View Full Version : I think it might be Thunders time to go?

01-13-2008, 12:19 PM
His bladder problem has gone down hill since I first posted about it.
He peed himself twice this morning and usually a couple times a day.
We let him outside constantly and he still pees himself.
A couple days ago my mom said he wouldn't look at her and the next morign he was in the bathroom and I walked in and he wagged his tail but he looked away and I was saying his name but he wouldn't look at me.
He's going to the vet this week so hopefully we will finally know what's wrong but I don't think it's fair for him to be living like this.
He easily drinks a bowl of water every few hours, we fill the bowl up and he drinks it all without stopping.
When I took pictures of them a couple weeks ago he just sat there, he rolled once but then went and sat down by the door wanting in. He usually wrestles with Rockee in the snow and she tried to get him to but he just walked away.

01-13-2008, 04:32 PM
Is he losing weight as well? Also, has he suffered any bloating round his abdomen? Check his breath too to see if it smells unusually nasty...like urine.

If so, kidney failure caused by old age might be the reason. Not what you wanted to hear really but excess thirst and urination is a symptom of that. Our Jess's sire died of Kidney failure...I won't forget the symptoms of that.

There are other possible causes mind. I'm sure you'll find out soon enough after your visit to the vets.

Sorry to hear he isn't well. Once they reach a certain age, you know something dreadful could happen at anytime and it isn't nice. Whatever happens, I hope he either gets better or goes without too much suffering. Good luck.

01-13-2008, 04:42 PM
Hope Thunder gets better. Sounds like he needs prayers and good thoughts, which I am supplying.


01-13-2008, 05:25 PM
Prayers for Thunder, {{hugs}} for you.

01-13-2008, 08:16 PM
Sorry to hear things haven't been going well for Thunder.

I remember you posted right before Christmas that he was going to the vet's for wetting himself, but I don't recall that you posted an update? Or maybe I missed it?

Drinking that much water could be either kidneys or diabetes. What did the vet say when you had your appointment?

I hope things turn around for the better.

01-13-2008, 09:53 PM
This is his appointment for after christmas, it took a while to get the money.
Yes he has lost a ton of weight, if you look back on my threads you can see pictures of him from a couple weeks ago. He has no muscle in his back legs and is thin. I havn't noticed bloating though.

01-14-2008, 08:32 AM
He's going in today at 2.

01-14-2008, 08:57 AM
I hope the vet can help Thunder today!

01-14-2008, 09:38 AM
Let us know what they say.

I know that bloating is a common symptom of kidney disease. It isn't always noticed mind. I only noticed our old Monty losing weight and mention it to my dad who just said: "Well, he's eating". Me dad being me dad didn't do anything about the weight loss and then three months later, Monty took a bad turn, vomitting and all the rest, went to the vets and didn't come home. If caught early enough, Kidney disease can be treated but me dad was always a sod for leaving them and hoping things would just go away because he didn't want to take them to the vets and "Waste", money.

Having an old dog myself, I know how horrid all this stuff is. I hate it when you notice these things and start fearing the worst. I hope things go ok at the vets.

01-14-2008, 01:33 PM
The vet thinks it's his time to go...we have to talk to the rest of the family but I'm pretty sure we already know what's going to happen..

01-14-2008, 01:35 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this. :(

01-14-2008, 01:46 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Thunder. I am sending you a hug. (hug)

01-14-2008, 01:53 PM
Poor Thunder. I hope the vet can either suggest something to make his quality of life better, or help any suffering he may have, to end. He's lived a long life, you've given him love and attention, and showing him mercy in his old age and deteriorating health is the biggest thing you can do for him.

You, your family, and Thunder will be in my thoughts and prayers.

01-14-2008, 02:05 PM
Poor Thunder. I hope the vet can either suggest something to make his quality of life better, or help any suffering he may have, to end. He's lived a long life, you've given him love and attention, and showing him mercy in his old age and deteriorating health is the biggest thing you can do for him.
She said with all the things she sees wrong with him she thinks it would be better to say good bye. I understand where she is coming from too, what is the point in doing all these test and putting him through that when he is so old. I don't want my dog to go through that and you can't even be sure it will help. He kept lying down in the vet cause he can't stand for long and she listened to his heart and had her hand on his heart and her hand was moving she said you shouldn't be able to see your hand being pushed by the heart especially when all he is doing is lying down (he was sprawled on the floor). He kept putting his head down and wouldn't stand up and it's not cause he was scared. Usually in the vet he is sniffing around smelling everyone, licking them etc, this time he was just lying there and he didn't even wag his tail when someone would go up to him. He's a very social happy dog with everyone and for him to just lie there is not like him at all.
She asked if it seemed "Thunder" was gone and if he just there and that's exactly how it is. He stays away from people and just lies around.
While he was there we also found in infection in his gums, I just so happened to look at his teeth and there was a hole in his gums with green in them and it was swollen and the vet said that he also has a little infection in there.

01-14-2008, 03:34 PM
I agree that it sounds like the true spirit of Thunder has already passed on. I am a strong advocate of not keeping a pet going on just to keep ourselves from having to deal with the loss. I know your family will make the best decision for Thunder as you are the ones who know him best! ;)

01-14-2008, 03:51 PM
Aw, poor thing.

I had the same thing with Mist where they didn't know exactly what was wrong but he suspected a heart block problem. I didn't think it fair or worth it to put her through loads of tests so I had him put her to sleep there and then and it was horrific. I'd made my mind up about that the day before if it was something that couldn't easily be treated. The vet sounded like he didn't reckon it was worth doing tests either.

Anyway, that was a year ago and I'm welling up now just typing this so my sympathies with you and your family. :(

Daisy and Delilah
01-14-2008, 05:34 PM
My thoughts and prayers are going out to all of you. I'm so sorry :(

01-14-2008, 06:34 PM
It's heartbreaking to watch our beloved furbabies suffer.You have given him a good life, and the kindest (if hardest) thing is to lovingly release him. He'll be watching you from the RB, nice & healthy again.
You'll be in my thoughts & prayers.

01-14-2008, 07:43 PM
I'm so sorry. :( Thunder has had a wonderful life with you and your family. It's a hard thing to let them go, but sometimes the best thing to do. You will be in my prayers. {hugs}

01-14-2008, 09:29 PM
So sorry to hear about Thunder. I do agree with you and your vet sometimes the kindest thing is to let them go.

Lori Jordan
01-14-2008, 09:39 PM
This is devastating,It is the hardest decision to have to come too,but the kindest thing you can do for Thunder.

He will be at peace and back to his old self again.

I know there is nothing i can say to make you feel any better,Im so sorry that you are going to be loosing a beloved family pet.

My prayers go to you and Thunder.

01-14-2008, 10:27 PM
Thanks everyone.
This is going to be one of the hardest things for me to go through, I've never had to deal with a death in anyway.

01-14-2008, 10:59 PM
I'm so sad for you. It is probably one of the most difficult decisions you'll ever have to make. Your description of Thunder at the vet's office, sounded so much like my RB Cody's. It broke my heart, but I felt he was telling me to let him go. I miss him terribly every day, but I have wonderful memories and I know he's happy at the Bridge. Sending you hugs.

Lilith Cherry
01-15-2008, 02:50 AM
I'm so sorry about Thunder. I had to have my dog put to sleep last summer and I still miss him so badly everyday even though it was the right and humane thing to do... i know he will be waiting at the bridge for me though with a silly grin and a wagging tail. My prayers are with you both.

01-15-2008, 05:28 AM
I am so very sorry for you and your family. The best thing that you and your family can do for Thunder is not be selfish and be strong for him. When Ginger finally was pts, it was because she started having siezures and for 3 months before that her personality changed, she was not our Ginger girl anymore. It was the hardest most painful decision my husband and I have ever had to do, but we did the right thing for her. I won't lie to you it will be devastating to all of you but Thunder will thank you for it, trust me, he will be well again and able to play and do all the things that he loves to do at the Bridge. You and your family will get through it, it will not be easy and it will hurt like hell but you have had alot of wonderful years with Thunder and have a ton of beautiful memories to keep you going, most importantly you have Thunder's love!!!! That stay's with you forever!

God bless all of you, you will be in my prayers.

01-15-2008, 07:40 AM
I am so very sorry for you and your family. The best thing that you and your family can do for Thunder is not be selfish and be strong for him. When Ginger finally was pts, it was because she started having siezures and for 3 months before that her personality changed, she was not our Ginger girl anymore. It was the hardest most painful decision my husband and I have ever had to do, but we did the right thing for her. I won't lie to you it will be devastating to all of you but Thunder will thank you for it, trust me, he will be well again and able to play and do all the things that he loves to do at the Bridge. You and your family will get through it, it will not be easy and it will hurt like hell but you have had alot of wonderful years with Thunder and have a ton of beautiful memories to keep you going, most importantly you have Thunder's love!!!! That stay's with you forever!

God bless all of you, you will be in my prayers. That's what I keep trying to tell myself. It's gonna hurt, I'm gonna cry and it will be sad no matter what, it's un avoidable. But I have to also get on with life cause it's life that's happeneing right now. Loved ones get sick and pass away but in the end they are happier and wouldn't want you moping around while they are free and happy.

I'm usually the one giving all the feed from the other end, it's so weird to have it come to me. I feel like I'm reading it for someone else's dog.

01-15-2008, 09:34 AM
{{{HUGS}} to Thunder and you all.
The best thing you can do for him is give him the peace he deserves.

Ginger's Mom
01-15-2008, 11:49 AM
I am so sorry to read this. :( I know whatever you and your family decide will be in the best interest of Thunder. {{{hugs}}}

01-15-2008, 12:13 PM
He's going in at 4:30 Friday:(

01-15-2008, 12:23 PM
He's going in at 4:30 Friday:(

I'm so sorry! :(

01-15-2008, 02:21 PM
Are your parents going in with you so you won't have to deal with this alone? It's one of the hardest things to do on your own... be strong for you and for Thunder. Big hugs to you both.

01-15-2008, 02:37 PM
Sorry to hear that. It will be a horrible wait until then and it will be awful when it happens but that just goes to show how much Thunder has been loved whilst alive.

01-15-2008, 02:39 PM
In one post you mentioned that he didn't seem to be "there"
I know exactly what you mean.

When Toby (my/my parent's dog) had gotten sick this past June I went to visit her and she wouldn't even look at me. She'd look away no mater how you tried to get her attention.
I made the decision to send her to the bridge the next day.
That night my parent's couldn't even coax her into the house. :(
We knew she had lived a long life and was now tired and was ready for her trip to the bridge. She was no longer the happy girl she always used to be, and I knew it wasn't fair to her to let her go on like that.

The next morning we spoiled her rotten, we fed her treats and 1/2 a jar of peanut butter. :D
I made the appointment for the vet to come to the house, and as soon as he pulled in the driveway she walked for the first time that day, and laid under her favorite pine tree... and that's where she ended her life on earth and started her new life at the bridge.

Her message to me was crystal clear that she was ready.
I think Thunder's message is clear as well.
{{{{HUGS}}}} to you.
And {{{HUGS}}} and special treats to Thunder.
I know you'll make his last few days on earth very, very special and he will be grateful for it.

Lori Jordan
01-15-2008, 04:46 PM
I'm so sorry...As soon as i seen this i now have a weird feeling in my stomach like i did with my dear Anna.

He is so ready to move on,It hurts so much but i hope you realize your doing the best thing for him!

Hugs to you and give Thumper a big one too.

01-15-2008, 05:05 PM
I'm so sorry. (((HUGS))) :( Words can't express my thoughts for you and your family.

01-16-2008, 03:58 AM
I know this does not help much right now but you and your family are doing the best thing for Thunder and for yourselves. You are right about life going on and he is clearly telling all of you to let him go, the time has come.
Hugs and prayers for all of you that you have the peace,strength and love to get through this. You have all of us here at PT as well. That was one of the main things that got me through both passing of my precious babies was all the wonderful, caring, loving people here on PT that understood and knew exactly what I was going through. You can have us hold you up for a while.
You can pm me anytime also, I know we don't know each other but I will always listen.

Anita Cholaine
01-16-2008, 06:45 AM
Alicia, I am so sorry to hear this :( I cannot even imagine how hard it must be for you, but I know that you are doing the best thing for Thunder.


01-16-2008, 06:30 PM
Alicia, I am speechless. I am so sorry for you. ((((hugs)))) :(

01-16-2008, 09:06 PM
I am so sorry :(..speechless here..:(...((HUGS))

Lori Jordan
01-16-2008, 09:27 PM
I will not be around much tomorrow,And i know tomorrow is the day you are setting dear Thunder to peace.

It will be the hardest thing you have ever had to do,But it is very peacful.

And you being there with him will mean the world to Thunder.He will always be with you.

01-16-2008, 10:09 PM
Are your parents going in with you so you won't have to deal with this alone? It's one of the hardest things to do on your own... be strong for you and for Thunder. Big hugs to you both.
Yes me,my dad, my brother and maybe my mom.
Someone from another forum said that he would be with you till the very end and if you were dying he wouldn't leave your side, the nicest thing you can do is return what he would do for you. It's so true and I told that to my mom and told her to tell my brother. We convinced my brother to and my mom said she might but she doesn't know if she is strong enough.

The next morning we spoiled her rotten, we fed her treats and 1/2 a jar of peanut butter.
Aw I plan on that too. I already have him half my burger today.
My boss wants me to actually go in and work for a hour or so on the days he has to go in and I have to go to work the next day. Being as I work with dogs and I will be a mess I'm not happy about this. I don't think it's fair that I have to work especially when there is someone who can cover for me she just sucks.

I know this does not help much right now but you and your family are doing the best thing for Thunder and for yourselves. You might think it doesn't but it really does. It helps knowing other people support my descision and other people's stories help too.

I will not be around much tomorrow,And i know tomorrow is the day you are setting dear Thunder to peace. He's going in on Friday not Thursday, so I still have a day with him.

After finding all this about Thunder were taking Rockee in for a check up. Honestly though I don't think she will be around much after Thunder is gone.
Those two dogs are inseperable, he's litteraly her baby and I know she is going to go into a depression. I feel like I know she is going to pass of a broken heart.

01-16-2008, 11:20 PM
{{{{hugs}}}} Dear Thunder...tell him you love him...

I think and pray that he will pass peacefully...and through your tears, I think you will feel relief that he is not suffering any more.


01-16-2008, 11:30 PM
Sweetie, I can only say what I experienced and that is Cody was totally at peace and went quickly and quietly. I think he knew it was his time. He plopped right down on the cold floor, sighed and it was over quickly. There were a few things I wasn't prepared for, so if you want to PM me, I will explain it to you. to prepare you. As much as I miss Cody, my parents etc... nothing lives forever ( per my dad) and life will go on. My heart is full of love and good memories, never any guilt. May peace be with you and your family. Have a safe trip to the Bridge, Thunder.

01-17-2008, 09:01 AM
Alicia, I am so very sorry to read the latest about Thunder. You know you have lots of support from here on PT. I read somewhere (likely here on PT) that one of the worst things about oour pets is that their live span is so much shorter than ours. How true.

The first time I went through this I was about 19. One thing which worried me was that I would fine it "easier" the next time and I didn't think that was proper. Well, having been through this hard decision several times now, I can say you NEVER get used to it, each pet we have we love to the fullest and they take up a special place in our hearts. Losing them is always a hard thing to handle. You are not somehow making your self less worthy as a person by making this hard decision. Quite the contrary, it is a very selfless decision.

It does sound like Thunder is ready. One thing our pets will do FOR us, is they will hold on as long as they feel WE need them! It is amazing. So, hard as it is, you need to try to convey to him that you will be alright once he has crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge.

For some of my pets, I have clipped a lock of their fur and set it aside in an envelope to save. I can't tell you why I do this with some and not others. I still have these envelopes, going back years. I also remember the pets I did not do this for, so I do not miss them any less. You may like to clip a bit of his fur while you are there at home. Just a thought.

I'll say some prayers for all of you.

01-17-2008, 10:29 AM
I'm so sorry, :( you and your family will be in my thoughts. (((HUGS)))

01-17-2008, 12:33 PM
I am so sorry aboout Thunder. What kind of dog is he?
I remember how hard it was when my collie died. I got her when I was 7 years old and she was 10 weeks. She was my best friend and I use to carry her everywhere with me. We grew up together...
Monzaya got a tumor that came up on her stomach and it was as big as a grapefruit..we carried her to the vet about it several times and he told us that if it were up to him he would let her live her life out as long as the could that doing surgery would be just too much for her since she was already 10 years old. But one night she got to where she couldn't stand good and later that night the tumor ruptured...she died..but before she did I sat and talked to her and got to be with her when she took her last breath..that was so hard but I had always been her favorite person and I owed it to her to be there even if it was hard for me to see her go through that.. I miss her still and it's been 2 years. I think about her all the time but It's a good feeling to know she is no longer in pain.
I'm sorry about your Thunder..do you have any pictures?? I know how hard it is but if you ever need to talk to anyone you know we are all here for you...


01-17-2008, 01:41 PM
Just want you to know you & Thunder are on my mind today. I recall how difficult that last day was for us when we knew it was time.
Enjoy your time with him celebrating what a wonderful life you've shared.

Those two dogs are inseperable... and I know she is going to go into a depression. I feel like I know she is going to pass of a broken heart. :( Poor girl, keep her close by, she'll really need you. It took Star about 4 months to come out of her depression after Sherman passed.
(If I may make a suggestion, please take a picture today of yourself with Thunder. As time passes, I look at the pictures we took with Sherman, I can see more clearly the pain he was in. Kind of takes away those nagging doubts about having done the right thing or not.)

01-17-2008, 02:32 PM
Genny that's so sad :(
If you look back on older post you can see pictures I posted a little while ago.

Poor girl, keep her close by, she'll really need you. It took Star about 4 months to come out of her depression after Sherman passed.
(If I may make a suggestion, please take a picture today of yourself with Thunder. As time passes, I look at the pictures we took with Sherman, I can see more clearly the pain he was in. Kind of takes away those nagging doubts about having done the right thing or not.) I'm just scared because she is so old too. Did it help Star when you got your other dog? I have to look after a Pug puppy on Monday and I was thinking maybe it will help her.
I already took a picture of us yesterday:) I took one of him and my sister too. I was a little scared to at first cause he looks sick but it still will be a good memory. Poor guy even on his last days I torture him with that stupid flashy box. I also got pictures of him and Milo, Milo LOVES Thunder and always lays ontop of him and atacks his tail. Thunder is such a good boy he just takes it. I think Milo and Rockee will take it the hardest.

01-17-2008, 03:19 PM
I'm so sorry for you and your family.
I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers and will light a candle tomorrow at 4:30 to help Thunder on his way to the rainbow bridge.

01-17-2008, 04:37 PM
I know that everyone has already said this, but you are doing the best thing you can for Thunder. He needs you to help him to the bridge, he knows that he can depend on your help. Spoil him rotten tonight & tell him that you love him a thousand times. When he gets to the bridge he will be healthy again & he will play harder than he has in years. He will watch over his loving family, until the day comes when you can all be together again. I am so sorry, I know how painful this is. I am sending hugs to your family & good vibes to Thunder. I hope his trip to the bridge is peaceful. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

01-17-2008, 04:44 PM
Did it help Star when you got your other dog?Welllll..... let's just say it took a while. He was a distraction, but they didn't get along too well at first. I would have waited longer to get another dog, but he was 700 miles away, I had to make one last trip back & knew I wasn't going to be in that area for a long time after that trip. At least you still have more than one animal, so Rockee will have part of her pack with her, that might help.

01-17-2008, 06:05 PM
Alicia, I'm sorry I haven't seen this thread until now. My heart goes out to you on this day and tomorrow, along with days to come. I know you're doing the best thing you could ever do for your dear Thunder.

I know losing someone who has been with you so long will tear you apart at first. Though I haven't lost a dog, and I haven't seen a dog that I've known for a long time go downhill, I can somehow relate to how you feel. As you know, my dad passed away a little under a year ago. The wound in my heart still feels so fresh, but I know everything is alright. :)

If you ever need to talk when you're feeling down, feel free to PM me if it might help.

Huge ((((((HUGS)))))) and good vibes headed your way.

01-17-2008, 07:45 PM
{{hugs}} to Thunder, you, your skin family and your fur family.

Please know that you all are in my prayers.

01-17-2008, 10:17 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this news. I know what a difficult and heart-wrenching decision it is. :( Thinking of you, Thunder, and your family during this time.

01-17-2008, 11:53 PM
I already took a picture of us yesterday:) I took one of him and my sister too. I was a little scared to at first cause he looks sick but it still will be a good memory. .

I took a last picture of Monzaya a few days before she died. She looked so tired compared to her pictures when she was younger, but I am glad i have that picture now...you'll be glad you took those last pictures of Thunder too..I'll be thinking of you, your family and Thunder.

01-18-2008, 02:59 AM
Just wanted to check in and tell you my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today. I hope and pray yesterday was a good day for all of you and you got plenty of great memories. My heart just breaks for all of you, knowing what you are about to face, but i know Thunder will be relieved of his suffering and will go on to a better place.
God be with all of you especially Thunder.

Pawsitive Thinking
01-18-2008, 04:47 AM
Would like to add my love and prayers to all the others. You are doing the only thing that a loving owner can do - as heartbreaking as it is.

Blessings to you all - safe journey to the Bridge sweet Thunder

01-18-2008, 08:21 AM
Just wanted you to know that I will be thinking of you and Thunder today. I pray that his journey will be peaceful. <<<<<<<HUGS>>>>>>>

01-18-2008, 10:45 AM
Phew, just reading this thread makes me well up. I can just imagine how horrid you're feeling at the moment.

I was like a zombie for the first couple of days after I had Mist pts but it did lift and, even though I still get upset sometimes, I think thats about usual and you start to feel a lot better about the whole thing.

01-18-2008, 11:44 AM
Thinking of Thunder, you and all your family, skin and furkids alike. I am sending ((hugs)) your way.

01-18-2008, 12:07 PM
Thinking of you guys today. I'm sorry for your loss. It's never easy. He's had a good long life and has been well loved. That's always something to be thankful for even at this horribly sad time. Hold onto the rest of them for comfort. You can all comfort each other.

01-18-2008, 12:30 PM
Thinking of you and Thunder today. Big hugs going out to you and your family!

01-18-2008, 12:35 PM
I had to catch up on this thread again, and I'm sitting here at work with my eyes full of tears.
I am so sorry you are going through this. It just reminds me of when we had to make the difficult decision to let DJ go. We have tons of pictures and videos that we watch occasionally. It really helps.
I hope you are not right about Rockee. I hope she will be okay and stay with you guys for much longer.
You and your family are in my thoughts today.

01-18-2008, 03:05 PM
Thanks everyone:( It doesn't feel real right now.
It feels like were just going to go for a car ride with him.

01-18-2008, 03:11 PM
Oh Alicia... I'm so sorry! I know what you mean though... big hugs sweetie!

01-18-2008, 03:38 PM
Keeping you, your family and Thunder close to my heart. May his passing be easy and peaceful. I know where you are coming from it never seems the right time but he will be thanking you for letting him go to be at peace. He will be your special angel at RB.

Big Hugs Alicia.

Lori Jordan
01-18-2008, 03:47 PM
I just looked at the time,I'm so sorry that this is happening.I know you are having alot of mixed feelings,But it is for the best.I was being selfish with Anna,I kept telling myself she would get better,and she did,But then she just went down hill,The last day she was here,I could not stand looking at her.She had the sadest look,Even though i miss her like crazy,It was almost as if a big weight was lifted off my shoulders,I know she is now in a better place.

Please if you need to talk im here.

Pawsitive Thinking
01-18-2008, 04:10 PM
We are all with you xx

Pawsitive Thinking
01-18-2008, 04:21 PM

01-18-2008, 04:24 PM
I'll close this thread now.

Thunder's memorial thread is here: