View Full Version : Melissa started her first holiday job today...

01-25-2008, 05:56 PM
My 15 year old has scored herself a holiday job working at Just Cuts, which is a no appointment hairdresser,that only cuts hair, nothing else, they have a branch in the city and at the mall, she did a training session at the mall last week for two hours and today is her first full day in town from 9-5.30,this is melissa's first job apart from her paper round which she did for 1 and half years.

She is mainly doing the sweeping up of the hair,cleaning the combs etc and she has to be fast at this too, but she is also doing some reception work, so it should be good experience for her, i saw her standing at the reception today,looking rather professional even if i say so myself, had to go into town and get a birthday card, but NO i did not go over to her ,just smiled.

I don't think she gets paid for these training sessions, but next time she will, so she will indeed be happy about that,she can work at both branches and the better she works the more shifts she will get, so far the people have been super nice to her and apparently the boss is really good too,so nice to hear,would hate her to land a stink job first time around.

I am sure we will have one tired teenager tonite , who will be blobbing out on the couch most of the evening, welcome to the real world my dear melissa.

It certainly is starting out to be a good year for her, first her learner's driver's test, which she passed and learning to drive, now a job and then she will be getting a passport and going overseas for the first time, all happening at once.

Yes my little girl is growing up. LOL. :)she drives herself to work and back, of course with Dad there too,That is the law. :)

01-25-2008, 06:16 PM
My 16 year old is a receptionist in a hair salon also. She really enjoys it and likes the girlie atmosphere :D

edited to add, Congratulations Melissa!

01-25-2008, 07:28 PM
Sis, it seems like Melissa is growing up to be a very responsible young lady! Her new job sounds like it suits her perfectly and she can drive to work (with dad, of course!). Carole I'm sure you're proud of her getting out on her own.

01-25-2008, 08:31 PM
Yes David i am glad she wants to get herself out there and working,has some motivation to do so,which is always a good thing to see, i guess not having rich parents helps,she know's if she want's extra things she is just gonna have to work hard for it.

Yes caseysmom i think it is a real good place to start in a job,she was not too keen on the fast food industry, so i am happy she has been able to get this one, of course after today she might decide no more, who know's,hope not, she has to learn what it is like in the real world sooner or later eh?

Yes David i am proud of Melissa. :)