View Full Version : Soppy moment

Pawsitive Thinking
01-18-2008, 04:43 PM
Been reading through a few threads (Woody, Snoopy, Thunder, Mr Finney to name a few) and I am still in awe at the closeness of this forum!

Well done people! You are all amazing - a real cyber-family :D

01-18-2008, 09:34 PM
I agree. This place is amazing. Even with the little "tiffs" now and then.
I am very glad I stumbled upon it over a year ago. :)

Lilith Cherry
01-18-2008, 09:43 PM
I agree! Only the nicest people are Pet Talkers. Even though I don't always get to post or view all the pictures and links from here in China, I read all the news and chat on here and it feels just like an extended family. Thank you everyone!

Laura's Babies
01-18-2008, 10:18 PM
That is why I have stayed her for so long too. I tried other boards and never felt like I fit in. I lurked here a long time before I joined in to make sure this was where I belonged.... and I do! There is a lot of closeness and people here really do care!

4 Dog Mother
01-19-2008, 07:03 PM
Being in the midst of one of the crisis at the moment, I agree 110%. Having the support and the place to come to post what is happening, getting the opinions of others, the sympathy, the prayers is truly amazing. When my son died 2 1/2 years ago, the incoming prayers and support, silk flowers, poem and tree bought for the cemetery Rob was buried in was not just awesome to us but to others that found out that a message board group would go to the trouble they did to let us know that we were being thought of. Phred drove several hours so he could stay with our dogs during the visiting hours, was at the funeral to support us and then after the funeral coming back to our house to watch and care for the dogs so we could be at the funeral dinner without worrying about dogs.

With the Findlay Dog Park and the meetings we have had over the last several years I have been blessed to meet many other Pters and have made some very good friends. PT IS a very special place!