View Full Version : WHY is MATH SO HARD?!

01-10-2008, 07:08 PM
I don't know what I'd really call this thread, but really, I can't STAND math any more!!

I am a Freshmen in High school and I am in one of the easiest math courses, but I still do a crappy job! WHY do I have to find math so difficult? If it wasn't for math I wouldn't have so much stress in my life, if it wasn't for math I wouldn't be off the honor roll for the last 3 years! All my other classes are easy A's or B's. I have good grades in Language Arts, Spanish, Social Studies, Music, Biology, Gym..and the only bad grade..you guessed it: MATH! :mad: :mad: It makes me so mad that I find it so hard. My current average is a 69 and I have a quiz tomorrow. This is a chance to bring up my grade. But guess what? I have no freakin' idea what I AM DOING! :mad: :(

My average last semester was 78 which is a C+, which is good for me, and my parents are fine with that.

I don't get it, I try SO hard. I study for every test, every quiz, I do all my homework, I pay attention, I do all the classwork. WHY can't I just get a decent grade for once. :(

01-10-2008, 07:49 PM
I've been told by several highly educated folks that women tend not to do as well as men in math. However, it is suggested that men tend not to do as well as women in language. There's been a wide variety of studies on the difference between the two genders and their propensity towards language vs. math.

However, that's no excuse. Math is a unique subject in that some people just really "get it" whereas others need an alternate way of looking at it.

I'm one of the latter. I take *forever* to understand a mathematical concept and apply it accordingly. My best advice to you is to get tutoring from *your teacher*. Nobody knows the curriculum better than your teacher, and s/he is an invaluable resource. FWIW, although I have my own hardships, I'm currently in AP Calculus, so I definitely know what you're going through ;)

01-10-2008, 07:56 PM
I did really well in math - as well as anyone else - till I and and the rest of the class got a very poor teacher in grade 9. It was so bad that the students were going to the OTHER math teacher for help, and the principal had to put a stop to it, as poor Mr Hogan was getting worn out.

In grade 10, with geometry and algebra, I had no background to fall on...and just caved horribly.

My teacher, a really nice lady, talked to my parents, who told me that I was going to have tutoring a couple of times a week. I felt SO ashamed, like I must be REALLY stupid to need tutoring.

But just an hour or two a week, the one-on-one of explanation and no time pressure worked wonders. My marks went from 50's and 60's up to the mid 80's! :D (I think I got over 90 on one geometry test!)

Another thing the tutoring showed me was the neat logic in how all this works...like a basic sketch of how the universe and its planets and stars are all connected, if that makes sense. I took a real interest in it!

If your teacher doesn't have time - could another student work with you once or twice a week?

Check it out...tutoring made it really interesting for me, and WORKED! :)

01-10-2008, 08:12 PM
Some people's brains process numbers and math better than others. I agree with Catty1 - see if you can get tutoring, if there is someone who could explain things in a different way that you would understand better.

I'm good at meth, but my sister is GREAT with math. Same teachers all through elementary school, so I attribute it to natural aptitude. That doesn't make math any easier for you to understand, but it may make your own self a little easier to understand.

01-10-2008, 09:00 PM
I'll have to agree with the others, some people's brains work differently. It's a very long story, but I'm 13 and a junior in high school, as I skipped three grades. I go to a normal high school and take normal classes but take an AP (advanced placement) calculus math course. I really enjoy math and it comes easy to me. But it doesn't for everyone. I'll be done with all the math offered at my school and probably will be going and doing a PSEO for math next year. However, even though I'm good at math doesn't mean I'm good in all my other classes. I may get A's and B's, but I struggle immensely with classes like American Literature and even US History. Having a good teacher really, really helps so if you're teacher is good, I'd try asking him/her for help. If that's not an option, I would recommend getting a tutor. I am blessed with a great math teacher who is completely willing to help kids that have trouble with math. However, we do have a really, really bad math teacher who teaches Algebra 1, Geometry, and some other classes. I've been fortunate enough not to have him.

Good luck though! And you also must take this piece of advice, and that is that when you're learning algebra at first, it can be extremely challenging. However, stuff will start to make way more sense once you get the basics down, so I promise you it will get better. Keep it up though, and don't stop trying if you don't get a concept, that's what I do!


01-10-2008, 09:07 PM
I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling in math. I would suggest getting a tutor (maybe your school will provide someone) as this can really help you make the connections in math. Good luck!

01-10-2008, 10:09 PM
I am just like you! Math was so hard and everything else came so easily. In 9th I took pre-algebra and did okay because of an excellent teacher and in 10th I took Algebra 1 and passed with a C only because I had a friend in the class who was good at it. But my last two years I took Applied math which is supposed to be the easiest stuff and struggled some with that. Quite honestly, I still don't know how I managed to get out of high school and through all that math (Class of '07!) But I did it, and I'm sure you will too.

01-10-2008, 10:14 PM
I hate math too...I think you need to practice it EVERYDAY...so that means, do your homework every night. Just doing that will probably help some. I used to do really bad in math til grade 10 or something when my teacher would MAKE you do your homework every night. She'd do checks and all that. My grades went from like 50-60 to a high 80 just from that o_O Imagen, homework actually having a purpose lol. I still find math hard, especially since I haven't used it much since school (other then the basics)

01-11-2008, 08:43 AM
Everyone has different aptitudes. Math uses a part of the brain which some other courses do not.

Check into tutoring. You may never be the brainiest Mathematician ever to visit our planet, but you CAN improve your skill set!

I found Math to be easy. I majored in Mathematics in College and seldom spent more than the minimum homework time involved. Until I hit Analysis. UGH! I eventually dropped the course, in order to keep up my GPA. I stayed with Modern Algebra, "floating" around in 13 dimensional space, absolutely LOVED it. Statistics didn't do much for me, I took the required courses and that was it.

Best wishes!

Pawsitive Thinking
01-11-2008, 09:08 AM
You have my sympathy! I was an absolute dunce when it came to maths - in fact I got a "U" for my exam (didn't stand for "Unspeakably brilliant" either....)

My daughter struggled too so we did find her a tutor for a couple of evenings a week and he got her through her exams with a good grade

Pawsitive Thinking
01-11-2008, 09:09 AM
You have my sympathy! I was an absolute dunce when it came to maths - in fact I got a "U" for my exam (didn't stand for "Unspeakably brilliant" either....)

My daughter struggled too so we found her a tutor for a couple of evenings a week and he got her through her exams with a good grade

smokey the elder
01-11-2008, 09:23 AM
I think math is something that requires a lot of practice for some people. I know in grade school we got TONS of homework, basically I think they acted like mental "pumping iron" for the math part of the brain. For higher math, I found that if I could link it to a real world example (these abound in physics, lol) I had much better luck with it.

But I think you need some unhurried, one-on-one time to find whatever mental "trick" might work.

01-11-2008, 09:25 AM
There was nothing harder for me in school than math was, omg... I thought it was going to be the death of me!!
I'm so sorry you're having a hard time with it.

01-11-2008, 10:13 AM
I'm not a big fan of math.... I'm doing tutoring with a girl who is on homebound instruction right now, and she's taking Algebra 1. I can't believe the stuff I don't remember!! Luckily, there is an online tutoring program offered by the publishers of the math books. Did you try to see if there is something similar with the math book you are using?? Sometimes getting it reinforced through examples by someone other than the teacher can make it a little easier to understand.

Are there others in your class who are also having problems and would want to form a study group??

01-11-2008, 10:54 AM
ugh, you just described me at your age to a T.

The ONLY reason I got through math was going to math summer school, three hours a day, five days a week during summer holiday. I really recommend getting a tutor and doing a couple hours a week.

Hope you do better.

01-11-2008, 11:35 AM
And you also must take this piece of advice, and that is that when you're learning algebra at first, it can be extremely challenging. However, stuff will start to make way more sense once you get the basics down, so I promise you it will get better. Keep it up though, and don't stop trying if you don't get a concept, that's what I do!


This is an excellent piece of advice. :) If you can understand the basics,
you will do so much better later on. Don't skip over any concept that you
don't understand completely. Good luck to you.

M&M's Mommy
01-11-2008, 12:15 PM
I am very good at math. Got A+ on all the math classes I ever took, and being a science major, that was a lots! I've also worked as a math substitute teacher at a highschool after I first graduated from college, and lots of peer-tutoring while still in school. If you need help on math questions, maybe you can pm me, and I will see if I can help..

Math is a very important subject throughout your education and later in life. Maybe you can find a tutor who can help you understand the concepts. If you study hard, do all your homeworks but still do bad in tests, it is because you're doing them in a automatic/mechanical way without really understand what's going on. A good tutor/teacher can definitely help you get better in this subject.

01-11-2008, 12:21 PM
I'm an Art major -- Math was extremely a difficult class for me.. any level of it.. I never did that well but considering from B- to C-.. I got by! Just study the material per night.

01-11-2008, 01:40 PM
As you can see you are not alone, my 15 yr old daughter struggles with maths too, she is really good at English and languages and IT though, so as i tell her you can't be good at everything, for her she lacks confidence, she thinks she is really bad, but her grades are passes, only just, but if she were that bad she would be failing.

I wish math could be as simple at 2+2=4 myself, i was also not very good at maths,but hey i can count,balance my bank account and do what is necessary in life, unless you chosen career needs good passes in maths, one gets by on the basics don't they?

It is obvious you try hard and do your best to your ability, so don't be so hard on yourself, maybe some extra tutoring might be the answer, honestly i believe if you have a great teacher, you can be taught anything, in my daughter's case she just needs that and i think she will do just fine.

Wishing you the best of luck.

Miss Z
01-12-2008, 03:31 PM
I'm so sorry you're struggling, Alyssa. I know it can really prey on your mind when it feels like the work isn't paying off. I agree that maths clicks with some people amazingly and others just can see how it works logically, and it's frustrating, but I'm sure your classwork is appreciated and noted by your teacher. I would start there for advice.

In the meantime, concentrate on what you enjoy and are good at and keep achieving in those areas. There's nothing worse than fretting so much over one weakness that the strengths start to fail too. Good luck! We're all proud of you no matter what. ;)

01-12-2008, 08:17 PM
Thanks for the support guys. I know I am not the only one who struggles with math. I know tons of people who do. It's definitely not an easy subject. About the tutoring...I am not sure I'd be willing to do that honestly. I've had tutors and private instructors before and they didn't really help me, at all. It may have been a long time ago but it'll be a waste of money if it doesn't help again. My teacher is nice but he isn't a good teacher at all. Last year in math I got a B- the first two marking periods because I had an excellent teacher. She really helped me if I didn't understand it. But now..I am not sure if he even KNOWS what he's doing. WHAT I can do is ask the extra help teacher(who is in our class and helps the real one)for help though. She's much better at math then my normal teacher. Thanks again for the help and support. :) I appreciate it.

01-12-2008, 11:34 PM
I still count on my fingers. What does that say????:o

01-13-2008, 07:48 AM
I've been told by several highly educated folks that women tend not to do as well as men in math. However, it is suggested that men tend not to do as well as women in language. There's been a wide variety of studies on the difference between the two genders and their propensity towards language vs. math.

Well, they are right. Math is one of the easiest classes for me, after that is Science, after that is Social Studies (my teature in this class is a extreme nut, she makes this class the funnest), and my worst class is Language Arts.

01-13-2008, 10:56 AM
I still count on my fingers. What does that say????:o

I do too- and I studied math at university. Mathematics is not about calculating. Many mathematicians are bad in calculating.

I was never good in maths in lower grades because I always got the wrong results. I started to become good when it was no longer about knowing what 5 times 13 is but about algebra and especially vector geometry :D. I still love it but for my husband it was a torture at school and he still hates it. Both of us were able to make our way in life ;) I still hope that you may discover the fun in math as I think it is such a rewarding discipline. And for that getting the basics right and start from there is the right way.

Miss Z
01-13-2008, 12:06 PM
Oh, forgot to mention in my last post that even though lately I haven't been on PT an awful lot, if you ever get stuck with any mathematics then feel free to PM (or e-mail) me at any time and I'll try to help. I'm planning to take Further Maths at A-level soon, so I generally click with maths! I know the teaching systems vary enormously in the US to those here, but I reckon that the basic concepts will be the same. Anyway, just to let you know you have that option available whenever. ;)

(That applies to anyone else who would like academic help with maths or any other subject!)

Oh, and I must say I agree entirely with Barbara about how maths can be understood. Fire 20 multiplications at me, and I'm pretty unlikely to figure them out quickly. I am pretty useless at mental arithmetic! Yet write down a multi-step problem for me to sit down and ponder over for a while, and I'll usually get it. The best mathmaticians can see the logic behind the question, not necessarily being someone just good with numbers.

01-13-2008, 12:19 PM
Alyssa, I'm in the same boat when it comes to Chemistry.. except worse. I just barely pulled a 62 for the last semester... not something to be proud of. I highly doubt I'll pass the class as a whole. Its also ruining my chance at a good scholarship. My grade-point average has plummeted down, and without a decent average, my 26 on the ACT is basically worthless.

If only I had the brains like my sister.. she's good at every subject.

Good luck, Alyssa! I know how stressful these things can get. Just sit back and take a breather every now and then, it helps. :] I wish I could be of better help to you.

Suki Wingy
01-13-2008, 10:16 PM
I hear ya too! Algebra was a major cause of stress in my life. 2 years in summer school later, I've passed.

01-13-2008, 11:52 PM
I feel your pain. I'm still lousy at any subject that involves logic. :rolleyes: :eek: What's that say about me??? Still have a slight case of numerical dyslexia, spent 3 years in summer school for Algebras and geomety and still count on my fingers and hate the 9x table. John however uses the other side of his brain and is a math whiz. Gawd I hate him. On the bright side, give me a crossword puzzle, books, books, books. Love writing (ya think?) A private tutor helped me. He went so s-l-o-w but I finally aced it. Went from a 42 average to a 70 in less than a year and the teacher was so impressed, he gave me a B and I graduated. Those were the days. Thankfully I had a great supportr system. My parents never got mad, just helpful.

Lady's Human
01-13-2008, 11:52 PM
I struggled with Algebra II and Trig. I got through the classes mainly through the assistance of my next door neighbor, who was a mathematician. My problems weren't with the formulae, they were with dealing with the abstract. Chemistry and Physics I did very well with, as you had concrete results as opposed to a mishmash of X's and Y's.

I have to disagree with the statement about females being worse at math than males, as the best person in dealing with pure math is our older sister. There are also female mathematicians scattered through history,most notably Ada Lovelace and Madame Curie (You can't separate the physics from the math) I personally think it has more to do with nurture and societal expectations than ability.

01-14-2008, 03:51 PM
I am not surprised alot of people really don't understand math. IT IS extremely hard for alot of people. We got progress reports today and I got a D in math which is Danger of Failing at a 69. I will bring it up lol. I have alot of easy things coming up that should boost it to at least a 76