View Full Version : Beaker the Brave.

01-12-2008, 10:29 PM
Beaker has always been a shy and very insecure dog, for the first couple of years of his life with me (it will be 3 and a bit in March/April, and he'll be 4 in July) He would have a panic attack at the drop of a hat and sometimes over the stupidest things like being taunted by a cat or a drop of water touching him...and believe me when he panics it's not nice, he sounds like a cross between Beaker (another reason his name fits him) from the Muppets and Xena warrior princess.

Now I know that sight hounds scream as Kizmit on a couple of occasions has felt the need to start screaming about one thing or another, but with Beaker it wasn't just the screaming. Many a time I've had been scarred while trying to get him calmed down or in to his kennel which is where he usually ended up. Then one day my boss just happen to witness one his attacks and suggested that I take a new class that we she was going to be teaching. In that class Beaker learned to control his emotions better and I learned how to help him, and since that class his confidence has sky rocketed he now LOVES to be loose in the hallway at work and will even go in to the play rooms at where the bigger dogs are playing (only if I'm going in the room though, don't want the geek to get hurt) he's also started to allow people to touch him...might sound weird but until the last few months he would not let my niece touch him at all, now he will walk up to her and stretch out for a good neck scratch, and of course his biggest thing to date was being able to handle doing his first demo which can normally be a very stressful thing.

Anyway the reason that I'm telling everyone this is so that they can understand why the video and the pictures I'm about to share a big thing.

My sister for Christmas gave me a singing monster that kicks it's feet and everything. Well the other day I was playing with the dogs and decided to see how they would react to it so I started it up and set it on the floor. Smudge was upstairs so he missed it, Winter and Tama ignored it, Kizmit was interested yet at the same time a little put of by it and Beaker well just see for yourself.

http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g238/shingomamaoha/th_019.jpg (http://s57.photobucket.com/albums/g238/shingomamaoha/?action=view&current=019.flv)

sorry it's a little dark I didn't have all the lights on and the blinds were closed.

pics to follow.

01-12-2008, 10:38 PM
Kizmit wondering just what's wrong with the little green man

Beaker showing it whose boss

Now just some random pics of the four that were downstairs with me
Beaker playing with another toy (something else that is a big step for him)

Beaker getting his head stuck in a stuffed toy

Tama with his squirrel


Winter playing with a toy

Beaker and Kizmit sitting on the couch together...don't they look thrilled?

01-12-2008, 10:57 PM
I'll have to watch the video later but I LOVE the pics!

01-13-2008, 12:09 AM
:eek: Vicious Beaker!!! :eek: lol :D

01-13-2008, 03:38 AM

Beaker is so hilarious! Fozzie and Gonzo do the same to dancing/singing toys... attempt to terminate them. Jeeez, Beaker would really fit in with my two. Even the name. ; D

Your gang is adorable. I LOVE Beaker & Kizmit's collars. Did you get them from Collar Mania?

01-13-2008, 10:15 AM
Your gang is adorable. I LOVE Beaker & Kizmit's collars. Did you get them from Collar Mania?

Thanks. I actually got the collars that Beaker & Kizmit are wearing from around the hounds and 2 hounds design. I just found out about collar mania but will most likely end up getting some collars from there as well (i especially love the leather collars they have)...it's expensive having dogs you can see collars on. So far almost every site that I've gone to has had at least one collar that I like so of course I end up getting it at the moment I'm waiting on three more collars and a leash that I ordered to get here.

01-14-2008, 09:28 AM
Good job, Beaker! ;)

01-14-2008, 09:34 AM
Yay for Beaker! :D I'm glad I got to see the Goonie sweeties today!

01-14-2008, 10:43 AM
Way to go Beaker! He really went after that scary monster. ;) Love the pics and the video!

01-15-2008, 02:07 AM
Thanks. I actually got the collars that Beaker & Kizmit are wearing from around the hounds and 2 hounds design. I just found out about collar mania but will most likely end up getting some collars from there as well (i especially love the leather collars they have)...it's expensive having dogs you can see collars on. So far almost every site that I've gone to has had at least one collar that I like so of course I end up getting it at the moment I'm waiting on three more collars and a leash that I ordered to get here.

Well, they look like VERY nice collars! I love the comic one. Of course... almost anything would look good on those hunky models. C:

I really like Collar Mania, but I can't make up my mind, on what to get!!! rahhh. I'll probably end up getting a few from each, hehe. I just wish you could actually see the collars Gonzo wears. I am getting him a leather collar from CM, they really are awesome.