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View Full Version : I met a little pug yesterday!!

01-11-2008, 02:08 PM
Yesterday in the vet's waiting room, there was a man who brought his daughter's dog, a little pug boy, only 6 months old.

OMG, he was soooo cute (the dog, not the man)!!! You just had to stop and sit down and pet the little pup... He had the cutest little black face, while the rest was cream-colored. I love pugs anyway, but this one really stole my heart! He chewed my fingers and licked my hand with this pink little tongue, and he had the cutest curly tail! I would have taken a photo of him if my camera hadn't broke.

Now I want a pug!!! :D

(or at least I want a photo shooting with a pug :o)


Laura's Babies
01-11-2008, 03:30 PM
I love going to the vet and seeing other pets, you see some you would just love to bring home with you.... at least I do!

01-11-2008, 03:55 PM
I love Pugs.

01-11-2008, 03:57 PM
I remember last year I have been in summer in a café with a friend. We were sitting outside and there was that girl with a quite young pug who was just like that. He went to every table asking for cuddles and of course he got them. They are not just the most handsome dogs- but oh-so-cute :)
This evening I came back from London at the airport and there was this lady with two dachshunds, one young wire hair and one a little bit older but short hair. They were so cute I had to go over and say hello. She warned me that short-hair was a little grumpy (dachshunds are rather inpredictable- they are naughty! ;)) but tiny wire hair looked at me with her cute face and was ready to kiss me ;) I thought she was the cutest doggie kitty I'd seen in a long time.

01-12-2008, 12:34 AM
He sounds adorable.:) My brother and his family have a puggle which is a pug and a beagle mix. She's 1 year old and her name is Molly. I've never met her in person yet but I've seen pictures of her and she sure is a cutie pie. She's a light brown/fawn color and looks more like a pug than a beagle. My parents told me that she's very loving and she a real lap dog too.:)

I don't have any pictures of her on my computer so I looked up puggles and here are 2 of them that look similar to Molly. Unfortunately my brother and SIL got her through a breeder over the internet and she was most likely from a puppy mill.:( She became very sick and had a very bad case of kennel cough. They almost lost her.:(

When my brother contacted the breeder, he just hung up on him so he stopped payment on the check that he had mailed to the breeder. They learned a very valuable lesson about so called breeders and puppy mills. I'm just glad that she's fine now and in a very happy and loving home.:)

Here are the pictures:


01-12-2008, 10:54 AM
Oh my, once you tear yourself away from that adorable face - just look at those little legs - and those paws. A neighbor walks his two pugs and I get such a kick out of them - they are ferocious - barking at all of the other dogs.http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v176/krazyaboutkatz/Pugglepicture2-.jpg