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View Full Version : A customer of mine passed away..

01-09-2008, 08:58 AM
I'm sorry to bring this depressing matter up, but I'm just so shocked.

A regular at my worked passed away. I've been working there for 4 years now , and this man has come in everyday (maybe he missed like...a few days for appointments and stuff but not many. He'd been coming in for years before that, too.) I often talked to him about things in my life, my pets, my family, what I'm doing, things that bug me, and he did the same thing....He sometimes would get on my nerves with things he said or how he acted, but he was a good person. Everyday at 3:00 I would think "Oh, Ralph should be here soon I imagen" I actually did enjoy talking to him, it's so weird I won't again.

My dad told me this morning his name is in the paper saying he passed away. I've been on break since before xmas, and I don't think I've seen him since the saturday before. My mom said he was in last friday. It's just so weird. He hasn't been in the last few days so I thought it was really odd. I thought he must be sick. Is it weird that I'm sad...?

I forgot to mention he didn't seem sick or anything...I'm not sure what he died of, but the paper said to send donations to the cancer society, so maybe that's it. He had some type of skin cancer removed years ago before I started there....and another small bit removed a few months ago...he seemed fine though...

Pawsitive Thinking
01-09-2008, 09:00 AM
Is it weird that I'm sad...?

Not at all...its lovely.

I am sure he enjoyed his daily chats with you too

01-09-2008, 09:44 AM
You have our condolences. Do send a note to his family telling them what you told us, I'm sure it will mean a lot to them.

01-09-2008, 02:29 PM
You have our condolences. Do send a note to his family telling them what you told us, I'm sure it will mean a lot to them.
Yes, do write if you have a moment. I have done that, and almost always receive a nice letter back; months later! It is not at all weird that you are sad, he was more than a "face" as a customer can be, he was a conversation buddy! So sorry for your loss.