View Full Version : Help! BSL in TN!

01-21-2008, 08:14 PM
Passing it on!

My friend sent me this. Please, for those of you who care, PLEASE help us out. This is insane.

Tennessee Senators are trying to pass a bill (SB2738) that will make it a Class A Misdemeanor to knowingly own a Pit Bull in the state of Tennessee! I need your help in passing the work around to get folks that care to email, write or fax letters to these senators to express your opposition to this bill. Bless the Bully's posted a bulletin this morning about the bill and that's how I found out about it. I have emailed 2 letters to each TN Senator....2 very nice emails....expressing my opposition. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't let them take my friends away from me!!! I'm only one person, and I can't speak for all Pit Bull lovers in Tennessee. I need your help....would you write letters please??? And, could you spread the word around please????? PLEASE DON'T LET THEM DO THIS.....PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

I have pasted a copy of my bulletin below so that you'll have all the information you need.....PLEASE HELP ME HELP OUR PITS IN TENNESSEE.....

Pit Bull lovers in TENNESSEE...PLEASE READ
Body: We desprately need your help!!! The Senate is trying to pass a bill (TN SB2738) that will make it a CLASS A MISDEMEANOR to OWN A PIT BULL IN THE STATE OF TENNESSEE!!!!! This is preposterous! If you don't believe me, find out for yourself.....go to this website...


In the box that says, "Type Bill Number to Look Up:" type in SB2738

A page will come up that says Bill Information for SB2738. In the far left hand corner, it will say *SB2738 by *Kilby. Click on *SB2738. That link will take you straight to the bill and you can read it for yourself.

Did ya'll know that if you knowingly attend a place where they are fighting Pit Bulls that it's only considered a Class C Misdemeanor????? So, I guess that means that you can go to a Pit Bull fight and watch these animals being abused and being made to fight and maul one another to death, but if you have a pit as a pet and you love it like you would love your child, well.....I guess that's just worse, huh???

This is serious, guys. If they pass this bill, it will come effective July 1, 2008. And, from the way it sounds, they are not going to Grandfather-In those of us who already had Pit Bulls before the law was passed!!! From the way it sounds, if you own a Pit Bull in Tennessee, you will be forced to hand over your pets to the Humane Society and you know what will happen then!!!!!!! They'll kill them!!!!!!! Come on, you guys, PLEASE!!!!! Please write VERY NICE EMAILS OR LETTERS to these people asking them nicely to not pass this bill. If we don't speak for our pets, who will????

I have written emails to all of our State Senators opposing this bill. Here is a list of the Senators and their email addresses:

Senator Beverly Marrerro
11A Legislative Plaza
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0030
Tel: (615) 741-9128
[email protected]

Senator Diane Black
306 War Memorial Bldg.
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0218
Tel: 615) 741-1999
[email protected],

Senator Doug Jackson, Judiciary Committee V. Chair
10 Legislative Plaza
Dickson, Tennessee 37243-0025
Tel: (615) 741-4499
Fax: (615) 741-8745
[email protected]

Senator James F. Kyle Jr.
9A Legislative Plaza
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0028
Tel: (615) 741-4167
Fax: (615) 253-0221
[email protected]

Senator Jamie Woodson, Sec. S.J. Committee, et.al
309 War Memorial Bldg.
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0206
Tel: (615) 741-1648
Fax: (615) 253-0270
[email protected]

Senator John Wilder
13 Legislative Plaza
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
Tel: (615) 741-2368
Fax: (615) 253-0211
[email protected]

Senator Mae Beavers, Judiciary Committee Chair
308 War Memorial Bldg.
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0217
Tel: (615) 754-4632
Fax: (615) 741-2421
[email protected]

Senator Mark Norris
303 War Memorial Building
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0032
Tel: (615) 741-1967
Fax: (615) 253-0194
[email protected]

Senator Paul Stanley
302 War Memorial Building
Nashville, Tennessee 37243-031
Tel: (615) 741-3036
Fax: (615) 741-1005
[email protected]

....And, the one who is behind all this...
Tommy Kilby
Nashville Address
10A Legislative Plaza
Nashville, TN 37243-0212
Phone (615) 741-1449
Fax (615) 253-0237
[email protected]

01-21-2008, 08:53 PM

01-21-2008, 09:12 PM
I live in TN and didn't know this was a state wide thing but I know a lot of the local towns are considering a ban because recently a young woman was mauled to death by her roommate's pit bulls just a few miles from me. In fact there have been several dog attacks around here recently and not just involving pit bulls.

01-22-2008, 09:18 AM
I live in TN and didn't know this was a state wide thing but I know a lot of the local towns are considering a ban because recently a young woman was mauled to death by her roommate's pit bulls just a few miles from me. In fact there have been several dog attacks around here recently and not just involving pit bulls.

I live in TN as well, and haven't heard this either. It's a shame that the ones who have raised loving pets are going to be punished by the stupid ones who have created dangerous dogs out of them. :(

01-22-2008, 12:44 PM
Omg, this ban sounds like the one they did in Denver. I will never forget watching people turn in their pit bulls on the news. I cried and cried. As an owner of a pit bull this makes me so very sad. :(