View Full Version : Thoughts on Primary Day

01-08-2008, 02:51 PM
As if you don't have enough political coverage on the news right now I am bringing it to Pet Talk. :p I don't know who you are favoring at this point in the campaign but my reason for starting this thread is just to encourage people, if you haven't already done so, to consider Ron Paul this year or at least educate yourselves on his message. My brother has encouraged me to do so and I must tell you I am glad he did. RP is not getting fair coverage on the news right now but hopefully that will change. I am slowly starting to see bumper stickers and signs along the roadside bearing his name. I am simply starting this thread to bring some attention to his campaign. I am hoping this thread will stay peaceful and I probably won't have much to say from this point on. I would just like everyone to listen to his message.

Lady's Human
01-08-2008, 02:53 PM
Change Pat Buchanan into a Dr from Texas and you have Ron Paul. The only difference is a more media savvy campaign staff.

01-08-2008, 04:47 PM
Pam, my neighbors across the street from me have had their Ron Paul
poster in their yard for a few weeks now.It prompted me to check him
out more closely. He did get TV coverage in the recent debates. It's
funny, but If I asked a question of any of the candidates running, he is
the only one, who I think, would give me a straight answer. :)