View Full Version : Dear PT, look what they did!

01-27-2008, 05:46 PM
Dear PT,
Kiki here. We used to have this furry stuff on the bottom of our house...

Christmas night, mom and grandpa locked us dogs up in mom's room. They made a ton of loud noises and when they finally let us out this is what we saw!

While mom was away visiting PT'ers, grandpa put down new stuff on the bottom of our house. It's hard but nice and cool, and tennis balls can bounce so high on it!

I think I like it. Mom says she'd prefer carpet for Simba but he seems to be doing okay. I think he likes the coolness of it, too. Mom says it doesn't smell like doggie anymore, she said she didn't like the furry stuff we had. What's wrong with furry stuff??

Anyways, I hope you like our new floors PT!


01-27-2008, 05:54 PM
Wow, looks great! And a higher bounce for the tennis balls - what could be better?

01-27-2008, 06:03 PM
Grandpa did a terrific job!

And I bet mom can find a nice bed for Simba. ;)

01-27-2008, 06:40 PM
:eek: It's beautiful! I love it! Sounds like the Muttlies do too.

By the way... nice to see you and your furry kids again, Kay. :)

01-27-2008, 07:31 PM
I agree, Grandpa did a professional job. The color is very nice and I like the area rug that was selected. Just be careful and don't go running like crazy dogs or there might be a head on crash.

01-27-2008, 07:53 PM
It looks really nice, I should do that to but I really like the feel of the carpet. Your carpet still looked real good, especially for having four dogs.

01-27-2008, 09:01 PM
The floor looks nice Kiara. The tennis balls will be fun on it for sure! :D Hmm, that gorilla looks familiar. ;)

01-28-2008, 03:20 AM
Ok, the tile looks great. I know these had to be taken after you got home though so the big questins os where is my picutres!? :p

C'mon girl, I want those pics!

01-28-2008, 06:35 AM
Wow!! The floors look awesome. Tell grandpa he did a good job Kiki.

01-28-2008, 06:48 AM
The floor looks great! Ask him if he wants to come and do mine too:p

Hugs to the kids!

01-28-2008, 07:17 AM
Very nice! I really like tile & wood floors.
Kiara, did they do this just so your tennis balls would bounce better? (They love you so much!)

4 Dog Mother
01-28-2008, 09:07 AM
Wow, what a nice change - I bet the floor is cooler for the dogs and while Jack likes his soft padded places, when he is hot, he likes to lie on the only place we have any "bare" floor and that is the entrance way at the front door! So I bet Simba will like the floor just fine - I am sure he can find a cushier place if he needs too!

Yes, I can see the chases ended as they go sliding and fishtailing as they try to turn corners. Have fun Kiara with those tennis balls!

Anita Cholaine
01-28-2008, 09:55 AM
Kiara, I really really like that new stuff on the bottom of your house! Tell grandpa he did a beautiful job. ;)

finn's mom
01-28-2008, 12:21 PM
Carpet. I hate it. Hahaha. That looks beautiful!

Ginger's Mom
01-28-2008, 01:02 PM
Looks great. And Kiara, you have to admit, anything that makes tennis balls bounce higher has to be good. :)

01-28-2008, 03:32 PM
Looks nice Kay. My pups were a little apprehensive we we put down the laminate wood but they have since gotten used to it and it makes "accidental" cleanups so much easier. Also no doggie smells and no dirty, dusty, allergy ridden carpet.

Kiki the tennis balls will now go wonky all over the house. :D

01-28-2008, 04:55 PM
Well, hello, beautiful Kiara!

What's wrong with furry stuff? At our house - Nothing, except when I spill coffee on it, or when Cassie Cat coughs up a hair ball on it, or when it starts to show its age. That is when the smooth stuff is nice to have. Your house looks very nice! Granddad and mom did a great job! I'm glad to see photos of the precious Muttlies after mom's trip to Ohio! Were you extra-glad to see her when she got home? Hughughughug for Muttlies!

01-28-2008, 11:15 PM
Ohhh! How Bee-ewww-teee-ful!

Have fun chasing those skidding tenny balls, Ki!

critter crazy
01-28-2008, 11:23 PM
Looks Fabulous!! Job well done!!:eek:

01-28-2008, 11:24 PM
Looks great!! With Andy's allergies, we'll probably invest in either wood or tile in any future home. :D