View Full Version : PICTURES -- PUPPIES - 5 DAYS OLD---Welcome To Illinois Pumpkin...

01-21-2008, 02:50 AM
This is Pumpkin. She is not very photogenic, she is really scared of the flash. Yet she is scared of everything. My foster mom, Jill, pulled her from a high kill pound in Virgina along with her brother about 3 wks ago. The owner that dropped them off at the 3 day holding pound had 18 dogs that were all neglected and intact.

Her brother found a home, but Pumpkin is not so lucky.

She is a 10 month old Lab/Rat Terrier mix (some call them a Feist). When she came her she looked to either be in heat or pregnant as her vulva was enlarged and her nipples were prominent and sort of hard. Jill took her to her vet and he said "No, she is just in heat", well was he wrong! About a week after Jill brought her home her belly dropped. My vet checked her last week and said she has about 2 wks or so to go. I took her in on Thursday and did an X-Ray. There are 6, maybe 7 very large puppies and she is actually further then expected. She will whelp any day. Dave is actually in the gargae making her a Whelping Box right now. She has been in a puppy pen, but I feel safer if she is fully enclosed and has more privacy. I hope all goes well, I am very nervous as she is so young. Any advice? I have never had such a young pregnant rescue.

Here is Pumpkin, also known as Princess since she will only go outside if we go, and she is ALWAYS at my side! Yes, we are spoiling her!! She deserves it! Here you can see how scared she is and I also included a belly shot. She has dropped more since then, I just was not able to get a good picture today.
http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/RescuePics013.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/RescuePics009.jpg

Paws and fingers crossed that she has a safe delivery and all the pups are healthy.

01-21-2008, 06:14 AM
OMG! i have such a weakness for black dogs, and her new name! mazel tov! welcome to safety sweetie, and she should be spoiled

01-21-2008, 07:14 AM
Oh I do hope that things go well. She's such a small dog for so many puppies.
We'll be keeping her and the pups in our thoughts and prayers.

01-21-2008, 07:35 AM
Oh the poor thing... :(
Prayers that she has a safe delivery!!

critter crazy
01-21-2008, 08:35 AM
Oh my!! What a sad looking girl!! I sure hope that she delivers okay, and has some nice healthy babies!

01-21-2008, 08:51 AM
Awe... she looks so sad and scared! Poor thing. She's in good hands now, so hopefully she'll get more confident. Bless you guys for taking her in! Gentle hugs and pets for that sweet girl!

01-21-2008, 09:27 AM
Paws and fingers crossed that she has a safe delivery and all the pups are healthy.

And how! Pumpkin, Princess, I hope you will have a smooth delivery and the pups will be fine and healthy.

Edited at 11:30 AM to say: Tracy, I filled out a form on your Web site about the puppies :) Butt wigglies and chin kisses, good girl, Pumpkin! Oh, how I hope you will have a smooth time with the rest of the pregnancy, and that the delivery will go off without a hitch. Then there will be widdle Pumpkins :D who I hope will be strong and ready to grow after they're born.

01-21-2008, 10:49 AM
Well, it took all night..until 4am, but Dave finished Pumpkin's whelping box....more like Whelping Pen!! It is 5'x'x2' and it really nice. He did the "pig rails" real nice too and sanded everything down so there were no sharp edges. It is nice because with it being so big, I can use it again if I get larger dogs that are expectin, not sure how a Chihuhua would like it though!! It be a mansion for that breed! Here are some pics.

Don't mind the laundry basket...sorry.

She is very hesitant at first...very scared.

She seemed a little better as time went on.

This morning, Pumpkin was back to her normal self, butt wiggling at the sight of us. She went outside and came in and went right back in her Whelping Pen. Everyday she get better. She gave me kisses today on my chin....big accomplishment! I think she is going to come around nicely. More updates later.

01-21-2008, 11:04 AM
Wow, that box is amazing!!! And you can use it again and again. Good Job Dave!! :D I'm glad Pumpkin is getting used to it and I hope her delivery goes well. Can't wait to see pics of these pups. :)

01-21-2008, 11:10 AM
Aww! That's awesome! :D

01-21-2008, 12:20 PM
Wow!! Hubby did a GREAT job on the box!

01-21-2008, 12:22 PM
I filled out a form on your Web site about the puppies :)

...and just what KIND of form was this?? An Adoption form??!?! :eek:

01-21-2008, 12:23 PM
Wow, she has her very own deluxe birthing suite! Hope all goes well with delivery :)

01-21-2008, 12:30 PM
...and just what KIND of form was this?? An Adoption form??!?! :eek:
I wish it were! Seriously, I wanted to know if there was anything specific Reach Out Rescue NFP shelter needs, since they have just found out they're going to have new-born baby pups around in a few weeks.

I was thinking along these lines: The shelter from which I adopted my cat holds a "kitten shower" every spring - they seek donations of things on the shelter wish list that are kitten-specific, because they always have more little ones around at that time of year. (My shelter is cat only)

01-21-2008, 12:42 PM
What a beautiful young girl! She does look scared about all that is going on in her young life! Thank you for taking her in and making her "ordeal" as pleasant as possible!

That whelping box is awesome!

Please let us know how she does with her delivery! Praying that everyone does well!


01-21-2008, 12:44 PM
What a poor little girl. I am sure she is happy to be in a home with love, food and affection of others! I wish you and her all the luck with the babies coming! I can't wait to see pics!

01-21-2008, 01:39 PM
I wish it were! Seriously, I wanted to know if there was anything specific Reach Out Rescue NFP shelter needs, since they have just found out they're going to have new-born baby pups around in a few weeks.

Oh... good point! (but I really thought you were going to get a puppy! :p )

01-22-2008, 01:45 AM
Well, we really thought it was going to be a few weeks until Pumpkin whelps her babies...I think we are wrong!! Really wrong.

Pumpkin was acting a little strange this morning...restless, overly affectionate, nesting, so I took her temp and it was down to 97.6F. So I called the vet and she said that she is in the first stage of labor and that it may last for 12 to 18 hours, just to be patient and keep an eye on her. Well since about 10pm she has had heavier breathing and seems very uncomfortable and has that look as if she is thinking "what is wrong with me?". We took her temp again tonight and it is still at 97.6F. I have been by her side since then. Her breathing gets heavier then subsides. I have felt her belly and the pups are moving like crazy and are very close to her cervic area. I think it may happen tonight or earlier tomorrow. If by the time my vet opens (9am) tomorrow nothing has changed, I will call my her and if needs be, take Pumpkin in. Just wanted to update you guys.

Here is a picture of her...she looks so sad! :(

Thank you for all your nice comments regarding Pumpkin, our rescue, and Dave's work on Pumpkin's Whelping "Suite"! :) I really appreciate all your support in what we do. It means a great deal to me and to Dave. Thank you again and I will keep you all posted. I "stole" my sister's laptop for a couple of days!! Hopefully I will be able to get a new computer or fix mine when I get my income taxes.

*Cassiesmom, I will email you.*

01-22-2008, 01:56 AM
What an adorable little girl. My Gracie is the same mix. I hope everything goes smooth with her during her delivery expecially since she is so young. Good luck little girl!

01-22-2008, 07:22 AM
Shortly after I posted thread #18, Pumpkin started to have her puppies. It was a little tough at first, so I helped her out. She was so nervous but so gentle. The first pup was really hard for, he seemed stuck, so I helped get the baby out and open it's sac. The rest are okay, some came out feet first and she went to open th feet part of the sack for oxygen. So, I opened all the sacs for her. The last one was touch and go. He was not moving or anything, so I picked him up and rubbed him all over. He came around and is doing okay. She still has to deliver the placentas and afterbirth, but here are some pictures I took during all of this. Sorry for the poor quality of pictures, I need a new camera! Also, please don't mind our mess! Sorry.

These two were born about 3 minutes apart. They are twins!

Girl http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/Puppy1.jpg Boy http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/Puppy2.jpg

Now it is three puppies! He is BIG. He is the only one that looks Rottie.

Boy http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/Puppy3.jpg

Number 4 and 5, both boys.

http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/Puppy4.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/Puppy5.jpg

And last but not least...the one I thought would not make it. Number 6...a little boy.

More in next post.....

01-22-2008, 07:27 AM
Whew! That box was finished Just in time!!!

Congrats Pumpkin!! You've done good sweetie don't you worry... no more puppies ever for you!!!

01-22-2008, 07:32 AM
http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/PumpkinsPuppies001.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/PumpkinsPuppies002.jpg

http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/PumpkinsPuppies006.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/PumpkinsPuppies008.jpg


http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/PumpkinsPuppies007.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/PumpkinsPuppies005.jpg

That's all folks! I will update more as they grow...I promise!!

01-22-2008, 07:46 AM
*Squeeeeeal* OMG!! How CUTE!!!!!

I love how one looks like a Border Collie, another like a Rottie, just a nice mish mash of mixed pups!!

I'm sure I'll be back in this thread a few times today!!
I can't get enough of them puppies!!

01-22-2008, 07:54 AM
Whew! That box was finished Just in time!!!

Congrats Pumpkin!! You've done good sweetie don't you worry... no more puppies ever for you!!!
Yes, it was finished in the nick of time!! I am so glad they are born and all seems well. I am now going to change the blankets so she can feel better and relax easier.

Pumpkin says "Tank you!! I wove my pups, but I willy donf wanf no mores!!"

01-22-2008, 08:04 AM
*Squeeeeeal* OMG!! How CUTE!!!!!

I love how one looks like a Border Collie, another like a Rottie, just a nice mish mash of mixed pups!!

I'm sure I'll be back in this thread a few times today!!
I can't get enough of them puppies!!
LOL!! I am sure you will be here a few times, but wait till a little later when I have had a chance to put more pics up! The black and white one looks like Pumpkin's brother, Patch -- get it, pumkin patch ;) The 3rd pup looks JUST like a rottie! I wonder just who the daddy was...or are--meaning plural!

01-22-2008, 08:21 AM
Wow, I opened the thead to meet Pumpkin/Princess and then at the end there was puppies.....what a great thread. Nice job there with the "suite". The puppies and Mom are precious.

01-22-2008, 08:26 AM
Wow, I opened the thead to meet Pumpkin/Princess and then at the end there was puppies.....what a great thread. Nice job there with the "suite". The puppies and Mom are precious.
An unexpected surprise for you huh? Same here. Here I thought I had an extra few weeks...well, she sure surprised me!!

All seems well. They all seem to be nursing just fine. I will let them rest now and I am going to get some rest too! It's been a long time since I pulled an all nighter!

Here is a picture I just took. All nice and clean!


01-22-2008, 08:49 AM
GOOD GIRL, Pumpkin!!! What precious widdle teeny babies!!!!!! :D Michelle, I've helped many rescue kitties deliver kittens too ... it's nervewracking but such a blessing as well! You did a great job with them! :D

Ginger's Mom
01-22-2008, 10:19 AM
You have done a wonderful job with Pumpkin and her pups. They are adorable. Thanks for being there for her.

01-22-2008, 10:43 AM
Well, Momma Pumpkin, my goodness. Your people finished the whelping box just in time. Silly me, I thought I might have a little time to gather up supplies for you before the pups were born. Six puppies! And except for little Patch, they're all black like Momma. Happy Birth Day, pups! I hope you will all grow up to be healthy, strong, beautiful, and have wonderfully happy lives.

critter crazy
01-22-2008, 01:59 PM
YAY!!!! Congrats Pumpkin!!!! Job well done mommy!! your babies are just too darn cute!!!:D

01-22-2008, 02:15 PM
Just looking at the puppy pictures again - one girl with five brothers! Wow!

01-22-2008, 03:09 PM

I just couldn't resist - this picture looks like you have a baby Panda in the mix.

Great job done on the whelping box - and bless both of you for taking precious Pumpkin in - just in time. I hope all of the pups find good homes and are well loved.

01-22-2008, 03:57 PM
Thank you everybody for your kind words. Pumpkin is doing okay. She ate a little today and had some water. She is still really tired and will not leave the babies' side. She is a great mom. She is getting an injection on Thursday to help clean her out since I was not able to see if she delivered all the placentas. I tried staying up, but I was so tired by 8am. The vet says she should be okay and just to watch her real closely until Thursday. She wants to give Pumpkin a couple of days to rest before she goe in to the office.

01-22-2008, 04:01 PM
Congradulations Pumpkin. Thank you for your generous heart in giving this girl a safe home for her to have her babies in, raise them in a secure and loving enviroment and then find them all their furever homes.

01-22-2008, 04:09 PM
You and your husband are Pumpkin's angels. She was lucky that you opened your home and hearts to her. The puppies are beautiful :) :) :) :) :)

01-22-2008, 04:10 PM
Oh how adorable! Congrats, Pumpkin new momma! You did good, sweety. Your puppies are SO cute!

01-22-2008, 05:52 PM
Thank you everybody for your kind words. Pumpkin is doing okay. She ate a little today and had some water. She is still really tired and will not leave the babies' side. She is a great mom. She is getting an injection on Thursday to help clean her out since I was not able to see if she delivered all the placentas. I tried staying up, but I was so tired by 8am. The vet says she should be okay and just to watch her real closely until Thursday. She wants to give Pumpkin a couple of days to rest before she goe in to the office.

Will they keep Pumpkin after the injection, in order to observe what she passes? Will the pups go, too? (Since they're born at home, when do newborn puppies get their first doctor visit?) And this is a VERY dumb question - what happens when she needs to urinate? Is she still in the whelping pen with the babies, and do you put pads or something so she can just go there? Could you give her head a skritch for me. Pumpkin, you must have known you had arrived at a safe place to have your pups.

01-22-2008, 09:18 PM
Will they keep Pumpkin after the injection, in order to observe what she passes? Will the pups go, too? (Since they're born at home, when do newborn puppies get their first doctor visit?) And this is a VERY dumb question - what happens when she needs to urinate? Is she still in the whelping pen with the babies, and do you put pads or something so she can just go there? Could you give her head a skritch for me. Pumpkin, you must have known you had arrived at a safe place to have your pups.
There are no dumb questions at all in your reply!! When I take her to the vet they will keep her probably for a few hours to see if she "passes" or "delivers" anything. The pups will go with as the vet wants to be sure they are getting enough nutrients since Pumpkin is so young. I will put them in a cat carrier with a thick blanket in it and another one wrapped around the cage to keep the pups warm. Thankfully my vet is only 5-6 mins. away!! Normally, pups don't need to see a vet till about 4 or 5 wks after birth, but in this case they are just being careful. Pumpkin actually goes outside. I have extra blankets in there just in case she does not want to go out, she does not use the puppy pads. She just goes out, does her duty, and comes back in directly to her pups and seems to "count" each one. I will give her a good head skritch for you!! Pumpkin says "rank roo'!!

01-22-2008, 09:47 PM
Oh my goodness... look at those babies! And what a good mommy Pumpkin is being! Please give her some scritchies and kissies for me (and the pups as well!).

01-23-2008, 12:03 AM
I just couldn't resist!!

"Is the food ready yet?"

"Ok kids, let me up...I wanna eat!"

"Mmmmm, this is yummy! My rescue mom feeds me Evo!! I love it!"

Puppies missing mama!

Getting really restless!

"Okay, my babies, I am back now. Don't cry."

Nice and comfy.

"O tay mama, is are turn to eat! We hungwy!!"

"Mmmm....that's the good stuff!"

"Hey, easy guys, not so hard. Those things are sore!!"

That's it for now! I'm sure I will be going camera crazy again tomorrow. But right now, I'm off to bed! Hope you enjoyed the pics!

01-23-2008, 12:15 AM
What an adorable little momma and litter. She looks so much like Gracie my jack russel x lab. I'm glad everything went smoothly for her and that she is a good mommy.

01-23-2008, 12:27 AM
Oh Pumpkin is just beautiful and those puppies, oh my word!!!! they are all just adorable. God bless you and your husband for taking her in and taking such wonderful care of her and the puppies. That whelping box is just beautiful!!!! What a wonderful job all of you are doing. :D

01-23-2008, 03:28 PM
squeeals!!...... they are so darn cute!!

love the inverted panda and the rottie!!.... I canīt get over how cute they are, I canīt stop thinking how they are going to grown up and look......

big hugs to momma :D

01-23-2008, 03:42 PM
YAY And Grats to Pumpkin!!! What a Beautiful set of Puppies!! I just wanna Squish em! :-) I love the Little Rottie Look a like!

01-23-2008, 05:08 PM
What a heart warming thread. Thank you for taking us through it all!

I think Momma is now feeling a bit more bonded to you as well, seeing as how you helped with the babies? She looks so much more calm and relaxed. Those first photos (way back on page 1) she looked absolutely terrified. Such a lot happening to a sweet little girl in a very short time. She just needs time to settle and adjust herself!

critter crazy
01-23-2008, 05:18 PM
he he he he he he!! Those last pics are just to precious!!

01-23-2008, 09:05 PM
Bless her heart! The puppies are adorable and so is Mommy. :D How big is she? It's kind of hard to tell from the pics.

01-24-2008, 08:03 AM
Oh Tracy... she's such a good mommy!
Bless you for taking her in, just in the nick of time too!! :eek:

01-24-2008, 05:48 PM
What a heart warming thread. Thank you for taking us through it all!

I think Momma is now feeling a bit more bonded to you as well, seeing as how you helped with the babies? She looks so much more calm and relaxed. Those first photos (way back on page 1) she looked absolutely terrified. Such a lot happening to a sweet little girl in a very short time. She just needs time to settle and adjust herself!
Thank you for being so kind. I am glad to be able to use my sister's computer at this time to share this with everybody. I just hate to give it back to her!!

Pumpkin has grown quite attached to me. When she is out of the whelping box, she follows me everywhere and won't leave my side. When we are outside she is always making sure I am right behind her! I am sure she will be okay once she starts feeling better.

Bless her heart! The puppies are adorable and so is Mommy. :D How big is she? It's kind of hard to tell from the pics.
Pumpkin weighed 34.1lb before delivery, at the vet today she was down to 28.6lbs. She needs to gain about 5 or 6 more pounds to be up to par.

Pumpkin got her shot of Oxytosin to help clean her out since she did not pass any placentas to my knowledge. The vet sent her home and said for me just to watch her closely. She is doing very well and the pups are so cute and getting very vocal! They are too cute!!

Thank you all for your wonderfully nice comments. It has been hard work, but I love every minute of it! Here are more pictures I took last night!

http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/PumpkinandherPups013.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/PumpkinandherPups012.jpg
http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/PumpkinandherPups011.jpg http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n194/Reachoutrescue/PumpkinandherPups014.jpg

Lori Jordan
01-24-2008, 06:01 PM
They sure are chubby little darlings arnt they?Momma is feeding them well.

They are as cute as a button,I have been following this thread,You are doing a fantastic job!And we sure do need more people in this world like yourself!

Dont be shy on the pictures!!!!

01-24-2008, 07:44 PM
Oh my gosh what a wonderful way to end off a terrible work day. Just look at those sweet babies and Freedom is right. She does look more relaxed.

Great job Reach!!!!! I just can't imagine myself doing what you do. Bless your heart for taking in this sweet Momma.

Yes, more pictures for sure.:)

01-24-2008, 08:16 PM
Pumpkin weighed 34.1lb before delivery, at the vet today she was down to 28.6lbs. She needs to gain about 5 or 6 more pounds to be up to par.


Oh my goodness, she must be a tiny little thing. I had this notion she was more the size of a lab - or at least 50 lbs. What a sweetheart she is and such a good mama. It's going to be a big job for her with 6 puppies but with the good care she is getting, I would think everything will go fine. I can only echo what others have already said in admiration of you and your husband. You are some of the Angels that walk this earth.

01-25-2008, 01:45 PM
Reachoutrescue, how are the baby pups and their mom today? I just can't get over that they are all black except for one black and white one. Babies, please grow and be healthy!

01-25-2008, 01:54 PM
I just HAD to come back and look at those cutie pies once again!!

Is everyone still doing good?

01-25-2008, 04:00 PM
its heartwarming and heartbreaking to see those little eyes.
congratulations sweetheart.
they are so precious, like little diamonds ^_^

01-26-2008, 11:43 AM
Not sure how I missed this thread!
I cant believe all the little puppies!! So cute!
I too thought Pumpkin was bigger.. 28 lbs.. wow. With 6 puppies. Thats amazing.
You sure are a great person.. helping ALL of the dogs to have a fighting chance.
Always in awe when I see your new posts.. :)

01-27-2008, 09:32 PM
Sorry I have not posted in a couple of days. My sister needed her laptop, but I was able to get over here today and give you all an update!

The puppies now 5 days old. They are doing very well. Getting big, fast! Pumpkin is doing good. She is very protective of her little ones. She barks at every little noise, barks at my children, so I keep them away, and every now an then she will bark at Dave. She is not too bad with him, only if he gets loud or wrestles with the boys. She is really good when she is out of her pen though. Likes the dogs and cats and even the boys!

Well here are pics of the widdle ones!!! I don't know why they would not reduce in size, so I apologize deeply for how big they are! I really did try!





Look at this widdle one! I love when they sleep on their backs!!

Wonder if he saw the flash, soon as I snapped it, he turned on his belly!
Hope you all enjoyed them. More updates soon, I promise!!

01-28-2008, 08:10 AM
YEAH!! More puppy pictures!

Oh you don't know how bad I want to plant a smooch on those widdle puppy bellies!!!

I'm so happy everyone is doing great!!

02-04-2008, 12:19 AM
I am sorry I have not updated sooner. I will have pictures for you all by the end of the week. Things have been crazy here. The puppies are getting huge. Two are so big they make me laugh, one is really small and the other 3 are just the right size! They will be 2 wks on Tuesday! They are starting to walk and are getting very loud. Pumpkin is being naughty tho, she keeps jumping out of the pen and ignoring the pups. If I am not in the room...neither is she. We are working on making some kind of top for the whelping pen. She is in her pen right now and seems content and is nursing well. I will update again once I can get to a computer again. Take care all.

02-04-2008, 07:47 AM
Thanks for the update!
Can't wait to see new pictures!

02-04-2008, 10:19 AM
Pumpkin is being naughty tho, she keeps jumping out of the pen and ignoring the pups. If I am not in the room...neither is she.

That doesn't sound good :confused:

Scooter's Mom
02-04-2008, 10:24 AM
It sounds as if she has really bonded with you.
Give her lots of love from her "family" out here in Arizona! Can't wait to see more puppy photos.

02-04-2008, 12:05 PM
Poor baby is too young to have babies. I wish her the best of luck raising them and can't wait to see pictures.