View Full Version : The spiritual side

01-23-2008, 08:09 AM
You all know whats been going on with my step daughter (BTW no word from her yet). A lot of stuff has been going on along side of it that makes me believe a lot of angels are working with us to make things right.

Bear with me, this will be long but I have to get it out.

Let me explain: 6 years ago, my mother in law died right after Christmas. We whole heartedly believe she was ready weeks prior but she held on to see one last Christmas. This year, Christmas Day was the day my step daughter went nuts and all heck broke loose. The follow day (Dec 26th) hubby admitted to me that he felt his mom had a LOT to do with the events of Christmas Day. He felt she "pushed" us to be the unreasonable, horrible people we were on Christmas Day (in other words, we had a discussion of what it means to be a mother and care for your son.) Hubby said he thinks of her every Christmas but this year he felt her very much. I did too.

The following few days brought on major illness that knocked me out for two weeks. I lost a few pounds from it, and figured "heck, why not run with it?" and used it as a springboard to lose more weight (15 pounds down now! :)) I figure that if I can't control the whole Ashley situation, I can control my eating. Its been WAY TOO EASY. I'm never hungry and have no temptation. I've never experienced anything like this before when I tried to lose weight.

The weight loss thing doesn't seem to fit the puzzle, yet. I'll tie it together soon enough.

I never tell my story to customers at work. I never know who knows whom. I once had the great-grandmother as a customer and never knew it until she gave me her name. So I never tell this story at work. In walks a STRANGE character the other night. He was wearing overalls that ended 12" above the floor. Big heavy boots, red socks (I know because his overalls ended well above the boots and socks) He had on this huge furry hat, much like you'd see in Russia. For some reason I told my story to this STRANGE stranger. I felt compelled. Like he was supposed to hear the story.

So I told me tale. He listened and asked me what my faith is about Cam. I said I believe she will come home one day and drop him off, and leave again. The stranger said "thats my feeling too. Here's what you do. Do you have a ring with a special meaning? Wear it on a special finger and don't it off til that little boy is home again" All night at work, I kept thinking of my tanzanite ring. It meant a lot to me before I got married. It was the only ring I ever got resized.

When I got home, I went to my jewelry box, which is considerably lighter since the robbery a year and half ago, and found my Tanzanite. I put it on, but it didn't feel "right". I looked to see if I had anything else in there. I knew I had a topaz.... I always liked it because its a pretty setting. I kept looking. Found the simulated sapphire ring I was wearing the day of the robbery. Definitely not any good meaning tied to that ring for me.

Then..... I noticed the ring that was my mother in law's. One of the few items not stolen. I have always loved it. A very pretty ring with a pink center stone but I've never been able to wear it because its been way too small for me. I never resized it because its meant for one of the girls when they are old enough to appreciate it. Its never even been close to fitting. I couldn't even get it up to the knuckle. Guess what? It slid right on. Not tight in the least. I'd say a "perfect fit".

I felt I was meant to lose the weight to wear my Mother in law's ring to pray and keep faith that her angel is guiding Cameron home and his mom to the help she needs. My faith is that the help she needs most has to come away from this house. She needs to leave Cameron and find peace and happiness on her own. She will never find it here.

I honestly feel my Mother in law has been very strongly involved in this the past few weeks. I think she came on Christmas Day and has been guiding everyone ever since that day.

Whew. I got it out. I feel a whole army of angels is working to resolve this. They are telling me to be patient because its going to take time, but it WILL happen. I feel it so strongly. In the meantime we NEED the peace that has been filling this house since she left.

Not sure why I wrote all this. Just to share? To "testify"? Or is it something I need to do for myself? I hope someone got something out of this whole post.

Pawsitive Thinking
01-23-2008, 08:16 AM
Wow! that is amazing!! I am a firm believer in guardian angels and yours appears to be pulling out all the stops for you!

Laura's Babies
01-23-2008, 08:40 AM
I understand exactly what you are saying and believe it too. I believe in a Master Plan for everything. I have said so many times, although maybe not here on PT, "He puts you where you are suppose to be for a reason". That man was a messanger He was sent to remind you to have faith, to calm your fears and to guide you. What is that old saying.." Let Go, Let God!".

Your testimonial to us is to reming us of Him and to let go and trust in HIm to carry out His plan. I am betting there is someone here that needed to hear this at this time or month from now... whoever it was will be guided to this thread.

Thank you for sharing this with us and the reminder we all need from time to time. It has really brightened my day!

01-23-2008, 09:09 AM
BLess you for recognizing that someone, something, somewhere, is also helping in this situation!

01-23-2008, 09:42 AM
Wow! that is amazing!! I am a firm believer in guardian angels and yours appears to be pulling out all the stops for you!
I agree. Amazing.
And I think your mom in law sent this 'character' to you for a reason.

01-23-2008, 10:11 AM

I am a true believer of Guardian Angels. My Dad is mine and he guided me away from a bad situation in Michigan to where I belong in CT with his whiffs of cigar smoke and a beautiful rainbow.

Don't give up, honey. Things happen for a reason.



01-23-2008, 10:45 AM
Wow, Kim. This was a very special post...I too firmly believe this is work from Above...that you not only have some Angels working with/for your family, but you also have the combination of all our prayers as well. I think when this many people pray and ask the same thing (when two or more come to me in prayer it shall be done...) for someone else, God ears/heart perks up and the recipient gets special attention.

That man sounded like an angel, or at the very least someone sent to do God's work. Wow...give me chills! Did you feel at peace when you were talking to him?? Did you feel clarity? Or no? I just wonder at how your emotional state while talking to him. wow...this is just so cool!

It is also apperent your mother-in-law has a hand in this as well...all the areas she keeps popping up in. Wow. Even when you said you weren't sure where the weightloss came in...I knew as soon as you mentioned the rings. (its like reading a book, its so neat to actually KNOW you!) You hear and read of these things happening to people, its very cool to know one of them.

It is going to all work out. God and his angels work in mysterious ways and have so much power to do good.

Keeping my prayers coming.

Hugs, Kelly

P.S. Thank you for sharing this. :)

01-27-2008, 08:45 AM
Yes, I too am a believer in angels - those in heaven and on earth. I have found some right here at Pet Talk. The weight loss is wonderful, Kim, and I believe it is a sign that this too is so important for your health and well being. You are young enough for the changes you make now to really benefit your health and longevity. You've got a fantastic start. Hang onto it and go for the gold. {cheers}