View Full Version : Is There A Way To

01-09-2008, 04:34 PM
To find someone's cell phone number from their address? They
evidently don't have a land line so I'm hoping I can reach him with
a cell number.

I had a fender bender with this guy's SUV in the bank parking lot. :rolleyes:
I need more info from him for my insurance co.

01-09-2008, 04:35 PM
Not from a cell phone, I don't believe so anyway. I've tried before :(

EDIT: Well you meant the other way around, but still no I don't believe you can. I know you can obviously look up a landline in the phone book but cell phones are completely different. They should start adding cell phone numbers to the phone books, though. Maybe you could if you knew his cell phone company, but I'm pretty sure if you called them to ask for his address they wouldn't give it to you for obvious security reasons. Can you mail him a letter to his address and have him call you?

01-09-2008, 04:40 PM
Not from a cell phone, I don't believe so anyway. I've tried before :(

EDIT: Well you meant the other way around, but still no I don't believe you can. I know you can obviously look up a landline in the phone book but cell phones are completely different. They should start adding cell phone numbers to the phone books, though. Maybe you could if you knew his cell phone company, but I'm pretty sure if you called them to ask for his address they wouldn't give it to you for obvious security reasons. Can you mail him a letter to his address and have him call you?

Well I have the man's name & address, I need more info from him & since
the address is a different part of town, I don't feel comfortable going to the
house of someone I don't know. I was hoping for a cell number.

01-09-2008, 04:44 PM
way to omuch and not even sure it will work


01-09-2008, 04:46 PM
Well I have the man's name & address, I need more info from him & since
the address is a different part of town, I don't feel comfortable going to the
house of someone I don't know. I was hoping for a cell number.
If you wrote a letter and mailed it to his address you should get an answer in a few days, if he checks his mail and isn't lazy, lol.

01-09-2008, 04:52 PM
My son had an accident years ago and the person who hit him claimed to not speak English. Turns out he could just fine but that's another story. :rolleyes: Anyway my son needed some additional information for his insurance (which I can't remember right now what it was). Was there a policeman on the scene where you had your fender bender? If so, the police department should be able to help you.

01-09-2008, 05:00 PM
My son had an accident years ago and the person who hit him claimed to not speak English. Turns out he could just fine but that's another story. :rolleyes: Anyway my son needed some additional information for his insurance (which I can't remember right now what it was). Was there a policeman on the scene where you had your fender bender? If so, the police department should be able to help you.

No, the police weren't called because it was minor damages & no injuries.

We exchanged info at the time but, I need more of his Ins. info. Called
a non emergency police number & asked but they will not give out
information over the phone.

01-09-2008, 06:09 PM
If your insurance company is involved, they will track it all down. You should not have to.

01-09-2008, 06:33 PM
If your insurance company is involved, they will track it all down. You should not have to.

They will sort it all out if they make the claim on my insurance & charge
me my deductable. :( It was the other guys fault & I'd like to place the
claim with his insurance co.

I think I'll probably just end up mailing him a letter. I'll call the BMV
tomorrow & try for info that way too.
Thanks anyway. :)

01-09-2008, 08:37 PM
Not that I understand all the legaleeze stuff, especially not for Indiana, but if it's the other guy's fault and you want to make a claim against his insurance co. then wouldn't you have to have a police report to legally verify it WAS his fault?? I'm confused.

01-09-2008, 09:45 PM
Ummm...if you have his license plate number, your insurance co. can track him in no time! :)

Ginger's Mom
01-10-2008, 06:10 AM
The answer to your initial question is no, there is no way to find out if someone has a cell phone simply from their name and address. But, other than that I am not exactly sure what you are trying to do. I guess my guess is that he did not provide you with the name and policy number for his insurance. Is that correct? If he did provide that, did you contact his insurance company and did they tell you they couldn't find his policy? I would think that it would be up to them to contact him for any discrepancies if they found his policy. I think Catlady is probably right. If you want to contact his insurance company and file an at fault claim (as opposed to going for a no fault claim through your company and and paying the deductible), you are going to need an accident report from the police department. The police can then run some DMV computer checks to get info on his insurance.

Have you verified that the address he gave you is a valid address? If you want to pm the name and address to me and let me know what information you are looking for, I may be able to some public information searches. Not sure how much it will help, but I would be happy to try.

01-10-2008, 07:27 AM
Even if it isn't your fault, your ins. co. should contact his ins. co. That's what your agent is for.

01-10-2008, 02:21 PM
Well, I've exhausted all resources available to me & still have not located
the guy. Found out even the address he gave was false. The police won't
trace the plate because they were not involved to begin with. It is common
practice here to not call them for a minor accident with no injuries and only
"minor" damage, but I wish to heck I had called anyway. :(

I sat down and had a good cry & then called my insurance co to take
care of the damages on my policy. I will have to pay my $250.00 deductable
myself. :( :( A very expensive lesson learned here. I will never trust anyone
again, ever.

My ins. compnay said they will make a good faith effort to track him down
with all the info I did have. I'll believe it when I see it. :rolleyes:

01-10-2008, 03:39 PM
Oh boy, that stinks. I'm not sure of your laws but here in OH, if it happened on private property, the police don't usually get involved; otherwise, they do. Well, it probably isn't much consolation but 'what goes 'round, comes 'round'. He's racking up some bad karma. At least there were no injuries.

01-10-2008, 05:46 PM
Well, I've exhausted all resources available to me & still have not located
the guy. Found out even the address he gave was false. The police won't
trace the plate because they were not involved to begin with. It is common
practice here to not call them for a minor accident with no injuries and only
"minor" damage, but I wish to heck I had called anyway. :(

I sat down and had a good cry & then called my insurance co to take
care of the damages on my policy. I will have to pay my $250.00 deductable
myself. :( :( A very expensive lesson learned here. I will never trust anyone
again, ever.

My ins. compnay said they will make a good faith effort to track him down
with all the info I did have. I'll believe it when I see it. :rolleyes:
Oh man I'm sorry... what a low-life piece of scum that guy was!!!!!!!!!

If it makes you feel any better, at least you only had to pay the deductible! :)

01-10-2008, 08:01 PM
I hope your insurance company can trace the plate. What a b******!!!! :mad:

I don't know about the laws in your state, but he could be charged with fraud. Did that not occur to the cops???? :confused: