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01-31-2008, 04:51 AM
Today marks the 26th anniversary that I gave up smoking. I gave up cold turkey which is the hardest way to go it. I quit when I thought 65 cents a pack was too high! They're a lot more today. I feel much better.

01-31-2008, 05:40 AM
That's great David! You should add up the money you've saved all these years! ;)

01-31-2008, 01:41 PM
Congratulations! I am a smoker and have been trying for years to quit. I did give it up once for 3 years and then started again. I've got the mindset to do it but not the willpower. I will get there eventually. But great job for keeping off it for 26 years !! Congratulations David

01-31-2008, 03:09 PM
Great stuff David, i too have given up for just over 26yrs, cold turkey too,i had a very important reason and it was easy peasy, i was going to have my son. :)

critter crazy
01-31-2008, 03:11 PM
Congrats on 26yrs David!! I myself just quite smoking yesterday!! Cold turkey, and so far no cravings! I even feel better, and it has only been 36 hours so far. Hopefully it iwll be for good this time!:)

01-31-2008, 11:19 PM
well i'm only 19 and i don't smoke, but my brother is 28 and he has since he was 16 so i hope oneday he will be able to say the same thing you are saying. congratulations that's something to be proud of.

01-31-2008, 11:59 PM
We are proud of all of you, and crittercrazy, we'll be pulling for you to stick with it! It's not easy, but it is so much better than the consequences of not quitting!!!