stringy thing from eggs before I cook them.
-I believe in ghosts and spirits etc..
-I was stung by a scorpian in Mexico when I stepped on it. Rushed to the hospital where they gave me some kind of injection. My baby toe was numb for about a year.
-A few years ago another woman and I rescued a dog from an abusive situation. This little dog got away from us the same afternoon and took off into a huge wooded area and it was pouring rain and getting dark. We searched and searched and I realized it was going to take a miracle to find her. I prayed to God to help us find her and if he would that I would read the Bible every night for the rest of my life. A few minutes later, we found her curled up inside a tree stump. That was 4 years ago and I read each night. :)

02-04-2008, 09:55 AM
I am 23 years old.
I have a 4 year old son.
I have one older sister.
Im going to be an aunt soon!
I have 4 dogs and 2 rabbits.
I LOVE dogs and animals.
I still havent gone to college but want to be a teacher I think.
Im pretty lazy.
Im not a picky eater.
I hate when people dont shower or take care of themselves.
My favorite beer is Blue moon.
Im 50% hungarian and still havent met an uncle and other family members that still live there.
I love diet coke and ice tea.
I love going out with friends and I get bored very easily.
I argue alot and always have to have the last word.
My favorite food is chicken wings.
I love the country and love living in Pennsylvania even though theres nothing to do where I live.
Im very unpatient.
I HATE when people dont return my calls. ditch me or talk about me or the people I care about.
I love choc. covered coffee beans

Scooter's Mom
02-04-2008, 10:45 AM
If I'm eating something and I find anything that is remotely strange, like crunching down on something when the food I'm eating isn't supposed to really be all that crunchy, or if I see anything that looks weird, like a black fleck I can't eat another bite and instantly lose my appetite.


1. I am 35, but people tell me I look years younger.
2. I only grew up with 1 brother.
3. I actually have 4 brothers and 2 sisters- one of each are deceased.
4. My mother and her first husband divorced years before I was born yet I consider him a very good friend of mine. I never saw or spoke to him growing up, just after I was in my 20's.
5. As a kid, I hated sweet peas. Now I will only eat them in pea salad.
6. I love nuts. Raw peanuts, pecans, walnuts, pistachios... yum.
7. All I wanted to be when I was growing up was a wfie and mom.
8. I cannot have children.
9. I love the country.
10. I don't have much of a Texas accent. I tell people I worked hard to get rid of it, but the truth is, I just don't have one. I wish I did. I miss home.

If I think of anything actually interesting, I'll add it.

02-04-2008, 11:24 AM
I've got more too.

-VERY picky eater, I love to eat but only things I like.
-I hate talking on the phone unless I have something to talk about
-I'm very manipulative
-I can make most people laugh
-I love spicy foods
-English was my best subject and I always got high marks but I don't understand it and I can't spell very well.
-I talk way very loud, I dont have a "inside voice"
-Favorite colour is green
-I wish someone in my family would have a baby
-I have ADD and probly some ADHD, but apparently so does every other kid who hates school these days:rolleyes:
-I have to wear expensive name bran clothes
-I'm a very jealous person
-I don't eat ugly or deformed food (if my french frie has brown on it or is too mushy I give it to someone else) I don't care what anyone says it DOES taste different.

*I'm 18 and do not have my license yet. I'm totally terrified of driving.
Me too! I'm forcing myself to get it though.
I'm so scared to go up hills and be around other cars.
I can drive in a parking lot and I drive fine I'm just scared.
I think once I take driving lessons I will be fine.

02-04-2008, 11:26 AM
Interesting thread- especially seeing what people choose to write about themselves. Here are a few random facts about me.

*I have been a vegetarian for over 11 years now. I plan on being veg for life.

*When my husband and I were dating, he went vegetarian within a month of dating me, and has never regretted it (we have been together almost 6 years).

*I'm working on my master's degree in education now and hope to eventually get a PhD.

*I get horribly nervous when I have to speak in public unless I am teaching a class.

*My undergraduate degree is is psychology but I work as a piano teacher.

*I have to be alone for at least 10 minutes a day or I get really annoyed with other people.

*I don't watch too much TV or many movies, but I occasionally enjoy watching Judge Judy. :o

*If I am nervous about an upcoming event, I usually "rehearse" it in my dreams the night or two before. I'm not sure if that helps or makes it worse.

02-04-2008, 11:47 AM
here's me:

-I am deathly afraid of spiders and needles- so much that my mom told me I need to see a shrink!
-I hate pickles and peppers and severely dislike tomatoes
-I have 0 friends
-I have no desire to ever have children- I’ve disliked children since I was a child…
-I’m left handed but I use a scissors with my right hand- due to fact that there were no left handed scissors in my elementary school
-I have never tried a cigarette or any drugs
-I love to sing and dance in the shower and in the car..LOL
-I talk to myself all the time
-I wish I could get a tattoo but I’m too afraid of needles, and the only thing I have pierced is my ears
-I’m halfway to being considered legally blind
-I love listening to music
-I’ve been passing out when I get nervous since I was a kid
-I loved being a vet tech, but I cannot physically do the job anymore
-I have a wonderful boyfriend that I’ve been with for 2 years now
-I’m extremely shy and most people stay away from me
-I am not comfortable around anyone except my mom and my boyfriend
-I hate talking on the phone and will not answer it if it is an unknown number
-I’m addicted to World of Warcraft
-I’ve been married, and subsequently, divorced
-I’m living with my mom until my boyfriend and I save enough money to get an apartment
-I love taking pictures of my kitties
-I have a degree in Psychology, and am looking to get a job in H/R
-I have my own brand of humor that most people don’t get
-I act like a dorky kid as much as possible, I find it keeps me young

02-04-2008, 08:55 PM
- I am the youngest of three children.
- My sister, brother, and myself are all two years apart. ['85, '87, '89]
- I was born on my sister's fourth birthday.
- I was a lefty up until I was three. My brother slammed my left hand in a door, nearly severing the tip of my pinky right off. The doc's had to sew it back on and I couldn't use that hand for the longest time, resulting in my right handedness.
- My first dog was a present for my fifth birthday. A 10 week old Yellow Lab/Dalmatian named Patches. I've been in love with the Dal breed ever since and that will be the first breed I pursue when able to get another dog.
- I'm afraid of heights.
- Large groups scare me to the point I begin to shake, my heart races, and the only thing my mind can think of is escape.
- I am mildly addicted to taking myspace surveys.
- I am a Crime Drama Junkie.
- I am 18-years-old and do not have my driver's liscence, nor do I have a desire to get it.
- My best friend is 3 years younger than me, lives all the way across the country, and I have never met her face-to-face.
- I work at a Theraputic Riding Center
- My favorite smells in the enitre world are horse, rain, puppy breath, and Axe. :p
- I love photography.
- Nothing makes me feel more complete than being in the saddle.
- I love to read and have loved to read from a very young age.
- My favorite feelings in the world are being in the saddle, a puppy in my lap, rain on my skin, and a baby in my arms.
- I can't swim worth a crap, but I love being in the water.
- Jellyfish scare me if they're not on the other side of the glass.
- I think Gollum from LOTR is cute. [He has very nice eyes!]
- I love kids, but am a little chicken and am therefore afraid of labor. I'd love to adopt someday, though.
-I have dozens of story ideas floating around in my head, but find it impossible to voice them, be it spoken or written word.
- The horse I love most in this world is not, in fact, one of my own. This makes me feel incredibly guilty.
- I do not like men and have actually growled at a few before.
- I love to bark and have been told that I'm rather good at it.


- I'm a terrible procrastinator.
- I've never worn make-up in my life and I bit the last person who tried to put it on me.
- I've never had my hair cut, only trimmed.
- I'm a highly protective person.
- I get jealous pretty easily.
- There has never been a time in my life that we did not have at least one horse, dog, and cat.
- I was riding before I was even born as mom rode all the time whilst pregnant with me. And then after that, I was in a pack on her back, waving at passerbys, until such a time that I could hold myself up on a horse.
- I love dogs, but horses are my passion.
- I have a fan running year-round. No matter if it's 90 or 9 degrees. I have to have the sound to sleep.
- I always sleep with a radio on, as well. And often read with both my fan and radio on, as I can't stand silence.
- It bugs me to no end when people just leave their shopping carts in the middle of the parking lot instead of putting them in the cart corral or taking them back inside. I often stop and pick up several carts on my way in and put them away. [I make exceptions for the mothers that can't leave their little ones in the car alone while they take care of their cart, or the elderly/disabled. But I find that there are no excuses for the rest of them.]
- I used to have a problem with cutting myslef.
- I prefer men's deoderant. [Heck yes for Axe, baby! XD]

02-04-2008, 09:10 PM
- I do not like men and have actually growled at a few before.


Neat thread! I really feel like I'm getting to know you all a bit more.


-My lifelong dream is to become a veterinarian.
-Recently, however, I've had a burning desire to become a dog trainer.
-I love agility with a deep passion, and it is sometimes the only thing keeping me going.
-Um...I'm procrastinating as I type this :)

02-04-2008, 09:13 PM
here's me:
-I have 0 friends
-I have no desire to ever have children- I’ve disliked children since I was a child…
-I’m left handed but I use a scissors with my right hand- due to fact that there were no left handed scissors in my elementary school

Hey, we are your friends!

And as for the other one, I can cut equally well with left-handed or right-handed scisssors, as Ma was a lefty.

I can write legibly left-handed, though I write slowly that way. I am completely right-handed, but would practice writing left-handed when I was bored in elementary school.

My normal handwriting is based on italic calligraphy

02-04-2008, 10:12 PM
- I am left-handed. I can do everything except write, with my right hand. I was too shy and embarrassed as a child to ask for left-handed untensils and such.
- I'm slightly germaphobic. I have four toothbrushes and I sort of rotate using them. I also have to rinse them with really hot water for about a minute before I use them.
- I hate showers. I hate taking a shower, (I do, trust me!) but it just goes along with my germaphobia. I just think showers are really gross places (ironically).
- I always have to sleep with a blanket by my head.
- I love love love being barefoot in the summer.
- But I HATE feet. My feet are gross. Ew. ><
- I put others before myself constantly. I always aim to make others happy.
- I LOVE my job. Love it. (I'm a dog groomer.)

I'll think of more later. =]

02-04-2008, 11:59 PM
I just though of a few more...

*When I was born my heart and overies (sp?) were twice the size of normal (still are) and my bladder was 1/2 the size it was supposed to be.
*When I was 8 I underwent my first and only surgery to expand my bladder.
*I've almost died twice. Once from dehydration and the second from pnemonia.
*I love falling asleep to the sound of Nathan breathing.
*I can't tolerate any change. I completely panic.
*I can't swim.
*I'm addicted to online surveys.
*I love to read and will read anything-and I must read while I eat.
*I eat dessert first.
*I love microwave meals.
*I check my e-mail several times a day and I live for when the mailman comes by-I even love junk mail!
*I cried when Nathan could hold his head up, sat up by himself, crawled, pulled up, cruised, said his first word, took his first step, learned to run, and just today when he used his fork by himself several times in a row.
*I often think of Nathan as being my own and forget at times that he is my brother's
*I am the youngest and only girl.
*I bite my nails
*I still call myself a blonde even though my hair is turning brown.
*I hate when other people take my picture but love to take pictures of myself.
*I usually go to bed at around 12:30 and wake up from 8:30 to 9
*I've never had a job.
*As soon as I get money the first person I think of is Nathan-even though he has too much of everything already.
*My best friend is married to my first love and they have a baby together.
*I've dated someone because I've felt sorry for them.

02-05-2008, 06:26 AM
7. All I wanted to be when I was growing up was a wife and mom.
8. I cannot have children.

Same here, ironic isn't it?

I just turned 42
I have been married for 21 years to a wonderful man. I was married once before him.
I had twin sisters who died before they were 6 months old
My parents have been married for 46 years
I love reality shows-Survivor being my favorite
I no longer have a thyroid and will be taking a substitute for it for the rest of my life
I have 9 tattoos, the largest one starts on my should and goes almost to my knee
I quit smoking 3 years ago
I have the TV on from the time I come home until I go to be...can't stand the quiet
I HATE spinach, peas and liver
When I'm at the dog park I feel I can relate to the dogs better than the people:o
I have one brother-8 years younger than me
Bowling is one of my favorite sports to watch

02-05-2008, 09:28 AM
- I am 26 years old and dont have my own car
- I never want children of my own, but adore my Nephew and soon to be (due today) neice or nephew ;).
- I have never been in a serious relationship
- I have a fear of being by myself for the rest of my life
- As above i have a fear of dieing alone
- The dogs and I no longer compete in Flyball
- I am really wanting to get Elvis into competitive Agility this year.. to the point it has become an obsession :o
- I have been sitting here pondering life the last 10 minutes or so, and do that often ;)

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-05-2008, 10:29 AM
Get ready for MY list :eek: :rolleyes:

- I can move my ears in different directions!
- I hate to be startled, so no scary movies for me
- I talk to much :p
- My breakfats table is always a mess :o
- I am shy of sudden noises
- I cannot help but correct other people when they talk and make mistakes.
- I can write in 4 directions: from right to left, from left to right, and with both of my hands
- My memory has huge holes; more holes than memeory :)
- My big toes are 1,5 cm longer than second one! It makes it difficult to find good fitting shoes!
- I saw my brain in slices too, Karen
- I can read things that are upside down; like my hubby's paper when I stand right in front of him, or what people write down!
- I am terrified of spiders
- I am afraid of hights
- I have to loose lots of weight, but lack motivation to be strict....
- I am sick, of being sick....!!
- I love my new hobby: making 3D cards
- I hate smoking; especially when people smoke knowing well that I cannot stand it...
- I never wear make up; on very seldom cases I use an eye-pencil...
- And last but not least : I am addicted to PT !!!!

02-05-2008, 11:11 AM
*I've been drawn toward wolves ever since I was a young child
*I've always loved dogs
*I've never been without a dog
*I love my dogs, I would do anything for them. Sometimes they are the only thing that makes me happy.
*I love nature...I feel like a different person when I'm up in the mountains.
*I stopped going to church a long time ago...feeling connected to nature when I'm up there is my religious experience. ;)
*I love hiking and camping
*Except I'm afraid of running into a bear :o (I did last summer, but I was on a 4-wheeler)
*I like tomatoes, but only in sauces and salsa, I will not eat them plain or on sandwiches. Actually I the only things I want on a sandwich are meat, cheese, and lettuce.
*I hate pineapple
*I love chocolate...and ice cream...and pretty much every dessert. Sugar is my weakness.
*I'm 23 and I've only been kissed once, by somebody I didn't even like :o
*I've never lived away from home. I've considered moving out, but its very hard to find a place that will allow 2 bigger dogs.
*I love to travel and see new places
*I'm generally very shy. I can talk to people I know very well and usually complete strangers...but not people that sort of know me. :confused:
*I'm terrible at conversations. I'll reply if somebody talks to me, but I usually can't start one.
*U2 has been my favorite band for 14 years. I've seen them in concert several times and finally met them at Sundance this year. :D I've waited in line 12+ hours to get a good spot on the floor for a concert.
*I'm a little OCD when it comes to checking things...I have to check all the doors at night to make sure they are locked, sometimes more than once. I have to check that everything is turned off and I unplug everything that isn't used daily.
*I have two siblings, one brother and one sister, they are twins, 5 years older than me.
*I like kids, but small children make me nervous. I will not hold a newborn baby. I've never changed a diaper in my life and don't intend to unless I have kids of my own.
*I'm really bad at swimming, I still like going in the water, just not where I can't touch...I panic.
*I've been working on a 2-year college degree since 2003. :o I just take a few classes here and there.
*I was pretty much a straight A student in high school, and I have mostly been in college as well. The lowest grade I've ever received was a C in my college history class, and that wasn't my fault...long story. :rolleyes:
*However I'm a huge slacker, I leave everything to the last minute
*I hate writing papers!
*I love photography. I can be outside taking photos of my dogs for hours without even realizing it. I take way too many pictures, I probably annoy people I'm with because I'm always photographing. I like to document events, like taking photos along the way of a trip or something.
*I hate reading instruction manuals. I just like messing with things and figuring them out as I go.
*I'm quite particular with spending money, I prefer to save most of it...my theory is someday I'll need it to buy a house. I usually just spend money on the dogs, if I buy something expensive for myself its usually either a camera or a vacation.
*I buy clothes based on if I like the way they look, I don't care at all what brand they are. I don't see the need to spend a ton of money on brands.
*I'm not a "girly-girl"...I would never spend a ton on fancy purses, make-up, perfume, etc.
*I've never smoked or used drugs, and I never will.
*I avoid doctors, hospitals, and taking any medications as much as possible.
*I hate touching raw meat, it grosses me out.
*My job is a pet groomer, I have been for over 5 years.
*Which makes me a bit obsessive about keeping my dogs clean...I don't like their coats to feel dirty at all.
*When I see dogs blowing coat and little chunks of hair sticking out it really makes me want to brush the dog and get the clumps out. :o
*I was allergic to cats and horses as a child, but I'm not now.
*I used to catch bugs (grasshoppers, praying mantis, butterflies, etc.) all the time when I was a kid.
*But I hate spiders! I can leave them on the walls/ceiling in the house as long as they are not in my room, I can't sleep if I know there's a spider in my room. I think tarantulas are pretty cool, except I'm not sure I would dare hold one.
*I sometimes talk, and walk, in my sleep. I've been known to move things around in my room when I'm asleep.
*I have a good memory, but its selective. I can remember a dog I groomed years ago but forget about something somebody told me to do an hour ago.
*I enjoy drawing and painting, but I have a hard time getting "inspired" to create anything.

Ok I'll stop now...

02-05-2008, 11:56 AM
wow... there´s lotsa things about me.... but It´ll take forever.... so here´s a few

* I love last-minute-to-do-something rush... (when having to make something and wait till last minute it does turn out better for me)
* I looooove cheese.... I can´t eat anything without cheese.... If there´s no cheese I rather not eat at all... :p
* I can´t start a conversation...... until I get warmed up...
* I´m very very shy and quiet
* I laugh ver loud
* I cry when I laugh
* I love thriller/drama movies ( the ones keeping you on your toes)
* I eat weird food combinations, but yet I´m way too picky.... for everything I eat there´s like 10 I don´t...
* I love anything involved with Huskies, Wolves, Penguins and I tend to collect anything about them
* I can´t seem to get rid of junk (which I collect too :p)
* I´m a good listener... but when I need someone to listen me I often talk to myself...(I just can´t seem to open up)
* I don´t like feeling vulnerable so I don´t show it...even when I am
* I hate medicine... if I can be without it I´ll hang in there until I can no more
* I have to siblings.. one sister 4 yrs younger and a brother 12 years younger
* since I was 10 I´ve been around huskies and never have been without one
* my first dog (which I bought) was a husky mix but died of parvo (I was like 9) then my dad bought me my first purebred husky (10)
* I moved to another city and took my husky with me, I didn´t cared about school and friends as long as I could take my husky
* since ever I´ve had no friends... I´ve had schoolmates and all, but never ever hanged out with anyone ever.... you are my only friends, you I can talk with and share and rely on
* I have very low self esteem
* I stopped people with horse drawn vehicles just to pet the horses ;)
* I´ve never smoked or drinked in my life (I´m 29)

ok I think those are plenty for now.. I´ll be back later with more ;)

02-05-2008, 01:16 PM
- I ALWAYS mapquest if I haven't been there yet. I hate getting lost, but am very prone to it
- I have to crack my back and neck throughout the day or it locks up and gets uncomfortable
- I have my dogs paw prints tattooed onto my forearm and plan on getting their portraits tattooed on my arm, turning it into a full sleeve
- I *HATE* going to the gym. I have no problem with working out while playing a game of soccer, basketball, etc.. I get bored running on a treadmill.
- I bite my nails. I finally saw a nail tech and got sculptured nails to prevent me from biting.
- I've gone through about 5 years of Chinese school. The only thing I know how to write in Chinese is my name.
- I plan on opening a dog daycare/training facility in Squamish, BC in the next few years. After the business is steady, I'd like to expand and open a Vancouver store.
- Kaedyn is the reason I professionally train dogs
- My boyfriend is planning on proposing by the summer
- I've already planned half the wedding in my head
- I'd like to have 3-4 kids (my s/o wants 2-3 :p)
- I watch very little TV. I NEVER, EVER miss Prison Break though.
- I'm a horrible procrastinator. Keeva was supposed to be my first show dog. She's over a year old and still hasn't been registered yet.
- I play furry-paws.com religiously
- I love photography. I had my boyfriend promise me to build me a darkroom when we buy a house.
- I would love to flip a house one day. I'm constantly looking at potential flips, even though I can't afford to flip yet.

02-05-2008, 01:33 PM
- I have to crack my back and neck throughout the day or it locks up and gets uncomfortable

LOL me too!!.... hubby freaks out with the noise I make LOL

* I love to see maps beforehand... but I´m pretty oriented regardless....

* I always always have to read instructions... even for thing I´ve done before...like coloring my hair... I always read the instructions, and I don´t think they´ve changed LOL :rolleyes:

* I´m the handy man...... LOL

02-05-2008, 01:44 PM
Okay, here goes. No particular order.

-I'm 41, the youngest of three children. I'm 11 years younger than my brother, 14 years younger than my sister.
-My brother has three children and my sister has one daughter. I have three nieces and a nephew, whom I am so proud of!
-Cassie is the first cat I've ever had.
-I was double promoted (skipped second grade) which I would not encourage anyone to do to their kids. I don't think they do it as much today. The cut-off date for kindergarten when I started was Dec. 1 (it's now Sept. 1), so I am a full year younger than everyone else in my class.
-I'm "officially" right-handed, but I eat with my left hand. I sort of function left-handed -- example, in choir I hold the music in my right hand and reach across to turn the pages with my left, which is the opposite of just about everyone I sing with.
-I played the flute from 4th grade through college, didn't touch it for a good 10 years after that, and picked it up again about 10 years ago for church.
-I put 100,000 miles on a car for the first time with my previous car.
-"When in doubt, read the directions" applies to me! I start puttering, and then if I can't figure it out I go to the instructions.
-I won the junior high spelling bee in eighth grade.
-I totally agree with WolfQ on the subject of tomatoes!
-I am terrible with time ... my friends and family joke about "Elyse time" because I am always, always late. This is a trait I would like to be rid of!
-I'm a terrible pack-rat. This is another trait I would like to be rid of!
-I have an irrational fear of traffic jams. I don't like the sensation of being unable to go anywhere.
-I don't smoke, and I probably drink about 4 or 5 alcoholic beverages a year. (A beer at the Cubs game, a glass of champagne on New Year's Eve, a Guinness for Saint Patrick's day, that sort of thing.)
-The farthest I've ever traveled- Russia, with a church work team. I'd go again if the opportunity came up.
-I proposed; he turned me down because we're too much alike. (We're both still single!)
-My second toes extend just slightly past my great toes.
-I saw my spinal cord in thin slices when I hurt my back at work and had an MRI. When the tech found out I'm a nurse, he showed me the MRI of a previous patient because it was so unusual.
-And... If I could make my career selection all over again, I would not choose nursing. I was a hospital volunteer in high school, assigned to the hospital library -- perfect assignment for a chubby, shy introvert! I'd probably head straight for a career in library science if I had it to do again.

02-05-2008, 02:11 PM
I'm 20 and do not drive. I've been afraid to forever, especially since I have horrible vision.
Reguardless of my horrible vision (I wear glasses) I'd like to think I'm a great photographer. When I first started photography I could barely see what was in front of me.
I'm constantly thinking to myself "that would make an awesome picture" which is why I have a camera with me 24/7.
I have a love/hate relationship with my job.
I just started dating last year, by choice. I never had much of an interest/have been to shy in previous years.
I love anything and everything about natures. Walks, hikes, the sea, the sky, etc. It makes me feel so peaceful.
I listen to just about any type of music. I used to be a music snob but now I listen to everything.
I adore my dogs and everything about them. They make the worst days livable.
I have an odd sense of humor but can adjust it to whomever I'm around.
I LOVE just riding around or hanging out with friends and singing along to songs.
My most favorite movie ever is The Lion King - I also adore the sequels.
My second favorite movie is Texas Chainsaw Massacre or The Hills Have Eyes.
I adore gorey movies.
I can't stand the sight of blood in person.
I can't touch human wounds but am fully capable of dealing with a dog wound. My hands have been covered in my dog's blood before (cutting the quick or other wounds) and it didn't phase me.
I can play the guitar, a few songs, but not the greatest.

My list is getting too long already.

02-05-2008, 03:34 PM
*I’m 19
*Sophomore in College
*Majoring in Applied Biology/Pre-Veterinary medicine
*If I didn't want to be a Vet so badly I'd be a Coroner
*My favorite color is orange
*I love meeting new people, yet I’ve been known to be a “people hater”
*I’m quiet, until I get to know you
*I have a twin brother
*I'm incredibly easy going and generally easy to please
*Outdoors = Life. Camping/hiking is my most favorite thing.
*I miss my dogs more than anything while I'm at school
*Dog agility is my sport of choice
*I avoid elevators
*I had an extra bone removed from my foot
*I eat popcorn kernels
*Minesweeper is one of my favorite games
*I played the tuba in my high school marching band
*I "dislike" little children, but they love me for some reason
*I'm a boy scout
*I avoid taking any sort of medicine at all costs
*Slugs creep me out, as does soggy bread
*I can get along with almost anyone
*I procrastinate way too often
*I HATE talking on phones or calling people
*I fall asleep during movies
*I've had my fair share of bad party experiences
*I weighed 3lbs 3 oz when I was born.
*I can't sleep in beds with the sheets tucked in

...eh, that is all.

02-06-2008, 01:17 PM
Hi! Here's a few facts aout me. *I'm one of the oldest PTers here. *I'm one of the handful of male Pters. *I'm a golf course groundskeeper. *I'm right-handed. * I hate lima beans, but love cauliflower and brocchli. *I'm diabetic and have Atrial Fibrillation. *I have an artificial left knee. I'm deathly afraid of lightning and I very afraid of going to funeral homes (I'd avoid my own funeral if I could do it!). * I'm a bachelor. I'll try to think of some more.

Miss Z
02-06-2008, 03:29 PM
OK hmm... :)

-I was named after Zara Philips and my middle name after my aunt who died of leukaemia before I was born.
-I could sit up and crawl far earlier than most babies are expected to be able to do so, so much so the midwives were worried I may be abnormal :p
- My ring finger on my right hand is really spasmodic; i.e. it jerks about randomly if I hold my hand flat and still, as when I broke my little finger next to it, the ring finger was slightly dislocated and never popped back in.
- I am double jointed (ish) in my hip joints
- I have a type of sub-anaemia
- I cannot stand celery
- I scar extremely easily
- I get better marks for my homework if I do it in the early hours of the morning (i.e. 1am etc) than if I do it in the evening! I'm a real night owl.
- I can bend my back backwards until my spine is nearly 90 degrees.
- I can half-dislocate my right shoulder
- I am rather partial to salad cream and salt and vinegar crisp sandwiches. :p No idea how I discovered that combination.
- I'm fine with heights but the idea of falling freaks the heck out of me.
- I can't drink a hot drink with hot food. It's just not right!
-I pronounce 'been' and 'seen' as 'bin' and 'sin', but not for 'green'. That's Lancastrian logic for you, lol.
-I also have a lazy tongue when it comes to pronouncing 'th' (comes out as either 'ff' or 'vv'), but I can say it if I really want to. :p
- I have frequent 'blonde moments', despite the fact I'm brunette.
- If I could change myself physically I'd have better teeth and a less crooked nose.
- My hair is naturally poker straight.
- I don't like it when people say the words 'tender' and 'jambouree'. I don't have a clue why.
- Even though I'm apparently clever ;) , I've been told I have some of the ditsiest expressions and voice tones people have ever seen/heard :D
- When around people older than me, I'm generally quiet and smiley. When I'm around people my own age, I'm loud, sarcastic, and jokey. When I'm around people younger than me, I'm usually a bit snooty.

There must be more...I'll have to keep thinking!

02-06-2008, 05:14 PM
Here are a few for me:

-I can't live without my IPod. If my mom takes it away from my for some reason I go through "IPod withdraw" as my mom calls it. ;) :p
-I'm an vegatarian (did I spell it right?)
-I have to wear a jacket under my other jacket when it's cold.
-I was supposed to be named Samantha, but my mom changed her mind because her friends named her daughter Samantha too.
-My arm is double jointed. I can bend my arm in. It's really weird.
-I have to crack my knuckles. I can't stop it.
-I was a gum chewer. I chewed about one 17 pack a week. When I got my braces on, I started eating mints since I couldn't chew any gum.
-I love rollercoasters! The faster, the better! :D
-I'm good in school. I get B's, maybe a couple A's.
-I am a huge Taylor Swift fan.
-My other favorite singer is Avril Lavigne.
-My favorite band is Fall Out Boy. I love their song Dance, Dance.
-I am obessed with American Idol and Lost.
-If I watch a scary movie, it has to be during the day. I'm a big baby when it comes to scary movies. :p

That's all I can think of right now. I'll add more if I think of more.

02-06-2008, 05:15 PM
This was a fun thread to read! :)

I am 22.
I will soon be a college graduate with two degrees.
I get along with my parents very well.
I have a baby brother that is 19 months.
He is my world.
I hate pickles & mustard. If the burger has that on it, I will not eat it.
I have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
My endo system is out of whack.
I hate mustard, but I like honey mustard on my chicken fingers.
I have hypothyroidism that makes me makes my face swell at times.
I love scary movies.
I like to laugh.
I love God.
I'm addicted to Myspace, but dislike facebook.
I'm always arrive about 15-20 minutes before my appt or class.
I'm almost never late.
I volunteer at my local animal shelter.
I can be moody.
I can't wait to get married and have children. Maybe even adopt.
I adore babies.
I am a bit of a tomboy.
I was raised entirely around boys.
My entire family is involved in wrestling.
Wrestling is a big deal to my family.
I love to help people and animals.
I'm an internet junkie.
I have been a HUGE Hanson fan since I was 11. Everyone knows it.

Well thats all that I can think of.

02-06-2008, 06:56 PM
This has been an interested thread! I don't think that there is one person that I already knew everything they listed.

-I have been married for 7 1/2 years. Ralph and I met at school in Cincinnati (hence Cincy's name)my freshman year. He was dating my next door neighbor, who had gone to high school with my roommate's sister. We didn't start dating until the end of his senior year and the first two months we were a couple, he was in Mexico for work.

-I love doing therpay work with our dogs I was President of our local chapter for 3 years.

-I am extermely competitive

-I love sports. I have not missed a softball season since I started playing in 3rd grade, often playing on 2 or more teams each season. I also play soccer and volleyball. I used to play basketball and was onthe track team, I took stat for basketball and wrestling and joined themarching band for the free buss ride to football games. I also manage 4 fantasy football teams.

-I love to drive. If I am having a stressful day at work, I have been known to go drive for my lunch hour to relax. Fast cars, or big trucks are my favorite.

-I Love racing. Nascar is my absolute favorite, but I also enjoy dirt tracks, and drag racing. I am addicted tot he Speed channel.

-I enjoy my job. I get to talk to people all over the world, and on occsasion travel around the country. I have presented at a national conference and have 4 pushlished (co-author) journal articles, with a 5th to come out in May.

02-06-2008, 08:03 PM
I hate...absolutely hate......slamming doors. There is no reason for it.
I must park straight in a parking stall. Sometimes it takes a couple of minutes for me to back out then forward again just to be straight.
I must make my bed every day.
I have a severe case of the shakes if I have to drive in the snow...even an inch or two can send me running for the bus stop....and I drive an SUV.:rolleyes: (OK, you folks from the East can start laughing at me now...:D )
Music is a big part of my life. I listen to my CD's whenever I'm in the car and sing my heart out. :D :eek:
I have zero tolerance for inconsiderate people.
I do not wear makeup nor do I colour my hair. I believe in being natural and believe that all women are beautiful without all that "goop".
I must sleep on the right side of my bed.
My last "date" was in 1994 and I vow to remain single until the day I die. Men.....yuck!!!!
I hate, hate, hate shopping of any kind.
I'm sure there's more but I'll think of them later.

02-06-2008, 09:45 PM
ok, so finally i can say a few things about me, after i read the thread and was able to sit down and think of a few things :rolleyes: so, in no particular order they are:

-i am 32 years old to a 13 yr old son ( do the math graduated June 2 1993 and son was born June 20th 1994
- my hubby and i met thru a mutual friend and he moved into my apartment the next weekend, we have been together 6 years strong!!
- i am the only NATURAL BLONDE in my family, everyone else is some kind of brown color ( i think i was adopted LMAO
- i have a high school diploma.
- I LOVE LOVE LOVE RANCH ON EVERYTHING I CAN THINK OF ( except cereal things and deserts)
- when i got preggers with my son i gained EXACTLY 25lbs, which back then was the minimum ) ( in fact i did not show until i was 5 months old, so, i was in a size 4 up until then LOL)
- when my son was born my OB was there the day before and the day after
- i was born in Augsberg Germany on a USA military base, tho my birth certificate was written in German an English, which was cool, because i had duel citizenship up until i was 7 yrs old.
- i DO not know German.
- i am a military brat!
- i started working when i was 16 yrs old washing dishes for the granite school district after school and going to school during the day.
- i was one of the first CSR reps for the DIRECTV program when they came out in 1994, we were there to help with 100% of the call volume.
- i have moved 6 times in less than a year ( my hubby and i were 'spreading our wings' per say :D )
- i drove over from Utah to Kentucky to met a guy (not for my hubby) i have never met before.
- i do not have CC, i believe in the cash method, meaning if i have NO CASH i do not buy, that does not mean i don't window shop. ;)
- i have had 6 jobs in one time ( i owned 2 house cleaning business, 2 full time jobs, ran 2 internet sites at the same time
- i made 10,000 in one month by doing the above ( uncle sam LOVED me then :mad: )
- i got my first puppy when i was still in diapers, we had a little wiener dog ( dauchaund )
- we have 2 pets ( 2 pups, 5 water turtles, 5 goldfish, 3 tetra's, 2 african dwarf frogs, 1 love bird, 2 finches ( w 4 eggs), 3 dwarf hamsters, ) :eek:
- i love it when it rains, i love to sit with my windows open and let the water spray in the house and smell the rain.
- i love waterfalls, i love to listen to them and watch them.
- i love to watch football, and NOT FOR THE TIGHT ENDS EITHER :rolleyes:
- this next one i am NOT proud of, we have had 8 people pass away in less than a year's time :(
- i hate driving because of the deaths in our family, my sis was killed in a car wreck in april 18th 2005. so, i drive because i HAVE TOO!
- it took me 5 times to pass my drivers test, i had to take it with the state! like anyone knows how to parallel park anyways :rolleyes:
- i wear the same size shoe as my 13 year old son, i have tiny feet ( size 5 in shoes)