View Full Version : Where is Taz?

01-31-2008, 09:25 PM
Ok, this might turn out to be a long drawn out post (sorry). But a few months ago we were leaving for a four day weekend. We had propped the front door open to load the truck. Taz is NOT an outside kitty, but he is curious and sometimes "sneaks" slowly out the door. Usually it's so slowly that we (or Zoee) catch him and he races back inside.
Well this day we were all ready to leave. I had set the alarm and was locking the door behind me when Zoee started chasing something. Bruce yelled "What's that?!". It was Taz!!! He had snuck out an almost got locked out of the house for four days!!! :eek:
So, since this little episode, I always look for him before we leave or if we've had doors open for an extended period of time. A few weeks ago Bruce was working on the car and kept leaving the garage door open. That's Taz's favorite place to sneak out to. So I began looking for him to make sure he was in the house. I walked around for about 20 minutes looking EVERYWHERE for him. Bruce finally noticed and asked what I was doing and then joined me. We called out to him and he just suddenly appeared back in the bedroom. I was frustrated that I could not find his hiding place.
This past weekend we left to Tahoe on Friday and I was looking for Taz before we left. Could NOT find him again! We ended up just leaving and I had panicky moments all weekend that he was locked out. Luckily when we got home he was safe and sound. :)
To end this LONG story....last night I was in bed reading and Bruce had come in to talk to me. I asked him....where is MY cat? He said I don't know. Then brought up the fact that we still didn't know where his hiding place was.
So, I'm laying there reading and start to hear a whistle type sound. Kind of like when your nose whistles. But it wasn't my nose and it wasn't Zoee who was on the bed with me. After a minute I realize it's Taz's snoring!! We have a regular mattress inside a waterbed frame so there is a gap at the head of the bed where I can see through to the floor under the bed. I sneak out of the room, go tell Bruce and grab a flashlight. We go back in the room and I shine the light down there and there is Taz all curled up UNDER the bed!! I didn't even think he could get under there. And I had even looked twice for him there before. Bruce said he had even pulled the mattress down to look for him too.
All those other times we could not find him he was all snuggled up under the bed. Little Brat!!!
Well, I just thought it was too funny. And when we found him I said...this is definitely a PT story to tell!! LOL I just hope you guys find it funny and aren't asleep by now. :D

01-31-2008, 10:10 PM
Oh my gosh, I can so relate to this!! I still don't know where my Emmy's secret hiding place is. They can sure worry us to death. Loved reading about Taz :)


Felicia's Mom
01-31-2008, 10:19 PM
Glad to hear that Taz was not outside!

02-01-2008, 09:17 AM
Sounds like something Boris would do... she's the one who I couldn't find before, and she had burrowed under the sofa cushions, ripped up the fabric covering the springs and stuff, dug out the stuffing inbetween the springs and made a "nest" in them for herself. I'm sure there was no other options at all for sleeping places in the house.... :rolleyes:

02-01-2008, 09:29 AM
Hee hee! They sure do a good job of finding good hidey spots - too bad his snoring gave him away!

02-01-2008, 10:37 AM
Mitzi has a secret spot just like that - she's torn the underside of my California King box spring and crawls up into the box springs when she wants to hide. She knows I cannot reach her secret spot as it's smack-dab in the middle of the bed frame and I'm not tall enough to reach. It's her go-to spot when she knows I'm planning to take her to the vet.

My vet knows when she gets the call that I can't make the appointment because Ms. Mitzi has done it again. :rolleyes:

02-01-2008, 04:54 PM
The Found Cats have a way of doing that as well and I will search and search the Hotel.
Only to have that Cat materialize , just as I am getting worried that they may have slipped out.
Although that enclosed front porch has eliminated a lot of the worry in that happening.

02-02-2008, 01:58 PM
I have 3 cats who run & hide everytime I have company - they are Buttermilk, Monster & Stripe. Last Sunday, my niece came over and wanted to see Bttrmlk. & Monster. They had hid though and I could not find them - even when I got their favorite treats out! :)

02-02-2008, 03:03 PM
It is built into their genes, to hide in the BEST hidey hole in the house. And of course being cats, they don't come when you call them, they just take a message and get back to you when it suits them. :rolleyes: Sparkle has a place, don't know where. Vita has a different place; they double team me, so I can't find either one!

So glad you found Taz' spot. Now, don't tell HIM you know where it is!

02-02-2008, 09:02 PM
So glad you found Taz' spot. Now, don't tell HIM you know where it is!
LOL, yeah, I think that was blown when I shined the flashlight down there in his face. Oh well. You know, since I found his hiding place he has not hid in there. I ruined it for him. :( Sorry Taz.