View Full Version : FIP - your experiences.

01-10-2008, 03:14 PM
For the first time, I have just lost a kitten to FIP. Feronia was no longer in my care, having been adopted out about three weeks ago. She was beautiful, inside and out. A very pale silver tabby with blue eyes and the sweetest face, who managed to be both naughty and nice. The people who adopted her took good care of her, taking her to the vet as soon as she was sick, euthanizing as soon as she was suffering, but it's still a tremendous shock.

Two other kittens from the same adoption center were euthanized for FIP last year, and I'm hearing from many in my group that they have seen a greatly increased number of FIP deaths this year. Is this happening in your area of the country?

Fiorella is Feronia's sister and at home in isolation in my bedroom. I took her from the center when she continued lethargic after a URI (untreated, the shelter's call). She has tested negative to FIP but still sleeps 99% of the time and has little energy or curiosity. A few months ago, she and her eight brothers and sisters were racing around trashing my bedroom and causing all kinds of havoc. Now, one is dead and another lies quietly on my bed. We still don't know what is wrong with her. The shelter vet says it could still be FIP even though her test came back negative.

I know others here have lost kittens and cats to FIP. Did any of yours test negative but were really positive? Did any stay lethargic but eat fairly well and respond to fussing? Fiorella is not suffering, that we can tell. She does eat, though not as much as a 7 month old kitten should eat, and she adores cuddling with me in bed. I keep trying to prepare myself for losing her but it's hard when I don't know what is wrong with her. She isn't anemic, doesn't have any other symptoms of illness.

We are only in the second week of this new year and I have lost two cats already. I'm about to leave work to take Smoky Jones to the shelter vet because he's stopped eating. He's in a separate room but I'm afraid now that if she does have FIP, it has gone to him. He has extreme malabsorption problems and is skeletal; he can't afford to not eat even for part of a day. Fingers crossed and positive thoughts, everyone, for both of these cats.

01-10-2008, 04:19 PM
I Glad That You Are Smoky Jones To The Vets , If Its Bad News You Dont Want Him To Suffer, And Your Vet May Be Able To Help Him.
If Hes Not Eating Then He Should Go In, And Maybe Even Become An Angel. Thats A Hard Thing As I Dont Love Smoky Jones The Way That You Do, But I Dont Think That Hes A Happy Cat If Hes That Thin And Cant Eat.
We Are Praying For Smoky Jones That He Can Be Helped.
The Only FIP I Have Seen Is With The Porch Cats That Come Here With Siffling And Runny Eyes , Haggard And Dirty!!
We Pray For Those Poor Cats Every Day.

01-10-2008, 04:50 PM
FIP (Feline Infectious Paratonitis) is a Carona virus. There are many types. The "wet" one is the one that is fatal.

Just because a cat tests positive for it, doesn't mean he has it. It means he's been exposed to it. MooShoo, my sphynx tested positive for it at 3 months. He's a 17.6 lb tub of cat and healthy as a horse.

Cats can live long lives with FIP depending upon what kind of STRAIN it is.

01-10-2008, 05:13 PM
I am so sorry Lizzie. FIP is the worst of the worst for our kitties. All I really know about it is that the test that they run to see if they have it, is really not that reliable. They are sometimes wrong, and sometimes it takes a few tries.... I would not depend on the test, IMO.

I would just be careful, and look for the symptoms to arise. And I know how careful you are with trying not to pass it along. Keep your head up, and I will pray for these babies...

01-10-2008, 05:47 PM
Prayers for Smoky Jones and for sweet Fiorella. Has she had a full blood work up? Poor baby, it isn't right for a 7 month old to sleep all the time.

01-10-2008, 07:06 PM
The shelter vet says it could still be FIP even though her test came back negative.

There is no definitive, reliable test for FIP. It can only be conclusively determined at necropsy.
The test they perform is for the coronaviruses.
I don't know how she can be NEG for corona and have FIP.

Has she had her distemper FVRCP series?
The lethargy sounds like panluek. Does she have any vomiting or diarrhea?

I have lost two former fosters to FIP, that is 4.5%, much higher than average.

Our best thoughts for your sick ones.