View Full Version : What is your dogs height/weight?

01-29-2008, 02:11 PM
I know we've done this thread a few times, but its time for an update. I just decided to weigh and measure the dogs. I'm not sure how accurate my measurements were...I used the old weigh yourself then weigh yourself holding the dog method. Plus trying to measure is not an easy task with all that hair, I put their harnesses on which has a strap across the back to flatten the hair...if I were to measure them with their fur it would add a good 1-3 inches in height, especially on Nebo, his fur sticks up right there.

Anyway, here are my dogs:

Nebo 24 inches 57 lbs
Keva 22 inches 39 lbs
Sydney 14 1/2 inches 19 lbs

I added a poll, but it only has weight options not height. You can choose multiple options for multiple dogs.

finn's mom
01-29-2008, 02:15 PM
I can only for sure tell you Finn's...Freckles is about 20 pounds and Dudley is about 18 pounds. I don't know if I've ever measured their heights. They are in Louisiana right now, though, so I'll have to wait until March to measure their heights. :)

Finn - 24 inches, 60 pounds

01-29-2008, 02:15 PM
Kodie: 105 lbs. 20-24 inches in height
Lucy: 50 lbs. 15-18 inchs

I'm not sure of their height but I will check it later!

01-29-2008, 02:26 PM
Kai: 17.5 inches - 47lbs
Kaedyn: 14.5 inches - 34lbs
Keeva: 24 inches - 54lbs

Kai and Kaedyn are overweight. Kaedyn *should* be about 28 pounds. Kai needs to lose a lot unfortunately, but with his hips, it's hard for him to exercise. A good weight for him is probably 30-35.

Keeva's a little on the thin side according to her vet but I think she's just the right weight for an agility dog. I had a lot of trouble keeping weight on her. After we switched back to kibble, she gained weight, but so did the other two.

01-29-2008, 02:34 PM
Malakai: 140lbs--- 34"
Freckles: 115lb--- 32"
Chloe: 70lbs (she is overweight)--- 23"

01-29-2008, 02:47 PM
Buddy is 95 pouds
Sierra is 85 pounds (winter weight) :D

I'll have to measure them tonight.

01-29-2008, 02:58 PM
Kyra - 10 inches tall, 9-10 pounds
Mini - 13 inches tall, 20 pounds
Micki - 15 inches tall, 23 pounds
Jack - 19 inches tall, 45 pounds
Shadow - 22 inches 90 pounds.

01-29-2008, 03:09 PM
I have 4 dogs, 3 adult bitches, and one male puppy almost 6 mos old.

The adult girls are very close to the same size. All are very close to 24" at the shoulder, and mid 90s in weight.

Milton is about 22 at the shoulder right now, and about 60 lbs. I expect Milt will end up near 26 at the shoulder and 115 or so.

01-29-2008, 03:43 PM
Winston is 27" and 81lbs.
Morgan is 24.5" and 67lbs
Dance is 17.5" and 28lbs

01-29-2008, 03:47 PM
I have 4 dogs, 3 adult bitches, and one male puppy almost 6 mos old.

The adult girls are very close to the same size. All are very close to 24" at the shoulder, and mid 90s in weight.

Milton is about 22 at the shoulder right now, and about 60 lbs. I expect Milt will end up near 26 at the shoulder and 115 or so.

Hahaha Your 6 month old puppy is almost bigger than Ramone!! :eek: :D

Ramone (my teacup rottweiler) is about 21.5" and approx 65-70 pounds. I haven't tried to weigh him lately, but he was 58 pounds when we got him.

Clipse is 17.5" and 28 pounds (he's a little chubby, should be 27)

Emily is 16" and 27 pounds (she's very chubby right now... she should be 25)

01-29-2008, 03:48 PM
I am not sure of their height but

Rocky is 65 lbs.
Jenny is 110 lbs. (she's a big girl it's the rottie in her)
Ginger is 35 lbs.
Buster is around 75-80 lbs.

both kitties are 14 lbs. :)

01-29-2008, 04:29 PM
Beanie is 17.2lbs last time he was at the vet. Not sure how tall he is.

Chloe is right at 60lbs. Not sure how tall she is either.

Gracie is 55.6lbs last time she was at the vets and is 23.5in tall.

01-29-2008, 04:29 PM
Travis- 26" 80-86 lbs
Katy - 12" 15-20 lbs
Miles - 10 1/2 " 25-30 lbs [he's overweight ]

01-29-2008, 04:47 PM
Zoee is just under 60lbs. I think the last time she was at the vet she weighed in at 56 or 57lbs.
Can someone tell me how to measure the height? Please? :)

01-29-2008, 04:53 PM
Eika is 24" tall and 60lbs
Lily is 8.5" tall and 8lbs

01-29-2008, 05:12 PM
I don't know heights but the weights are as follows:

Sadie --> At the vet in May she was 22 lbs.
Maggie --> Vet visit 2.5 weeks ago....7 lbs.
Grant --> Vet visit 2.5 weeks ago....47 lbs. This was down from his previous annual vet visit one year prior of 61 lbs.

The raw diet has done wonders for my pups. Sadie and Grant have lost weight, Maggie has maintained her weight. Overall, they are healthier and have more energy.

01-29-2008, 05:43 PM
Can someone tell me how to measure the height? Please? :)

The height is measured only to the shoulders. If that helps any ;)

01-29-2008, 05:43 PM
Mickey: 21", ~43lbs
Molly: 18-19", ~35lbs
Jersey: 18", ~30lbs

01-29-2008, 06:00 PM
Height is measured at the highest point of the withers, right at the base of the neck with the dog standing square on a firm surface.

It helps to stand the dog near a wall, with the yardstick against the wall, and then another ruler to put at the withers to see exactly how tall the dog is.

If the dog is coated, allow for coat.

The red line on this image goes through the withers on the dog on the right. It is slightly below the withers on the dog on the left.


01-29-2008, 06:35 PM
Last time the Rock was weighed he was 125 pounds. :eek:
I have not measured him in awhile but If I recall he was about 27 at the

01-29-2008, 07:20 PM
I will have to weigh them all again as a few have gained a little weight. Ripley-since he can no longer do sports he has turned into a porker lol and Misty-until I can get er back fixed I cant exersize her much are the 2 main ones that I know have put on some weight.

mine are as follows:

Misty-18"-40lbs(should be 30lbs!)
Perky-12"-26lbs(should be 22lbs)
Ripley-13"-20lbs(should be 18lbs)

man, I REALLY gotta get Mistys back fixed so I can exersize her properly, 10lbs over is awful!

01-29-2008, 08:12 PM
Lucky: 10"(?) - 20 (should be around 18-19)
Giselle: 26" - 60 pounds
Ivy: 23-ish" (I need to measure her because I think she actually grew in the past few weeks...) - 45 pounds

01-29-2008, 09:00 PM
Eli weighs 68lbs, 26"
Bunny is around 50lbs, 20" and
Zeke is about 75lbs, 22".

We weighed Eli at Petsmart on Sunday, so Im positive on his weight, but the other two are an estimate. They are pretty consistent with their weights though. Was glad to see that Eli has gained a few more pounds... He's at a good weight now. Not sure when he'll stop growing, as his mom was 70lbs and his dad was around 90lbs. Guess his breeder likes BIG boxers.. (We didnt purchase him from them.. keep in mind.) Heights are estimates, as none of them would hold still while standing... Scary tape measure... :rolleyes:

They all would be at pretty ideal weights for their body structures.
I wish someone would measure out my daily food... :rolleyes: .. lol.

Ginger's Mom
01-29-2008, 09:02 PM
Ginger is right around 17" and the last time I weighed her she was 36.5 lbs (at vet's). However, it has been a while so I picked her up and weighed her tonight, the same way you did. She came out at 40 pounds. :eek: We both seriously need to get more active.

01-29-2008, 09:08 PM
Gonzo is 19" and 34 lbs.
Fozzie is 14" and 38 lbs... of PURE MUSCLE.

They are both at their ideal weights. Fozzie is double his height in length, after all. He definitely has a waist, and even though I can only palpate his ribs a little, he just isn't meant to be a super lean dog. Gonzo, on the other hand, you can easily feel his ribs and spine.

01-29-2008, 09:09 PM
I'm not sure of their heights, but Jamie weighs 39lbs, which is a little small for an Aussie. I'm not sure of Charlie's weight but he weighs around 50lbs probably.

01-29-2008, 09:33 PM
Lacey - 80 lbs
Layla - 70 lbs
Jake - 10 lbs
I don't know how tall they are. :D

01-29-2008, 10:18 PM
Mister is 6 inches tall and 3.5 pounds :D :p

and my foster Cheetoo is 20 pounds.....he wouldn't hold still for a height check :rolleyes:

01-29-2008, 11:29 PM
Ebony-70lbs :o... shes way overweight
Tikeya-55 lbs.. little overweight
Daisy-25 lbs (perfect)

I'm not 100% sure on how tall they all are..

01-30-2008, 09:28 AM
I'll have to edit in their heights later.

Star- 45 lbs.

(just had her at the vets - she's down from 54 lbs. last year. I had no idea she'd lost so much weight after we lost Sherman - she went into a deep depression & stopped eating. Even the vet was surprised - said her coat is incredibly thick, she's mostly fluff!)

Jack - 51 lbs. Up a few from when we got him - he's just right now.

01-30-2008, 09:38 AM
Height is measured at the highest point of the withers, right at the base of the neck with the dog standing square on a firm surface.

It helps to stand the dog near a wall, with the yardstick against the wall, and then another ruler to put at the withers to see exactly how tall the dog is.

If the dog is coated, allow for coat.

The red line on this image goes through the withers on the dog on the right. It is slightly below the withers on the dog on the left.


Thank you so much for this drawing. I pretty much knew where I was supposed to measure but just never for sure. Now I'll have to try and take some time to measure and weigh them. Like I told Anna on the phone I'm a bit embarrassed to post Tori's weight...lol. Compared to the other huskies on here she is sooooo fat..lol. I'm embarrassed for my little girl. The doc is constantly telling me that she isn't, that it is just the way she is built but I stilll think she is fat..lol. She takes after her mama ;)

Suki Wingy
01-30-2008, 02:38 PM
Niņo's not quite as lean as he used to be in his youth. He always weighed in at 50 lbs at the vet, but how he's around 53 lbs. I'll have to measure him, but I think he's around 21".

01-31-2008, 07:44 AM
It is a bit sad to see so many overweight dogs, not just ones mentioned here but in everyday life :(.

Will put in heights later....

Clover - 27 Kilo's/ 59Lbs
Elvis - 17KG/ 37lbs
Tinny - 14KG/ just under 31lbs
Harri - 7.4KG/ 16.2lbs (he was weighed at the Vet's yesterday).

All are at their perfect weight at the moment, Tinny looks chubby to me but it is her coat... i can feel ribs easily, and spine/ hips slightly.

01-31-2008, 08:09 AM
It is a bit sad to see so many overweight dogs, not just ones mentioned here but in everyday life :(. A lot of people have no idea how much they overfeed. I think overall there are actually fewer overweight dogs on PT - Of the 67 dogs' weights listed, only 7 were mentioned as being overweight, and most of those are only a few lbs. over or have medical issues. I think many dogs (and owners) are just "under-exercised", but that's JMO, lol! (I'm trying to motivate myself to get out & walk with them twice as much as I do now. ;) )

01-31-2008, 10:01 PM
Visa is 22.75 inches and 43 pounds. :)

01-31-2008, 10:19 PM
Thanks for the info on how to measure height. If I did it correctly, I think Zoee is about 22".

01-31-2008, 10:22 PM
Heights are approximate as it seems impossible for me to get them to stand square on a hard surface to measure them exactly but:

Tasha 22 inches, 43 pounds
Tommy between 26 and 27 inches, 81 pounds
Raven 24 (maybe a little over, she wouldn't cooperate and stand still) and 55 pounds

I don't feel anyone is particularly overweight right now.

The Cat Factory
02-01-2008, 11:06 PM
Chester is about 25 inches tall. I am not sure of his exact weight, but he is around 60 lbs.

Nobas Mom
02-02-2008, 01:13 AM
Noba is 14" (just perfect height) and weighs around 58lbs, which is up from his 55lbs over the summer. Although I am happy to report that the vet is impressed with how he looks. Since he has hip dysplasia, keeping his weight low is important (vet wanted him around 50lbs), but after seeing that he is almost pure muscle, the vet was happy!!! One more month and it will be a full year with no hip related vet appts!!!! Woo hoo!!!

Sadie girl is 17" and weighs in at 43lbs. She is beagle / lab x, so this is a good weight for her!

02-02-2008, 02:37 AM
From tip of head to floor, Spanky is, maybe, 8 inches tall. She weighs a whopping 3 lbs.! :)

02-03-2008, 02:58 PM
Chloe is...oh, I don't know....17'' and weighs 40lbs.
Blackie is 21'' and weighs 75lbs.
Rose is 19'' and weighs around 55lbs.

Blackie and Rose used to be overweight, with Rose tipping at around 65 and Blackie at 88. :eek: They were porkers. Upped their exercise, bought them a higher quality food, and lowered their feeding. They are at a good weight now.