View Full Version : ? on Tail Cropping

08-14-2002, 03:37 PM
We just got a Doberman/Rottwieller mix she is almost 4 months old and she does not have her tail cropped. Is it to late to get it done or can we still do it?

08-14-2002, 03:44 PM
I would recomend NOT getting it done. This is my own opionion, and others might be different. The vets just chop the tail off, and do not give any pain killers. Your dog is perfectly fine with it's tail, and the only reason ppl get them docked is for show. I think it's cruel, and unless you've heard the screams of a pup getting its tail docked, then you wouldn't really know. Maybe it's different there, and t hey put them under, I don't know. I don't mean anything rude, thats just my own opinion...

08-14-2002, 04:03 PM
I do not believe in the tail croppoing, leave him the way God made him.

08-14-2002, 04:24 PM
Why would you want to? I think it's totally cruel.
I think if it's not for health reasons then it's a totally selfish thing and you should be ashamed. Poor pup.

08-14-2002, 04:40 PM
I think tail docking is done
on certain breeds of dogs before they are 1 week old.

I say, don't even think about it and go natural. :)

08-14-2002, 05:16 PM
I agree. I think that it would hurt your pup, but the vet might not do anything about that.

08-14-2002, 06:04 PM
I agree, do not crop unless there is a medical reason for it.

I recently help with a transport of 2 deaf danes, one's tail was cropped, the other needed his cropped for medical reasons. The tails on both dogs were splitting, and draining a little blood.

08-14-2002, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by KYS
I think tail docking is done on certain breeds of dogs before they are 1 week old.

I think I remember reading somewhere that tail docking is preformed at 3-4 days old. The reason the book gave was something along the lines of "the pups are too young to remember the experience." (just that in itself, makes it sound WAY painful, huh?)

I sometimes wonder WHY the don't give painkillers. I assume it's because they are so young. It seems like at 4mnths, they would be able to administer pain killers which might help to ease the dog's discomfort.

If you do have it done, make sure to ask questions...there is a RIGHT and a WRONG way to dock tails.

I have a boxer, her tail is docked. I don't know the age at which it was done but we got her at 8wks of age.

08-14-2002, 07:58 PM
Thank you all for your comments and opinions. It was a very big help. This is our first experience with a doberman and all the pictures and dobermans that we have seen have been docked. I have read that there tails have been docked all the way up to 4 years of age. So that really confused us. She would be put under for the procedure but we really didn't want to put her through it. There were vets saying they would do it and vets saying they won't so that really confused us so I wanted to ask you all.

Just to let you all know we are not going to dock the tail and thank you all again for your comments it was a big help:)
(We really aren't cruel people)

Vi Co Bi
08-14-2002, 08:09 PM
Honey, with a Doberman, you're probably going to hear how "odd" your dog looks if you don't crop its ears and dock its tail.

When people would try to defend the practice by telling me that, I'd ask them if they'd dock & crop a Rottie? Probably not. Why not? Same coloring - black & tan. Or a black & tan dachshund? Now imagine either of those two cropped and docked. Can you do it without laughing? I can't (especially the dach). And, when the ears are being trained, how odd does that wadded piece of gauze look taped to their ears? It still looks like a feminine hygiene product to me. How "dignified" does that look? Especially on a BOY dog.

These types of inhumane practices remain standards as long as we LET them. By not bowing to the pressure you're taking a very important and special step and should be proud of yourself.

I'd love to see pics!

08-14-2002, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Vi Co Bi
Honey, with a Doberman, you're probably going to hear how "odd" your dog looks if you don't crop its ears and dock its tail.

WHO CARES??? If people do not like how someones dog loks because it does not lok like every other dog then forget them.

Now about the subject. I wouldn't do it. Why waste the money on something that could put the dog threw pain? Why not just keep her how she is. She will be unique. And what's better then seeing your pup's tail wag as you talk to him/her or when you walk in the door?

Dixie Belle
08-14-2002, 08:59 PM
Hey, I have an AKC boxer. Her tail is cropped, (which I don't like, but it was done way before I got her) however her ears are natural, which are staying that way. Anyway, what I was going to say is that Missie is always trying to play with her tail, but nothing is there!!! I always feel so sorry for her. She has gotten to where she will go and play with Belle's tail. I wish they had never cropped it, and if I ever get another one, I'm hoping I can get one without the tail cropped.

08-14-2002, 09:16 PM
Honey, with a Doberman, you're probably going to hear how "odd" your dog looks if you don't crop its ears and dock its tail.

I'm sorry, but any normal person will NOT CARE! And any true dog lover will admire your disicion! The ONLY reason dobes, and rotties get tails docked is for SHOW, and thats it. God gave them tails for a reason, and I'm sorry with that person, but thats sooooo rediculous. Urg. I would get a dog with 3 legs, or something that make it look diffenent, ppl could think what they want, and I wouldn't care, I'd be happy to have the dogs. This isn't directed at anyone, I just can't believe any dog lover would look at a dobe mix and think it looks weird cause it has a tail. I've seen tons, and they're just as adorable :]

08-15-2002, 07:19 AM
I'm SO glad to hear you aren't going to do it.

08-15-2002, 12:51 PM
I'm in the group of not cropping. We have a Weim that has his tail docked, but it was that way when we got him. Serenity has her tail docked because before we got her she had mange and had to be isolated and she mutilated it.

God made them they way they are for some reason...don't try and second guess the Big Guy.

08-15-2002, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by DobeGirl

Just to let you all know we are not going to dock the tail and thank you all again for your comments it was a big help:)
(We really aren't cruel people)

Good for you! It was the best decision. I hope sometime in the near future the AKC decides that there's no reason to dock tails or ears even if the dogs are for the show ring. Perhaps we could start a petition.

08-15-2002, 04:08 PM
originally posted by Albea

Good for you! It was the best decision. I hope sometime in the near future the AKC decides that there's no reason to dock tails or ears even if the dogs are for the show ring. Perhaps we could start a petition.

I agree wholeheartedly!

I am TOTALLY against docking of tails, and ears also, with the exception of medical/health of the dog, reasons. And would support any move to get it banned.

When I was owned by two dobes all those years ago, ears were not cropped but there was no way to have one with a whole tail. And we tried, but the breeders downright refused to sell without docking first, in fact, as someone wrote earlier, it was always done at two days old. I`m not even sure what the situation is here in the UK now, except that it has become law that no-one but a vet is allowed to dock the tails of any breed (whereas before breeders did it themselves) and there has been some debate about it.
Springer, other spaniels, Pointers, and some other working dogs tails are usually cropped too, - supposedly because they are likely to get them damaged while working - but my Bobs tail is intact Im pleased to say. :D Even though he was from a full working strain, Terry, his breeder was happy to have leave his tail whole.

08-16-2002, 04:12 PM
Glad you aren't cropping the tail. :)

I have a schnauzer and a poodle, both with cropped tails. They were that way when we got them. I've always kind of wanted to see them with tails, it seems like that little stub isn't much to wag!

Don't worry if people say your dog looks odd. Reggie (schnauzer) doesn't have cropped ears. They don't fold either. So he has these huge ears that stick straight up, but I wouldn't have it any other way!

I have a husky now, and it's so weird to have a dog with a tail--I love his tail! :)

08-17-2002, 12:28 AM
I heard in the UK they are trying to ban tail docking. I for one do not like it. I also do not like how they remove dew claws on labs and other breeds. It is all a pretty tough spot to be in.

08-17-2002, 07:15 AM
Regarding Vi Co Bi's comment, "Honey, with a Doberman, you're probably going to hear how "odd" your dog looks if you don't crop its ears and dock its tail,", which garnered a few responses:

I think her point, as well, was that one shouldn't care what other people think. The rest of her post would indicate it.

My parents have a Corgi with a cropped tail (done before they got her); she tries chasing it as well. Of course, Corgis are so long and low to the ground that she usually falls on her side after a couple of rotations. A ridiculous picture, at best. :)

08-17-2002, 08:58 AM
I would not have the tail cropped. Phoebe (which is a rottie) had her tail cropped when we got her, but it wasn't done like they usually do it. It was cropped but left longer than "it should have been" as they say. I have been asked if I am getting it done so it is "proper". I just tell them ok, I will go get her tail cropped so it is "proper" if you let me chop off 1 of your fingers. Lets see how much pain that it.

I do not beleive in "tail cropping", it is a cruel and inhumane thing to do. I love Phoebe with the "improper" tail. I don't care that is what makes her unique.

People are into the "show" for thier pets, that they forget to love their pets...:) :D

08-17-2002, 08:23 PM
After the puppy is a week old, tail cropping is then considered an "amputation", and should only be done if there is something wrong with the tail. At 4 months, your pup is way too old to have it done.

I personally prefer the look of docked Rotts, and don't have a problem with it, as long as it's done when they are still very young.

08-18-2002, 08:42 PM
I also do not like how they remove dew claws on labs and other breeds.

I think they really just take off the hind dew claw (atleast here) because it's flimsey and could hurt the dog if it get caught in something??

08-19-2002, 08:45 AM
Don't get me wrong, I am not totally against it, but I am just tired of people thinking that if a tail isn't cropped, then they are not a TRUE whatever (eg:rottie). A rottie or Dobbie is still a rottie or Dobbie weather the tail is cropped or not. They just are not considered "show quality". If it is done when it should be, then ok but I still think it would hurt a whole lot. And I don't think I could handle hearing a pup scream in pain, just because their tail is being chopped off.

I think I have mixed feelings about this subject. I like my dogs with short stubs, but I don't like how it is done or the reason it is done.