View Full Version : **Question = Is Lime Harmfull**

02-01-2008, 10:07 AM
;) Is Powder Tree Lime Harmfull To Dogs.. See here is the thing.. My two bigg dogs of course LOVE to digg.. But they are digging around the bigg Oak trees.. I mean Deep Bigg Holes where some of the roots are showing.. Now someone here at work said for me to get Tree Powder Lime & put around the treess & see if my dogs would stop digging.. Please need replys & advise.. I am so so carefull on what I put around my babies..



Honey Boy


02-01-2008, 11:13 AM
Here's something I found:

How can we use lime to control pests in or garden and weeds that are out of control? We do not want to hard or existing plants and flowers. We live in Central Florida, Fort Pierce, on the East Coast.
Thank you

PS: We have a dog and several cats, is lime harmful to animals?

Hi Kathryn,
Agricultural lime is not harmful to cats and dogs, nor it it harmful to insects and weeds. Lime is an important tool in successful gardening to amend the soil, but is not going to help you control pests. Hydrated lime is labeled for use around kennels and stables for odor contol, but not as an insecticide. There are a number of organic insecticides available for insect control and a couple of organic herbicides available. Check with your local independent garden center for products that are labeled for use in your area.
A word of caution..."organic" doesn't mean a product is safe for you or the environment. Many organics are extremely toxic to fish, bees, crustaceans or other organisms in our ecosystem. Many times there may be a safer, synthetic alternative. Read and follow all label instructions and never use a product inconsistent with it's labeling.

Another site I found:

02-01-2008, 12:19 PM
:) WoW How Interesting.. Many Thanks for the Info..I know I have seen Lime rubed on tree trunks.. I will check into getting some then.. I guess I have to go to a feed or hardware store..

Ginger's Mom
02-01-2008, 12:58 PM
I'm glad Angie was able to find an answer; I wasn't sure. I have a vague recollection of one of my friends using lime in her dog's kennel many years ago, but it's been so long I wasn't sure of the circumstances. Now, having said that, I must say that I don't believe for one minute that those two cuties would ever do anything as distructive as digging big holes. ;)

02-01-2008, 02:30 PM
I'm glad Angie was able to find an answer; I wasn't sure. I have a vague recollection of one of my friends using lime in her dog's kennel many years ago, but it's been so long I wasn't sure of the circumstances. Now, having said that, I must say that I don't believe for one minute that those two cuties would ever do anything as distructive as digging big holes. ;)

;) Really these babies are very wounderfull & loving & playfull.. Oh & yes they are very protective over me.. BUT they do like to digg digg.. I keep saying I am going to hire them out to the grave yard service & make some money.. Just kidding.. They can digg some huge holes.. Doggiemom me will just go & cover them up & shake my head.. They have toys & a huge yard too to play & run in.. I guess digging is much better funn..

02-01-2008, 05:34 PM
lvpets2002, I didn't know you were also a mom to dogs, in addition to the kitties! Tell me more about them, please!

02-01-2008, 05:52 PM
get a look at this ... it's called the "piss-off plant" (Plectranthus) ... and what's more, it's patented?!!?


02-03-2008, 03:52 PM
lvpets2002, I didn't know you were also a mom to dogs, in addition to the kitties! Tell me more about them, please!
Yes there is LiLi {pic on post 1} which is Mastiff body/shape & border collie coat markings.. She is thick & huge.. Pic dosnt even show her off well.. She is a kennel rescue as a puppy of 5 yrs ago.. Now there was Brandy a aussie mix which died from cancer this last summer.. Well right after her death of a month then this Bigg Yellow Lab started roaming the streets by me.. Well I kept putting food/water out & after 3 weeks he finally came to me.. Well found out he had been trained & was well mannered & nuetered & was harmess walk trained.. Well my Vet & I came to the conclusion that a neighbor by me was moving & they just took this baby's collar off & abanded him.. His name is Nickilia Honey Boy also in top post 1 pic.. Him & LiLi just hit it off perfect.. She was so depressed when Brandy died that Nickilia Honey Boy was perfect timing for a good home.. I will try to post more pics of them.. Its so hard cause they are ussally right beside me or in my lap.. Not like my cats = these dogs dont like possing..

02-03-2008, 04:33 PM
No, so long as it doesn't have something added that is. And so long as they don't eat large amounts. Some people use a small concentration of the tree lime stuff in their animal shampoo as a preventative for ringworm when they are bringing their animal to a show.