View Full Version : "Pet Food: A Dog's Breakfast," on CBC-TV (Canada)

01-25-2008, 05:14 PM
Cross-posted from Cats General, an expose of the pet "food" industry:


01-26-2008, 12:44 AM
I watched this last night. It was great. :)

01-26-2008, 05:10 PM
I wish I could have seen it. I can usually get CBC-TV pretty well here from Windsor, but I didn't find out about the show until the next day. I guess CBC Newsworld is cable? I don't have cable, either.

Oh well, with luck it will be available online before long! Here's the schedule for CBC documentaries, including if/when they can be viewed online: http://www.cbc.ca/doczone/schedule.html


01-26-2008, 05:37 PM
I watched it as well, it was good! the biggest thing that bothered me was the "expert" who said that the only thing that matters when choosing a food is how big the reputation of the company is. :confused: . the other thing that bothered me was the lady that said there is no point in paying for a "premium" food because there is NO DIFFERNCE. what bothered be there is that in her example there was NO mention of what she was refering to as "premium". they could very well have been comparing "ol roy" and "ol roy premium formula" she didnt differentiate between actual quality foods and a bag of cr*p that only CLAIMS to be premium. to the average person her wording could be easily interprited as "feed Mainstay, its cheap and no different then Innova"

I did like they they exposed what the "study" behind the Purina dog chow commercial really was lol. ya know that commercial that claims "studies show that a dog fed Purnia dog chow fed properly, extended their life by an average of 2 years" ? turns out that "study" was actually 2 groups of dogs...BOTH fed Purina dog chow, one got more, the other group got less, the heathy weight dogs lived an average of 2 years longer then the obese ones. gee ya think? lol

01-26-2008, 07:43 PM
I did like they they exposed what the "study" behind the Purina dog chow commercial really was lol. ya know that commercial that claims "studies show that a dog fed Purnia dog chow fed properly, extended their life by an average of 2 years" ? turns out that "study" was actually 2 groups of dogs...BOTH fed Purina dog chow, one got more, the other group got less, the heathy weight dogs lived an average of 2 years longer then the obese ones. gee ya think? lol

They didn't say "healthy weight" ones. They just said the ones who were fed less. They said skinny dogs live longer. Which is true. I'd rather have a skinny dog than a fat one! :p

01-26-2008, 11:55 PM
THAT was the study??? Wow! Picture me rolling on the floor laughing.

That is incredible. WOW. Just wow. Ignorance really is bliss!