View Full Version : Dilemma - opinions sought. *PICS ADDED*

01-25-2008, 02:55 PM
A local humane society is asking One By One to take a 9 year old Himmy (or Persian). The cat has very BAD teeth and a grade 3 to 5 heart murmur.

Obviously this cat would go into foster care FOREVER, who would adopt him? But that is not the dilemma......

Without actually seeing the cat, I was curious what should be done.....

Should One by One PASS on this cat? We dont really have room for a permanent resident. When we pull cats from shelter we try to make sure they are adoptable.

IF One by One takes the cat, do we:

-Get a dental done and hope for the best? after all, if we don't take the cat it would probably die at the humane shelter. This would at least give him a chance.

-get an ultrasound first to get a better grasp on the heart condition? of course, if this was your beloved pet you would probably go this route, but I for one am trying to save One by One the expense because this is a cat we probably should NOT take.

-Leave the teeth alone and just hope for the best life possible?

I know that this is not a whole lot of info to go on, but I am in need of making a decision. So what might you do? (Place yourself in the position of the foster family)

01-25-2008, 03:02 PM
Now I am going to answer my own question.

While I know that One by One should NOT accept this cat, I feel that if we DO take him that it would be worth the risk to have the dental work done with a minimal of tests. Just blood work.

I realize that going the route of the ultrasound would make it much safer for the cat, I would not want to tax our budget for the $300 it would take for an ultrasound on top of the price of the dental work. Not when there are SOOOOOO many more cats counting on that money for survival.

Please post your opinions after you vote. THANKS

(keep in mind, we may not be accepting this cat. There may be no foster home for him to live in.)

01-25-2008, 03:05 PM
Jen, has the local shelter contacted a Himmy or Persian rescue organization about this guy? Is he in a no-kill shelter?

About the teeth ... Some of the Found Cats have had dental care in their double-digit years. I don't think that is as big a problem as a bad heart. What is the prognosis for this grade 3 to 5 murmur? In a human patient there is a big difference between grade 3 and grade 5 and I wonder if that is also true of a cat.

I think he could still have good years with a permanent foster or a caring adopter unless his heart is very, very bad. If the vet doesn't want to do his dental care without an ultrasound, I can Paypal something toward that. Will wait for your decision.

01-25-2008, 03:08 PM
Oh, he is in a HIGH kill shelter! :(

I know there is a difference in cats between a 3 and a 5, I just don't think we KNOW what the number is.

I am unsure about whether they contacted a persian rescue.

And my specific question is whether ANESTHESIA is dangerous for a cat with a heart murmur. (I know that at age 9, he is not TOO old)

Oh, and I don't know what MY vet (the one who would do the dental) recommends yet, as this is all speculation since we don't have the cat yet.

01-25-2008, 03:10 PM
You feel the cat would not be adoptable and would in foster home forever because . . . of age? Or because of the heart murmur?

Is the cat on any meds for the heart murmur just now? Any info if this is a life long heart murmur or an age related one?

This would be a special needs placement, I think. There ARE people to adopt them, it just takes a lot longer.

You can opt out of the ultrasound, and have the dental work done.

My Chaplin has a heart murmur; he is just 7 months old. I asked IF we get the ultrasound done, what difference will it make to you neutering him? He said they use a different anesthesia for cats with heart murmurs, and they won't keep the cat under as long. Well, just do it that way!

In the end, I took Chaplin to a not for profit clinic for a low cost neutering. I did not mention his heart murmur, and they never said or did anything differently. He was fine. Then I took him to another vet, who said he does still have the heart murmur.

A knowledgable vet will use the alternative anesthesia for the dental work, due to the heart murmur.

The bad teeth will only give rise to other health issues. Getting that taken care of makes this cat feel better, healthier now AND healthier in the long run.

If the cat stays in the shelter, what will happen? A few weeks and then euthanized? I don't see any reason for this cat to be PTS at this stage. I say take her!

Edit: I was typing when you and cassies mom posted the 2 items above me; that clarifies some of what I have in here.

01-25-2008, 03:17 PM
At this point we do not know if his bad teeth has already caused other health problems. So we "assume" LOW adoptablility due to a combination of age and health. IF it turns ou that the heart murmur is high, his life might be short anyway.

I am also unsure how long the kill shelter will give him before putting him to sleep.

I don't have a lot of facts, that is why the decision is made harder.

01-25-2008, 03:30 PM
Oh, he is in a HIGH kill shelter! :(

I say take him, assuming you have the space. I agree with Freedom, no clear reason for the cat to be pts. Maybe a Persian or Himalayan rescue would help with either the housing or the veterinary expenses or both.

01-25-2008, 03:31 PM
I'd also consider the quite real possibility that word will get out, and OBO will become a dumping ground for impossible-to-adopt cats (or at least you'd be faced with decisions like this much more often.)

Love, Columbine

01-25-2008, 04:02 PM
I voted to accept the cat and get the dental done.
Pepper has a 6 heart murmur. When she got her tail chopped off last year, we explained to the emergency vet about her heart and told her that when Pepper had anesthesia in the past, she took a long time to wake up. The vet did a thorough exam of her own and changed the type of anesthesia for the surgery. Pepper did fine. Her heart did fine and she woke up very quickly afterwards.

Also, we adopted Pepper knowing about her bad heart. And we adopted Cammie at 10+ years old with bad teeth. There is always a chance that this baby will get a forever home.

It might be worth checking out iMOM's various funds for rescue organizations. 1 By 1 may be eligible for some funds.

From iMOM's website: Other qualification for rescuers only

Your rescue organization must be a 501(c)(3).

The pet must be currently in rescue or foster care.

Your rescue must have all pets spayed or neutered prior to adoption.


01-25-2008, 04:10 PM
I agree with Freedom. I say take the cat and put him in a foster home and make him as comfortable and happy as possible.

01-25-2008, 04:27 PM
Cassie Is Right, And My Vet Tells Me That Bad Teeth Can Cause A Lot Of Problems With Thier Heart And Kidneys.
Thats What Caused The Passing Of My Dear Mr Fluffy Angel.
We Hope That Somehow Can That Poor Cat Can Be Helped.
Prayers Are Coming To Him, And The Pet Angels Are With Him To Comfort That Poor Soul.

01-25-2008, 04:28 PM
At this point we do not know if his bad teeth has already caused other health problems. So we "assume" LOW adoptablility due to a combination of age and health.

I agree but, you don't know that getting some needed dental work wouldnt
cure a lot of the problems he has besides the heart murmur. If your group
can do the dental, the cat would at least have some chance for adoption.

01-25-2008, 05:54 PM
Bad teeth can cause all sorts of problems. I'd definitely get the dental work done to be sure he isn't in pain. Keep him comfortable and then try to make him adoptable.

01-25-2008, 06:22 PM
I'd also consider the quite real possibility that word will get out, and OBO will become a dumping ground for impossible-to-adopt cats (or at least you'd be faced with decisions like this much more often.)

Love, Columbine
HA! This is the exact reason our shelter is not public! We only give the address/directions to potential adopters when they want to see a cat that is there.

01-25-2008, 06:27 PM
HA! This is the exact reason our shelter is not public! We only give the address/directions to potential adopters when they want to see a cat that is there.

I meant among humane societies, but I'm glad you've got that aspect covered!

Love, Columbine

Ginger's Mom
01-25-2008, 07:14 PM
Just curious, why are they asking you to take this particular cat? I am sure they have many cats that come through their doors, :( . Did they indicate why they did a special outreach for this cat? Or do they often call you to take cats that they feel won't be adopted in a shelter setting?

01-25-2008, 07:41 PM
Just curious, why are they asking you to take this particular cat? I am sure they have many cats that come through their doors, :( . Did they indicate why they did a special outreach for this cat? Or do they often call you to take cats that they feel won't be adopted in a shelter setting?
I can't say for certain, but I do know that they contact us because one of our members does BREED rescue. They sent us a Maine Coon recently. Also, as is common in these types of shelters, they PTS anything that is sick (we are taking a white baby because it has an URI). Could be that they can't work with this cat because of the health problems.

01-25-2008, 09:02 PM
Bad teeth can cause all sorts of problems. I'd definitely get the dental work done to be sure he isn't in pain. Keep him comfortable and then try to make him adoptable.
I totally agree. Please continue to keep us updated.

01-26-2008, 12:19 AM
Posting some PA rescue links that might help (still searching for breed-specific). I don't know what county you or OBO are in, but maybe someone has connections there.

I've also read that many breed-specific rescues are also breeders, so found a couple that might rescue, or know someone who does.


http://www.kittycottage.org/aboutus.html WE ARE MOVING! We will be closed starting January 21 to complete our move. Please check the web site for updates on when we will reopen. Our new address is 317 W. Johnson Highway in East Norriton, 19401. The phone # will be the same. We hope all of you can come visit us real soon.

http://paw.00freehost.com/contactus.html NY Cats Cattery breeds beautiful Persian and Himalayan kittens with CFA Champion bloodlines in Brooklyn New York and Stroudsburg Pennsylvania.



This is a link to a page of PA breeders...you or other folks at OBO might recognize some of them as being nearby, so I'll let you look at the rest of them


01-26-2008, 05:17 PM
DRUM ROLL PLEASE...............

BraveHeart (as I named him) will becoming a One by One cat this Monday. He, and a white 15 week old male kitten I named Kimba will be delivered to me sometime Monday in time for me to try to get BraveHeart to the vet for his first exam. I want the vet to listen to his heart, draw blood for a work up and check his mouth.

BraveHeart is a Blue (or Lilac) point Himalayan. A large, fluffy cloud of fur. (as reported by our 1by1 representative who saw him. ) He is described as sweet, sweet, sweet!

I am very excited! I just know we will be able to help him find a forever home once he is on the road to good health.

ANYONE who wishes to donate to his impending vet costs should visit our site (www.1by1.petfinder.org) and use the paypal button and label FOR BRAVEHEART. Or send checks to One by One @ PO Box 226 Kutztown, PA 19530.

01-27-2008, 05:53 PM
Oh, that's wonderful news, Jen! God bless you and everyone at One By One, and best wishes to Braveheart and Kimba.

Thank you!

Laura's Babies
01-27-2008, 05:56 PM
Should we put his name on the check so they will know who it is for?

01-27-2008, 05:58 PM
Jen, I just made a donation, but PayPal didn't give me a place to put that it is FOR BRAVEHEART, so would you please add that to the form you get there and/or let whoever needs to know about it know?

Best wishes to him and little Kimba too, and all you good purrrsons of whatever species at OneByOne.


01-27-2008, 06:09 PM
Wonderful news, for Braveheart! Here's best wishes for a positive report from the vet!

And Kimba, a 15 week old should be easy to place. ;)

01-27-2008, 06:36 PM
Should we put his name on the check so they will know who it is for?
You could put a note in the envelope, or his name in the memo section.

Thank you (and Pat) for your kind donations.

Laura's Babies
01-27-2008, 07:16 PM
Will he be spending his whole first day (Monday) at the vets or will you get your hands on him long enough to post pictures of him? Sorry to press you but I already have a special feeling for him and I leave first thing Wednedsay morning for work and would love to have a picture of him to take with me to remind me to pray for him every day! (and to talk to him, sending him good vibes and whisper sweet nothing in his ear)

01-27-2008, 07:21 PM
I am sure that one way or other I can get a picture of him posted some time tomorrow. :)

01-27-2008, 07:28 PM
Great news! Any older or special needs animal can be adopted. Often quite easily with the right sob story. Hiding them away in a permanent foster until they die of old age without giving them a chance at adoption is pretty sad. Sorry, but I'd rather see the animal euthanized than being taken only to be put aside without getting a chance. You can definately find the right match for this cat.

01-27-2008, 08:10 PM
If I were closer and wasn't starting a stressful home addition in a few months I would jump at a chance to adopt braveheart. I Love Persians. My two girls have been a joy to share my home with. They're definately not for everyone.

Chloe came to me with ringworm, a uri, conjunctivitis (pinkeye) in both, as well as sebborhea (known as cradle cap in infants.). Both have breathing issues and one needs to be shaved on a regular basis.

I'm sure you'll find a great home for him.

01-27-2008, 08:32 PM
I would get him out of the high kill shelter right now. Then I would get the dental work done. I have a feeling the teeth might be the cause of the heart problem and once the teeth are fixed he should have many more good years.

01-27-2008, 08:39 PM
Jen, I only read the first three posts because I am at work and don't have time right now to read all of them but I DO have a suggestion. Contact
http://www.purebredcatrescue.org/purebredcat/available+for+adoption/default.asp. They are very good about taking purebred cats in and getting all the vet work done on them and then adopting them out. That is who took those eOcicats that I found on craig's list last year. That is what I would do.
Hope this helps!

01-28-2008, 01:37 PM
Here is BraveHeart.





He goes to the vet at 4pm. But I can't update until after 7pm. But I will let you know what we find out today.

01-28-2008, 01:49 PM
WOW! He is stunning! Just look at that coat! I think the name Braveheart should go to the person who tries to pet him, judging by his facial expression. LOL He is gorgeous!

01-28-2008, 01:54 PM
I think the name Braveheart should go to the person who tries to pet him, judging by his facial expression. LOL
He sure does look angry, doesn't he??? (LOL) But I never met a kinder soul.

Laura's Babies
01-28-2008, 02:33 PM
I had a baby like him before and he was SO smart and just a little doll baby, so loving and affectionate and always ready to pose for a picture. I figured he would be a love bug!

01-28-2008, 02:51 PM
He is gorgeous, we have a little girl that looks like she is ticked off at every thing, but she does have a hart of gold. If I was sure which way the Canadian ladies are going I would grab him in a minute. I love big fluff balls.

01-28-2008, 04:32 PM
updates are here >>>


02-05-2008, 03:40 PM
I just reread this - what did you decide to do? I hope you kept the cat. :)

02-05-2008, 04:44 PM
Here is the recent thread.

I have BraveHeart, but I am afraid that it may have been too late for him. :(