View Full Version : A note on Mr Meow.

01-17-2008, 08:27 PM
He is doing great.

The "special stains" definitely ruled out cancer (of course, I thought that was already ruled out....LOL) We can't say for sure about FIP, but since he is showing no clinical symptoms, we simply don't worry about it.

The vet said that if a biopsy cannot determine the cause of the immflamation to the lymph nodes, we may never know the REAL cause. So we simply work on treating immflamation.

I started him on Cyclosporin today. It is an anti-immflammatory and will take the place of the steroid (depo-medrol) shots. Supposedly, this will cause fewer long term side effects. Well, it better be REAL fantastic because now Mr Meow will be getting a DAILY dose of liquid oral medication instead of a shot every 3-4 weeks.....AND.....the monthly cost is twice as expensive! This stuff better be damned good!

His appetite is the best it has ever been. The last few days not only is he eating dry food for the first time since he came here, he now chooses the dry food OVER the Meow Mix Market Select cups. :cool: That is a great accomplishment. :)

So, all in all, a great report!

01-17-2008, 08:28 PM
Yay, Mister Meow! (hug, hug, hug!) this is the best news I have had all day! (hug, hug, hug some more)

01-17-2008, 09:42 PM
What a great report. :)
Gotta love when medications works, we do get over the "sticker shock" of the price.

01-18-2008, 01:50 AM
This is great news!!!:D I hope that the new medicine will work well for him.:)

01-18-2008, 05:51 AM
What a great report. :)
Gotta love when medications works, we do get over the "sticker shock" of the price.
LOL....but I just want to clarify. His appetite is NOT from the new medicine, since the medication started just yesterday and his eating of more food started DAYS ago!

Actually, I can't explain what would make him change his mind about dry food. :confused: But I am happy about it.

Laura's Babies
01-18-2008, 08:06 AM
You have really been through a lot with this little guy! I am glad to hear he is doing a lot better and hope that continues. With anyone else, he probably wouldn't have made it this far.

01-18-2008, 09:27 AM
The Pet Angels Will Continue To Come And See Mr Mewo, To Help With His Recovery And Slip Nice Things From The Luaus To Make His Food Extra Tasty, Especially All Of Ourawesome Orange Angels.
Thats Great News Jen, That Hes Turning The Corner On His Health, And Our Prayers Will Continue Furrrrrever For Mr Meow, Especially From Michael And Miquelito.

K & L
01-18-2008, 11:28 AM
Wonderful news update!

01-18-2008, 01:36 PM
That sounds good to me. When I was about 30 (100 years ago) I had swollen lymph nodes all over my body- it was checked by a biopsy and for weeks I was not sure what it could be- after that it went back and nobody ever found out. I hope it's the same with Mr Meow :)

01-18-2008, 03:41 PM
I'm so glad he's eating more and doing better! Glad cancer was ruled out officially. Big hugs and pets to Mr. Meow!!

01-18-2008, 05:31 PM
That is wonderful news, Jen, so good to hear. Congratulations and well done to you and Mr. Meow both! Please give him some kissies and skritchies from me and headbumpies from the cats.

01-18-2008, 06:34 PM
Great news! Keep up the great work Mr. Meow! We are all so happy for you!

01-18-2008, 10:58 PM
Jen, this is such great news! And also is great to hear that Mr Meow is REALLY eating now!

I was just wondering....is this new med to prevent further inflammation? Do the vets think he will get another one if he doesn't take the meds?

It is weird...I mean, he had that ONE - but no other lymph nodes swelled up.

I would like to know where they are coming from. Are they still trying to discover the cause of the swollen lymph node?

Maybe something got 'stuck' in the node, and the lymphatic fluid wouldn't flow?

Is he still his happy sucky self? Give that beautiful boy a hug for me, ok? :)

01-19-2008, 05:26 AM
Yes, the medicine is to keep the inflammation controled. We were previously using a steroid, but the vet wanted to get him OFF the steroid.

We are still (and may continue to be) in the dark about WHY this happened. It is SO hard not knowing, but the tests don't gve us the answer we need.

But he is happy, playful, lovable and just doing so well that we can't argue! ;)

01-19-2008, 08:51 AM
Terrific news. Oh Mr. Meow, so many of us want you to be a happy healthy boy, just keep on recovering!

01-19-2008, 04:25 PM
Jen...I am sorry to sound stupid...but since the lymph node was removed, WHAT inflammation is being controlled?

Did they find something, or are they just using preventative meds because the cause of the first one isn't known yet?

I just hate to see Mr Meow on meds if he is doing so well...but I guess if they DO find out what caused it, they might look at the meds again?

GLAD he is so well! :)

01-19-2008, 06:10 PM
You don't sound stupid, but I don't necessarily know the answers either. (but it gives me things I might ASK about)

See, after surgery, Mr Meow had diarrhea. He had not really had any of that before. That is when we gave yet another steroid shot. And lo, the diarrhea cleared up. So, to prevent further steroids, he is to take this medication. I guess the vet didn't want to wait until the diarrhea showed up again.

I am sorry that I can't answer all your questions. I wish I had better answers. I just don't question their expert opinion. I mean, I ask for their opinions on procedure, and on what to do next, but if they say this is for his best interest, I do not readily challange that (unless I find just cause). :o

01-19-2008, 06:48 PM
How wonderful about Mr. Meow!!! And that he is eating, too!!! I bet that eases your mind a bit Jen!!! You are a good Mom!!!

01-19-2008, 07:21 PM
Sorry - forgot about the diarrhea...I thought that had cleared up without meds.

I am soooo embarrassed! :p Better safe than sorry with that precious boy!

01-19-2008, 07:27 PM
Sorry - forgot about the diarrhea...I thought that had cleared up without meds.

I am soooo embarrassed! :p Better safe than sorry with that precious boy!
OH Heavens!! Don't be embarrassed. I admit to not asking enough questions. But I agree, better safe than sorry! I love that boy! :D