View Full Version : PT......I'm home!!!!! *link added with pics*

01-16-2008, 06:02 AM
Just wanted to let you guys know I am back. I spent 11 days in Canada with my mother. I have been home a few days now but have been extremely jetlagged. I never did get over the jetlag from going there so I got a double shot when I got home. The first night I slept for 16 hours and was still exhausted. My travel time going there including stopovers was 29 hours and coming back was 21. I was a nervous wreck coming back as I was delayed leaving in St. John's by 1 1/2 hours giving me only 40 minutes to get to my connection before it left. I got to the gate just as they were boarding. I arrived in Frankfurt with 55 minutes from the time we landed to the time my next flight left and I had to clear customs, passport check and get my boarding pass. I got to the gate in frankfurt 5 minutes before they started boarding. I was the last one to get on the plane by the time I got my boarding pass. I was hectic. When I arrived in Milan. (So glad to be home I almost cried) I waited almost an hour for my luggage. Guido was on pins and needles by the time I got through cause it took so long. But here I am now at home with my furry babies and everything is fine. Funny how much we stress out isn't it.

Anyway, I will get some pics posted asap. I still have to upload them. I don't have many cause I didn't have anyone to take me around and it was pretty darn cold and wet too. I do have pics of my brother's pitbull ( I am so in love with this dog) and his girlfriends 2 dogs. I will post them in DG but put a link here.

It is great to be home and great to be back. Missed you all.


ETA: A pic of my brother's pitbull Tico.

Had to add a teaser. I just love this boy.

01-16-2008, 06:24 AM
Welcome Back, Michelle! That pitbull is just gorgeous! What a smile. I am glad you had a good time, though. :) I hate long plane rides to.

Laura's Babies
01-16-2008, 07:36 AM
Welcome home! It takes me about 3 days to get over crew change with all the excitement over going or coming, the work that builds up to it and the traveling involved... I probably couldn't do it if I had to factor n jetlag!

01-16-2008, 10:10 AM
Welcome home, Michelle! :)

I'm sorry to read you had such a horrible time travel-wise. That is hard, scary, annoying and takes so much out of you. Wow. I'm glad you're home and done with all that!

Looking forward to seeing pictures. Tico sure is gorgeous!

Hugs, Kelly :)

Felicia's Mom
01-16-2008, 10:52 AM
Glad you arrived home okay Michelle!:D

01-16-2008, 11:40 AM
Welcome back Michelle!!!:) I'm sorry to hear about your flights being so hectic but I'm glad that you are now home safe and sound. I bet your furkids are glad you're home too.:) You sure were missed around here and I look forward to seeing more of your pictures.:)

Miss Z
01-16-2008, 01:27 PM
Welcome back, Michelle! Sorry about the jetlag, I don't travel that well either so I know how that feels! ;)

Wow, Tico is just lovely. What an adorable face!

01-16-2008, 02:10 PM
Thanks guys for the warm welcome back. :) It is so good to be home.

I thought for sure Vixen would be mad at me when I got home but she wasn't. When she seen me she started to talk to me and nearly turned herself inside out to get to me. I picked her up and she cuddled right into my neck then she stuck her claws into my shoulder to make sure I wasn't going to put her down and cuddled in again. :D

Guido said they were all good while I was gone but they behave different when I am home with them. Frost for example loves to cuddle up on my chest when I am on the computer and at bed time he likes to settle in on my chest for a nap. He didn't do that once with Guido but the first night I was home he was right there on my chest come bedtime. Vega likes her cuddles too but she likes to lay on the bed and get lots and lots of pets. She comes to me for this but when I was gone Guido would have to go to her to give her loves. Vixen also likes to sleep beside me on the bed and get belly rubs she didn't do that with Guido. Guido said 'Daddy is ok but mommy is mommy. They love their mommy more.' I think he feels a little left out cause he does love them all so much. Poor daddy. They do have a stronger bond with him now and will allow him to feed them and even come to look for him to do it. They didn't do that before.

Anyway, all in all they are all doing great and I am so happy to be home. Thanks again for all the warm welcome backs. :)

((((HUGS)))) to you all.

P.S. I will get those other pics up as soon as I can. Photobucket is acting up and I have been fighting with it. Stay tuned though.

01-16-2008, 02:18 PM
Welcome Home Michelle!! I've missed you! I hope you had a wonderful visit with your Mom. Can't wait to see pictures.


01-16-2008, 04:34 PM
Welcome back! We missed you. Sorry you had such a grueling journey. I've had bad trips, but nothing like that!

I'm sure your babies are ecstatic that you are home again! :)

01-16-2008, 06:39 PM
Welcome home, Michelle!! :) I sure hope your had a good time, even though traveling is such a hassel!!!! :rolleyes:

01-17-2008, 08:51 AM
Thanks again you guys. I did have a good time with my mom. 4 years really was too long. We made up for it though with lots of girl time and shopping. :)

I have just posted the pics of the dogs in DG. There are some more of Tico and a couple each of my brother's girlfriend's dogs. Here is the link. (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1959636#post1959636)

I will get some other pics up soon. I need to download the rest from my other camera and see what is worth posting.

Thank you all again

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-17-2008, 09:51 AM
Yippie, you are back!!
I bet your furry friends were so exited to have you back home! And so is Guido!! He did a wonderful job taking care of them all :) . I know, because I talked to him a few times on msn ;) :)

01-17-2008, 11:51 AM
Yippie, you are back!!
I bet your furry friends were so exited to have you back home! And so is Guido!! He did a wonderful job taking care of them all :) . I know, because I talked to him a few times on msn ;) :)

LOL... me too!!... ;)

great to have you back!!...

I´ve seen the pics and let me tell you ..... OMG!!! what a bunch of cuties!!! no wonder you fell in love with them!! simplky stunning!!


01-17-2008, 02:42 PM
Oh ya sure sure just come to Canada and dont even visit me:p
Tico looks like a sweetheart!
Glad to see your back now.

01-17-2008, 03:26 PM
welcome back!

thats a gorgeous dog, by the way!

01-24-2008, 06:44 AM
Thank you all again for the warm welcome back. :D

Sorry it has taken so long to get some pics up but my batteries were dead and I couldn't find my battery charger anywhere and when I finally did I couldn't find the camera cord to upload them. :o

Just a few pics though sorry. I didn't get to take many cause it was soooooo cold and I didn't have anyone to take me around to get any. Here are a few though.

snowy day look at the hills


Clear day looking towards St. John's Harbour

snowy late night taken in front of my mom's looking down the street
(taken without a flash only illuminated from street lights)

my mom (guess how old)

my brother (7 years younger and looks older than me)

That's all folks. Sorry it took so long to get them posted.
