View Full Version : Ever got a gift you think was regifted?

01-22-2008, 12:22 AM
LOL has anyone experience this?

Im not going to say anything as it is still cute but I am pretty certain it is a regift lol

Brians friends g/f had a baby recently... we just got a gift today that has a set with a blue scarf... a blue hat... and blue slippers.... Now we have a girl... and the other girl in the company that had a baby has a girl... they are the only ones that had a boy. It struck us both right away as a regift lol....

I don't really care and I will still use it... the scarf is so tiny and cute lol... but it just seems funny to me... it was obviously home made and this woman does not knit or crochet lol. I honestly think she got it as a gift for their son and she didn't like it so she handed it off to us lol.

BUT she also gave us some free samples she got from similac of soy formula that she gave to us as well and any free samples of formula REALLY helps....

Again I am NOT going to say anything and I will still use the gift even if it is blue... but has anyone else experienced a regift? LOL I just found it kind of comical

01-22-2008, 12:34 AM
Can't recall off hand..must have been a long time ago..but I'm certain of it..and I know who would do that too! :rolleyes:

I wasn't upset either, I probably lmao. Too silly to get mad over! Knowing me, I probably used whatever it was. Beggars can't be choosers (me, not you)

01-22-2008, 01:15 AM
I cherished anything handmade for my babies and I can't imagine regifting any of them :eek:

01-22-2008, 06:47 AM
A hand made cap and scarf for a baby is a lovely gift regardless if it were something the giver had themselves been given. Blue for a girl is a lovely choice - pink for a boy, not so much. I wouldn't worry about whether it was a regift. Someone took the time and was thoughtful enough to send you a nice present. Now if the present had been something that was obvious you couldn't use or was exceptionally tacky, it would be a different scenerio.

Laura's Babies
01-22-2008, 07:24 AM
Hay! Funny you started this thread.. Last year, my relief cook left me a nice gift and I just "felt" like it was a regift. This year, she left me another and it was obvious it was a regift of a USED item! :eek:

Now, I don't mind used things being given to me, just don't try to pass them off as "new" when it is obvious they are not. Next year, I am just going to tell her I can no longer afford to exchange gifts since she obviously can't afford to exchange gifts.

01-22-2008, 08:14 AM
I got one I KNOW was! A couple of years ago I gave my parents a DVD player for Xmas; they never opened it, and I got it back for my birthday. :D

01-22-2008, 08:30 AM
Why not??? As long as it's never been used, and believe me I have regifted. I don't have alot of money to spend on anyone let alone myself. I say go for it!!

To give you a little chuckle...

Years ago when my daughter was 3, I was so broke I had no money for Christmas gifts. I dug deep and found a whole bunch of kids books she hadn't read in a long time. I wrapped them individually and they looked under my Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

Christmas day came and she began opening her "gifts". This poor, innocent kid opened one, looked at me and politely said, "Mommy, I have a book just like this!!!!" Talk about humiliation. :(

01-22-2008, 09:13 AM
. I honestly think she got it as a gift for their son and she didn't like it

She may have LOVED it! One problem with baby gifts is . . . sometimes baby is too big already when the gift arrives!

01-22-2008, 09:15 AM
I pretty much have what I'm given, so I'm just psyched and flattered that people thought of me! Clothes that don't fit can always go to charity or be made into something else, and gewgaws/fooferies/mathom can just keep moving.

I'd much rather get a regifted gift than something that someone spent a lot of money for, because I have very little space and no free time, so I don't really need anything that my family or friends can afford, and can't use anything I don't need. I like to think of myself as a last outpost on the frontier of New England responsibility, standing up against a waste-land of throwaway culture!

Love, Columbine

01-22-2008, 12:50 PM
Don't get me wrong... I like the gift... just knowing this woman and how she is.... she probably didn't like it. If anything it would be too big for her son right now... it's too big for Hannah and she is twice his size lol.

this lady isn't really a close friend... she is my boss's wife. And it certainly isn't because she can't afford to buy gifts.... BUT I wasn't expecting anything at all from her so it's nice regardless... it just gave me a good chuckle.

I am not against putting Blue on girls :D Hannah has a couple blue sleepers and stuff...a lthough whenever we go out in them she is always mistaken for a boy... I always say "Actually she's a girl... she's just wearing boy clothes today." lol But Hannah's hats are getting too small so hopefully this one is not TOO TOO big so she can have a warm hat to wear on cold days that will fit her better.

she also gave us two sample canisters of the formula Hannah is on now... and ANY free formula is good formula lol that stuff is expensive. We traded lol we had a diaper genie refill that didn't fit in our diaper genie (we bought the wrong kind and they have the right genie) and they gave us the Soy Formula. :D

So.... I'm not being ungrateful... we like the gift and someone obviously put some hard work into making it... it's definitely hand made and I love hand made stuff... wish I knew how to make stuff like that. I just thought it was funny.... I'm not mad at all.... Still chuckling about it. I should post a picture of it.... the scarf is soooo tiny... I never seen such a tiny little scarf. it's cute lol.

01-22-2008, 02:21 PM
Here is Hannah in her hat scarf and little booties.... I LOVE the booties... they are draw string so I can tighten them to fit... all her other booties fall off all the time. And whatever kind of yarn this person used is SO SOFT... I want a pair of slippers made out of it for myself lol.

01-22-2008, 05:32 PM
That's an absolutely adorable little outfit. IMHO, if anything it looks more *girly* that for a boy. Your daughter is ever so precious and obviously if her name is Hannah......she must be a princess. ;)

Killearn Kitties
01-22-2008, 05:38 PM
Hannah is absolutely gorgeous is her new outfit. :D

01-22-2008, 08:31 PM
IMHO, if anything it looks more *girly* that for a boy.

I agree, I think that looks totally like a girl's outfit. I personally wouldn't buy that for a boy, but I would for a girl. I think the "blue for boys, pink for girls" thing is silly anyway.

I am sure I've gotten some regifts through the years. And I've given some too. I honestly do not see the problem with the practice in the least. If I get, for example, a blue vase that I don't care for, but I know my friend has a bathroom done in that exact shade of blue and she would LOVE the vase ... why not give it to her? If it's right for the person, IMO, it's right present, no matter where it came from.

Obviously, I'm not talking about giving something used, worn, broken, etc. And I'm not talking about passing off some horrid thing that practically NO one would like on your unsuspecting friends.

01-23-2008, 10:16 AM
Awww, Hannah is soooooo cute!! Her scarf/bootie/hat looks soooooo adorable on her - it looks so soft! :)

I know what you mean in that its funny. I mean, she probably gave it as if she bought/got it ESPECIALLY for Hannah. That's the funny part...its totally FINE to re-gift if its new/newish, not damaged/dirty, etc. Its another to be like, "Oh, I saw this at such and such baby store and TOTALLY thought of your sweet Hannah!" and another to say, "Oh! I have a gift for your little one." I guess it doesn't matter either way, its just funny, like you said. :) :)

I got a USED, DIRTY regift at one of my bridal showers!! It was from my step-dad's mother, Margaret. She gave David and I a set of tall glass vases. I loved the vases as we didn't really have any of that style. When I took them out of the box, they both had water lines and dead leaves/flowers in them!!!! I don't care if it was a regift, it was something I use to this day, but at least wash them out! :rolleyes: ha ha :)

01-23-2008, 01:35 PM
Definitely has to be for a girl the way the hat is made...you wouldn't put something like that on a boy. Even if it is a regift I just love it, the blue is such a soft shade it's a pastel kind of blue,made for tiny girls I think. But your baby looks precious in that outfit and I think it's a wonderful colour, the pink for girls is very dated today...anything goes. Beautiful baby, congratulations.

01-23-2008, 03:13 PM
If you are interested the yarn looks like it is Sirdar Snowflake or the Lion Brand version of that yarn. (I knit and have made plenty of baby blanket out of the stuff. Usually I have to pry the cats off it before washing it and giving it away :rolleyes: )