View Full Version : The crew is off to the vet today...UPDATED with pictures

01-31-2008, 01:58 PM
Well, I'm going to take as many of the 5 cats that are due for shots as I can either wrangle up or fit in carriers. I don't know if I have enough room for everyone. It's doubtful that I'll be able to snag all of them at once anyway. Hopefully it will just be a routine visit for everyone. Higgins has a slight heart murmur that will be checked. I also can feel a small lump on his underside that I'll have looked at. It hasn't grown since I discovered. I'm definitely going to make sure he gets in the car for the trip today. I'll update once I return.

01-31-2008, 03:07 PM
Good luck at the white coats, hope all goes well, what a mission taking five kitties,hope they get a good bill of health. :)

01-31-2008, 04:48 PM
We pray that your White Coat visit goes well , and that you have that good feeling when your Vet smiles and gives everyone that clean bill of health.
Thats such a good feeling for a Cat Lover.

01-31-2008, 04:51 PM
;) Good Luck & Best Wishes at the White Coats.. Report on the outcome ok..

01-31-2008, 04:52 PM
Everyone got a good checkup. Higgins' heart murmur is still stage 1. He wasn't concerned about the lump. He examined it and said to keep an eye on it. If it changes or gets bigger he'll stick a needle in it. But since it is under the skin, not attached to anything and isn't growing, we're going to leave it alone for the time being. I took some pictures while I was there. They are on my phone, so I shall post them in a little while. Total for 4 exams and shots and for 7 doses of Advantage Multi, for them and for the crew here at home was $217. I got one of the new girls and she only gave me a $29 discount. I'll have to hope for one of the other ones when I take Morgan in and get a bigger one then.

02-01-2008, 07:30 PM
Ok, I've been sitting here reading posts, hoping for new ones and got bored. I decided to take the pictures from yesterday's vet visit off of my phone's SD card and upload them for you to see. Remember they were with my phone and aren't professionally posed. LOL After hearing some of the stories about vet trips, I've decided that I have very well behaved kitties. I just went around picking them up and shoving them in carriers. 5 were supposed to go, but I only had 3 carriers. Morgan is 18.5 pounds and needs the medium sized dog carrier. I can snag him any time, so I just took the other 4 that were due. I had a chorus of various meows during our 15-20 minute ride to town but that was it. Even in the vet's office, the new girl that was helping commented on how well-behaved the crew was. Only Aroara hissed. And that was because she isn't friendly with the other cats. So as you'll see she didn't get the privileges the others got.

1. Aroara in her carrier in the front seat on the way to the vet.

2. Higgins and Lemon were sitting on the counter so cute together until I decided I would take their picture. Off Lemon went. Doesn't she know that a girl should never turn her backside to the camera?

3. Lemon walking around on the floor.

4. Jane coming to visit Lemon behind the bench.

5. Aroara couldn't come out and play because she doesn't play nice with the others.

6. Higgins decided to get off the counter and find a hiding spot.

7. Lemon decides to go back into the carrier. (That's the one that Morgan has to use by himself.)

8. Soon Jane decided to visit Lemon.

9. See the 4 eyes looking at you out from all the blackness?

10. This is just a closer picture of what Jane looks like.

Lemon and Jane weighed 7 pounds each. Aroara was 7.5 and Higgins was 12. And that's a wrap from the visit to the vet's office from here.