View Full Version : Time to say Good Bye to my Babies

Laura's Babies
01-30-2008, 04:11 AM
And all my PT friends for another 28 days. I will be leaving shortly to go back to work. Going to Memphis or close to there to catch the boat. The babies are all fixed up and the house is ready for me to leave. I really hate leaving them, more so than usual because of how Boo has become. She slept by my head all night last night.. It is just so hard leaving them.. It is 4:05am here, I will be out of here by 5. Our schedule is pretty tight today. The boat should be there at noon, we should arrive 11:30 - noon.

Everyone, take care of your babies and yourselves, give them all kisses for me and hug them every day.

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-30-2008, 04:21 AM
Have a safe trip, Laura!!! Don't worry about your babies, they will be safe, and waiting till you are back :)
You will be missed! See you back in 28 days :)

Scooter's Mom
01-30-2008, 06:23 AM
Have a safe trip, Laura! We will miss you, that's for sure.

Laura's Babies
01-30-2008, 02:33 PM
Hay! Surprise!! I am on the boat and we now have internet!! But I am here to work so I won't be spending a whole lot of time on the computer but at least I can check in and keep up with what is going on now!!!


01-30-2008, 02:39 PM
;) Darn I missed your Goodbye.. Hey we will miss you.. Talk when you can & see you & the babies soon..

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-30-2008, 03:55 PM


Felicia's Mom
01-30-2008, 04:10 PM
Have a good trip and I'll see you when you return!

01-30-2008, 04:10 PM
Glad you get to stay in touch! That must be hard leaving.

01-30-2008, 04:25 PM
I certainly agree with caseysmom, that must be tough leaving your Cat Companions for a month.
I know I certainly would miss the Found Cats, if I had to leave them
I bet you are looking forwrad to your retirement so you can be with them all the time!!!

01-30-2008, 05:26 PM
I know exactly how you feel! I travel quite a bit to see my son, and I don't like leaving my cat "babies". But I have a very good neighbor who takes excellent care of them when I'm away from home. I still miss them though. I love it when I come home and they are so glad to see me. :) When they hear me on the porch, they jump on the back of the couch & wait for me to come into the house.

01-30-2008, 07:01 PM
What fantastic news.. that you can check in from the voyage!

I'm sure your kids will be just fine while you're away..

Bon voyage, Laura, and safe home!

02-01-2008, 10:46 AM
Have a safe trip and try not to worry about your babies.hugs to you :)