View Full Version : Baby Einstein DVDS

01-15-2008, 10:25 PM
Someone mentioned them in a thread for a gift that is what made me think of it....

Anyone tried these DVD's? What do you think of them?

I'm not sure I like them. We have some of the baby Einstein DVDs and we also have one from a collection called "Praise Baby"... it is a Christian based DVD series.

So far.... I (and Hannah) like the Praise baby DVDs better.... Not just because it is Christian based.... Yes they sing Christian songs (you can choose between a female vocalist, a childrens choir or instrumental for the music) but they show animals, people, babies, children playing with things and each other, colors, nature scenes etc etc.

The reason I like the Praise Baby more is that I just seem to find that the Baby Einstein seems so fast and chaotic....

It's bright lights and fast movement and all kinds of things like that.... I just think that might be a little overwhelming for Hannahs 3 months old eyes and she seems to not be nearly as interested in it. now of course I only use these DVD's when I need to occupy her to do a little work around the house. but the Praise Baby DVD's are nice and slow moving.... I think it lets them focus before changing the picture or doing something else. They have slow transitions from on frame to another and the movement is normal or slow mo... not super fast.

the first scene of the Baby Einstein that we watched was a group of different colored strobe lights moving super fast around the screen. It was almost overwhelming for me... let alone Hannah.

What do you think about the DVD's?

01-16-2008, 12:46 AM
I got them for Hugito when he was born and he didn't pay much attention to them for the first year of his life. Now, however, is a different story. He loves classical music because of the show "Little Einsteins" on the Disney Channel. Because the Baby Einstein DVDs use a lot of the same music, he recognizes the tunes and sits to watch the DVDs. I've only noticed lately that the DVDs that are for 6 months aren't keeping his attention anymore so I'll need to focus on more age related DVDs from then in the future. He watches so many other shows though, that I don't feel a huge need to run out and buy more.

I couldn't get Hugito to watch much of anything at 3 months.

01-16-2008, 01:58 AM
Quinn won't watch any TV program. We have 8 baby Einstein DVD's and she has no interest in television. We've played Barney for her, Teletubbies, Baby First TV channel, as well as other baby-related shows or DVD's and she simply has no interest. I'm sure she likes the music, as I find it very pleasent, but nope, she doesn't watch Baby Einstein or anything else for that matter.

01-16-2008, 07:26 AM
We've never used them. Mary Joyce is 2 and has only recently started showing any interest in watching the TV. She's a Sesame Street fan, but that's about it for her, for the most part. We haven't tried anything with Katherine yet, as far as letting her "watch."

01-16-2008, 07:48 AM
I don't have those DVDs either. When Nathan was that age the only thing he had any interest in, TV wise, was an Elmo DVD we have. He didn't like the DVD it's self though, he liked the music videos that were extras on the DVD. We would put it on when ever he was REALLY upset and it'd calm him down immediately. Now the only thing he has any interest in is Backyardigans and The Noggin Moose.

My Nephew LOVED Little Einsteins on the Disney Channel, it was without a doubt his favorite.

01-16-2008, 08:35 AM
I borrowed a baby einstein from the library and *hated* it. It gave me a headache and made me feel jumpy, and i can't imagine the overload a baby would feel! it was all bright lights, kaleidescopes, and flashing.

I got the 3 set of praise baby, too, and we love those. they are a lot slower paced, and Lydia laughs especially at the animals (bunnies especially)

01-16-2008, 10:05 AM
I either received as gifts, or were given, a ton of these videos. Jonah wasn't into any of them.

Since then, I have learned that TV watching, even "educational" is totally unrecommended for young children. It can influence things you might not even consider as influenc-ey.

This isn't to say that Jonah doesn't watch any TV. He is 3.3, and I limit it. Heck, I limit my own TV time. :)

But, this stuff is so market driven, without the child's true welfare at stake.

01-16-2008, 01:57 PM
I borrowed a baby einstein from the library and *hated* it. It gave me a headache and made me feel jumpy, and i can't imagine the overload a baby would feel! it was all bright lights, kaleidescopes, and flashing.

I got the 3 set of praise baby, too, and we love those. they are a lot slower paced, and Lydia laughs especially at the animals (bunnies especially)

That's what I thought about it too. So much going on. it gave ME a headache let alone Hannah lol. And I usually put them on if I need to go do the dishes or something just to keep her distracted from the fact that I am not actually in the room lol. Now I have baby Einstein CD's for the music. I have a lullaby one that I play when she goes to bed and she likes it.

yes the Praise Baby is just so much more gentle on the senses I think lol. and I love that they show lots of kids playing, baby faces, animals etc etc. And even when the DVD isn't on... if I sing her the songs from the DVD she loves it. Even if I am in the bathroom and she is fussing out in the living room... I will start singing one of those songs and she quiets down and just listens. LOVE those dvd's... and the music is nice to listen to for me too.

BUT... If I didn't have the Praise Baby DVDs all I really need to put on the TV is a hockey game lol... I swear... she will crane her neck just to see the tv if a hockey game is on lol same when we are at a game IRL... she just seems to love all that movement and contrast lol.

01-22-2008, 06:01 PM
haha here are two pictures from yesterday of Lydia watching praise baby...she really wants to get upclose and personal. I finally put a couch cushion down on the other side of the room, and she stayed put to watch it from a safe distance. :)

